Insensibility. Delirium, also violent, with loss of consciousness. Frightful visions. Hurriedness. Imbecility. Intellectual labor fatigues him. Gloominess of the head, with vertigo, and excited by motion. Stupid feeling, with soreness of the eyes, or bruised pain in the forehead. Confusion of the head, with pain as after intoxication or watching. Emptiness of the head, with great indifference. Giddy staggering when walking. Vertigo as if intoxicated. Vertigo in the evening. Vertigo after dinner. Vertigo with obscuration of sight. Vertigo with roaring in the ears. Aggravation of the vertigo by taking and meditating. Vertigo, especially when sitting. When stooping, his head feels heavy. Apoplectic fit, with loss of consciousness, blue-redness and bloatedness of the face, loss of motion, violent beating of the heart, collapse of the pulse, and rattling breathing.


Heaviness of the head. Headache when moving the eyes deep in the orbits. Hemicrania, as if the brain would burst. The head feels stupid any heavy. Creeping pain in the forehead. Headache, resembling pulsations in the brain. Beating headache, about midnight. Stinging beating, with rush of blood to the head. Aching pain in the head when stooping. Lacerating in one side of the head, also in the ear and teeth. Jerking lacerating, or drawing-darting lacerating. Cutting headache. Drawing pain, extending into the ear and teeth. Drawing pain, with heaviness and creeping in the brain, attended with failure of sight and hearing, and succeeded by chilliness. Headache: the brain feels tight, with a boring pain in the vertex. Constrictive pain in the temples. Boring sticking, with obscuration of sight, humming in the ears, and vertigo. Humming in the head. Pulsative sensation in the brain, when walking, like the snapping of an electric spark. Headache, as if from intoxication and watching. Hemicrania, also with nausea and vomiting. Sticking hemicrania. Headache in the evening, as if from dry coryza, succeeded by dry heat in bed, with excessive drowsiness, delirious fancies, and almost waking dreams. Headache, as if from overloading the stomach, or from eating fat meat. Headache from a cold. Headache from abuse of Mercurius Headache in the evening, or early in the morning in bed, or at night. Aggravation of the headache, mostly in the evening, and continuance of the headache through the night. Amelioration of the headache by mediation or by compressing the head. Small tumors on the hairy scalp, with ulcerative pain. Pimples on the forehead. Sweat on the hairy scalp and face.


Violent lacerating, boring, and cutting in the eye. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure, as if from sand, particularly when reading. Sticking in the eyes when shaking the head. Pressure when looking in the light. Stinging itching. Inflammation of the eyes. Inflammation of the margins of the lids, also with swelling. Inflammation of the meibomian glands. Redness and swelling of the lids. Stye, also with inflammation of the white. Trichiasis on the upper lid. Obscuration of the cornea. Cataract. Dryness of the eyes, with pressure as from a foreign body, early in the morning. Lachrymation in the open air, also with dimness of sight. Lachrymation in cold air, in the wind. Blear-eyedness. Sharp, biting, corrosive tears. Abscess in the canthus, as if a fistula-lachrymalis would form. Dimness of sight, as if through mist. Dimness of sight on getting warm by exercise. Obscuration of sight on rising in the morning. Paleness of sight. Obscuration of sight, with inclination to vomit, and paleness of the face. Frequent paroxysms of obscuration of sight. Incipient amaurosis. Hemeralopia. Diplopia. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Fiery circles before the eyes, increasing in size towards noon, going off in the evening.


Pain in the ear as if something would press out. Otalgia, also inflammatory. Darting through the ears, also lacerating darting. Darting in the outer ear, succeeded by heat. Stinging in the ears. Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped up. Heat, redness, and swelling of the ear. Pus flows out of the ears, also after measles and other exanthematous diseases. Itching deep in the ear. Painful glandular swelling between the antihelix and the articulation of the lower jaw. Stinging in the parotid gland. Cracking in the ear when moving the head or body. Rush of blood to the organs of hearing. Pulsative murmuring in the ear. Frequent buzzing in the ear. Noise in the ear as if caused by the wind or by the rustling of water.


Pressure in the root of the nose. Ulceration of the external wing of the nose. Darting pain in the nose. Illusion of smell. Haemorrhage from the nose, with dry coryza. Dry coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Green, fetid discharge from the nose. Sneezing.


Pale face. Yellowish complexion. Alternate redness and paleness. Red, bloated face during the febrile heat. Puffed, blue-red face, during a fit of apoplexy. Heat in the face. Sweat in the face and the on the hairy scalp. Erysipelas in the face, with stinging and subsequent peeling off of the skin.


Contractive pain in the jaws, as if occasioned by an acid, accompanied with shuddering and a cold sweat in the face. Pain of the submaxillary glands, on deglutition. Rheumatic toothache. Toothache of pregnant females. Toothache from cold, particularly in the spring, and generally attended with otalgia, hemicrania, chilliness, and pale face. The toothache comes on again every time he eats. Toothache comes on as soon as he takes anything warm, into his mouth. Drawing-jerking toothache, aggravated by drinking anything cold. Drawing toothache, as if the nerves were put upon a stretch and let loose again suddenly, also with fine stitches in the gums. Gnawing drawing in the teeth. Lacerating toothache, also sticking lacerating. Digging or beating in decayed teeth, with drawing extending to the eye. Pain in the teeth as if they would be pushed forward. The tooth is painful when chewing or biting. The teeth are loose early in the morning. The gums are painful as if sore.


Bad smell from the mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Ptyalism, also with inclination to vomit. The tongue is lined with a tenacious mucus as with a kind of fur. White tongue, with bad taste in the mouth, early in the morning. Sensation in the middle of the tongue as if it were burnt and insensible. The tongue is parched and coated grey. Stinging sore throat. Pressure and tension in the throat on swallowing. Sore throat: cutting pain in the throat. Sore throat: sensation, on swallowing, as if the back part of the throat were narrower than usual or closed by swelling; pain, when swallowing, as if the submaxillary glands were protruding into the throat. The back part of the throat is painful as if it were raw. Burning and cutting during deglutition. Scraping and raw sensation in the throat, as after violent vomiting. Pharyngitis. Difficulty of swallowing, as if from paralysis of the muscles of deglutition.


Slimy taste in the mouth, and inclination to vomit, early in the morning. Taste as of putrid meat in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. Nauseating taste from smoking tobacco. He has a constantly bitter, bilious taste in the mouth, especially after a meal. Every kind of nourishment tastes bitter to him. Loss of appetite. Gnawing sensation in the stomach like canine hunger. Desires food, but does not relish it. Thirst, with putrid eructations. Nausea with inclination to vomit. Intolerable nausea with inclination to vomit, without vomiting. Inclination to vomit with chilliness. Sensation of nausea and inclination to vomit in the epigastric region, especially after a meal. Vomiting of the food which had been taken a long time ago. Vomiting of food in the evening; afterwards bitter taste in the mouth and dullness of teeth. Short vomiting of bile. Nausea and inclination to vomit, evening or night, or with tingling in the pit of the stomach. Water-brash. Salt or sour vomiting, in the evening, after a walk in the open air, and with nausea. Bitter-sour vomiting. Bitter vomiting early in the morning. Vomiting of mucus, also particularly in bed after supper, discharging with great exertions green, watery, and sour substances, causing a burning in the oesophagus. Vomiting after every meal, or long after the meal. Haematemesis. Before the vomiting; chilliness. Stitches in the ear. Pale face. After the vomiting, burning in the oesophagus. Bitterness of the mouth. Loss of appetite.


After a meal: eructations, tasting of the ingesta, also with subsequent inclination to vomit. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the stomach. Heaviness of the head. Stiffness of the neck. Shortness of breath. Nausea, with disposition to vomit. Vomiting. Frequent eructations, particularly after a meal. Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta. Sour eructations. Bitter, bilious eructations. Gulping up of a bitter fluid. Hiccough, with suffocative paroxysms. Nausea, as if arising from great heat of the body. Nausea while eating, the food becoming repulsive.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.