Pain in the pit of the stomach during an inspiration. Pain on pressure. Pain after eating. Gnawing in the stomach, as if hungry. Aching, afterwards darting pain in the pit of the stomach. Aching-drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning. Tension from the pit of the stomach to the chest. Cardialgia. Griping-lacerating in the stomach, early on rising. Griping in the pit of the stomach. Tingling in the pit of the stomach. Beating in the region of the stomach. Perceptible pulsation in the pit of the stomach. Gastritis. Increase of pain in the hypochondria and pit of the stomach, during pregnancy. Drawing-tensive pain in the hypochondria. Hepatitis. Sticking in the region of the liver, also particularly when walking. Diaphragmitis.


Colic, relieved by rest, aggravated by motion. Colic only when walking. Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on, with natural stool. Pressing in the abdomen. Abdominal spasms, particularly in pregnant females. Lacerating in the abdomen. Griping. Pinching in the whole abdomen. Pinching, with griping, rumbling, and diarrhoea. Cutting colic above the umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in. Enteritis. Abdominal congestion. Distention of the abdomen, after every meal. Flatulent colic of hysteric females. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent purging, griping, and pinching. Painful sensitiveness of the abdominal walls, after a loose stool, accompanied with violent thirst. Swelling of the abdominal walls, with tensive pain.


Obstinate constipation. Alternate costiveness and diarrhoea. Difficult evacuation, with painful pressing and pain in the back. Frequent urging to stool, as if diarrhoea would set in. Frequent loose stool mixed with mucus. Frequent passages of mere mucus, every evacuation being preceded by colic. Evacuations consisting of nothing but loose mucus mixed with blood. Diarrhoea, one or two stools at night, green as bile; every discharge being preceded by rumbling. These kinds of nightly diarrhoea are characteristic of Pulsatilla, and there is scarcely a drug which occasions them as often. Diarrhoea, first green, then slimy. Stool like stirred eggs, preceded and succeeded by cutting. Watery diarrhoea at night. Diarrhoea, with cutting in the abdomen. Loose acrid stool in the morning. Slimy diarrhoea. Diarrhoea after measles. Dysenteric diarrhoea. During stool: shaking chill, with goose flesh. Burning in the rectum. Painful soreness of the rectum. After stool: pain in the abdomen, also colicky pain, as from flatulence. Soreness of the anus. Pressure in the rectum. Stinging in the rectum. Blind haemorrhoids, with itching. Discharge of blood. Painful protruding blind haemorrhoids.


Retention of urine. Constrictive pain in the abdomen extending as far as the bladder, with pressure as from a stone. Tenesmus of the bladder. Catarrh of the bladder. Frequent, almost ineffectual urging to urinate, with cutting pain during micturition.

Difficult emission of urine, drop by drop. Incontinence of urine. Copious flow of urine. Frequent desire to urinate, with drawing in the abdomen, particularly in pregnant females. Enuresis- nocturna. Colorless watery urine. (Jelly-like sediment.) Urine with brick-colored sediment. Haematuria, with purulent sediment and pains in the kidneys. After micturition: spasmodic pain in the neck of the bladder, extending to the pelvis and thighs. Gonorrhoeal discharge from the urethra, almost like semen, with burning immediately after micturition. Discharge of drops of blood in gonorrhoea. Bad effects from suppression of gonorrhoea.


Itching-smarting pain in the outer and inner prepuce. Swelling of the scrotum. Lacerating pain in the testes. Drawing and drawing-tensive pains from the abdomen through the spermatic cord into the testicles. Swelling of the testicles after bruises and contusions. Burning of the testicles, without swelling. Hydrocele. Inflammation of the prostate gland. Excessive sexual desire. Erections day and night. Frequent erections, with discharge of prostatic fluid. Emission after onanism.


Drawing-pressing pain towards the uterus, with inclination to vomit every morning. Drawing-tensive pain in the abdomen, resembling labor-pains. Uterine spasms, resembling labor-pains. Inflammation of the uterus. Burning stinging in the vagina and labiae. Suppression of the menses. Suppression of the menses, with nausea and disposition to vomit. Suppression of the menses, with coldness of the body, chilliness, and trembling of the feet. Too early menses: Menses too long or too short. Profuse menses. Pulsatilla is suitable in cases of delaying menses. Before the menses: chilliness, stretching, and yawning. Heaviness in the abdomen, as of a stone. Pressing on the rectum, like urging to stool. Hepatic colic. Abdominal spasms. Colic, with vomiting. Water- brash. Vertigo and eructations. Pressure in the bladder and rectum. Cardialgia. Pleuritic stitches during and before the menses. During the menses: sticking in the chest during an inspiration. Pain in the stomach, oppression in the pit of the stomach, cardialgia. Pressure in the abdomen and small of the back, as from a stone. Spasmodic, almost burning pains in the abdomen. Nocturnal nausea, with discharge of water from the mouth. Chilliness and paleness of face. Hemicrania. Mental derangement. Obscuration of sight and aggravation of the symptoms in a warm room. The blood is thick and black, flowing by fits and starts. The blood flows only in the daytime when walking, not at night. The blood is viscid, clotty, thick, dark, or else pale and watery. Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhoea, burning. Thin acrid leucorrhoea. Milky leucorrhoea, also painless, or with swelling of the pudendum, or particularly after the menses. Discharge of thick white mucus, particularly when lying, or before and during the menses, with cutting in the abdomen. In lying-in females: suppression of the lochia, with burning feeling of fullness in the parts. Puerperal fever. Deficiency of milk. Ailments from weaning. Swelling of the breasts, also pressing tension in the breasts, as if milk would appear in them, or with painful sticking and discharge of thin acrid milk. In new-born infants: ophthalmia. Chafing of the skin of infants.


Catarrhal huskiness of the chest, early in the morning after rising, with cough and expectoration of tenacious white mucus, or of yellow, thick lumps. Hoarseness. Scraping and dryness in the throat. Cough excited by an accumulation of mucus and a tickling in the trachea. Cough excited by yawning. Dry night-cough, going off when sitting up in bed. Continuous cough in the evening after lying down. Cough, with pain in the chest. Violent cough, with difficult expectoration, with painful sticking in the chest and sides. Cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus. Cough with a bitter expectoration. Greenish expectoration. Expectoration having a putrid taste. Haemoptoe. Cough, with expectoration of pieces of dark, coagulated blood. Haemoptoe at night, or until evening. Cough with purulent expectoration, hectic fever, and corroded, ulcerated lungs. During the cough: sensation as if the stomach would torn, unto vomiting. Pain in the chest. Stitches in the side. Stitches in the shoulder. Stitches in the back. Headache. Shocks in the abdomen. Pain in the small of the back. Palpitation of the heart.


Rattling breathing. Quick, short breathing. Dyspnoea and vertigo, accompanied with weakness in the head, when lying on the back. Dyspnoea at night in bed, as if the throat were constricted. Dyspnoea, excited and aggravated by cold air. Asthma, aggravated by exercise and by ascending an eminence. Spasmodic asthma. Evening asthma, particularly after a meal. Oppression of the chest on walking fast. Suffocative fit with hiccough. Suffocative fit, as from a spasm in the throat and chest. Attacks of asthma-millari. Spasms of the chest, with short cough and suffocative paroxysms. Constriction across the chest. Spasmodic sensation through the chest. Spasmodic pains across the chest. Pain in the side, with cough, not allowing one to lie on the side. Sticking in the side, only when lying, particularly at night. Sticking in the chest, aggravated by drawing deep breath. Cutting pain in the chest, here and there. Typhoid pneumonia. Paroxysms of burning in the chest. Dull stitches in the region of the heart, with continual pressure, anxiety impeding respiration, relieved by walking. Heaviness, pressure, and burning in the region of the heart. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams. Pain of the chest as from bruises.


Aching pain in the small of the back, as if weary. Stiffness and pain when lying, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Pain as if dislocated, during motion. Sticking pain in the small of the back and the abdomen, with cutting pains in the abdomen which arrest the breathing. The back is painful, and stiff as a board. Lacerating pain in the back. Sticking pain in the back and across the chest. Interstitial distention and curvature of the dorsal vertebrae nearest the neck. Drawing-tensive pain in the loins. Sticking pain between the scapulae during motion, arresting the breathing. Sticking pain in the nape of the neck. Drawing-tensive pain in the nape of the neck. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, with weariness of the feet. Swelling on the nape of the neck.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.