Rheumatic pain in the jaws. Ulcerative pain, with throbbing, in the articulation of the jaw. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache, with swelling of the gums, and violent fever. Extreme sensitiveness of the lower teeth. Toothache, particularly when eating. Dull drawing aching pains in the hollow tooth, after taking cold. Lacerating toothache, only at night. Toothache, day and night, relieved by warmth, with bleeding of the gums, coldness of the body the whole day and thirst. Looseness of the teeth. Ulcerative pain of the lower gums of the left side. Loose gums. Bleeding gums.


Abscess near the fraenum. Dry mouth and tongue. Burning about the tip of the tongue as if the tongue, as if it were cracked. Heavy speech, from want of mobility of the tongue.


Pressing sore throat, after stooping, difficult deglutition owing to soreness. pressure in the oesophagus. Rough, dry, scraping and acrid sensation in the throat, at different periods. Inflammation of the throat, with swelling of the right tonsil, and stitches and choking on the left side of the throat, as if from a swelling, day and night.


Food has a bitter, scraping taste. Sour taste in the mouth, and tongue every much coated. A good deal of thirst. Neither hunger nor appetite, morning and evening. Speedy repletion. Great appetite. Constant hunger. Rabid hunger, from a qualmish feeling of emptiness.


Diarrhoea after drinking milk. Sticking in the left hypochondrium. Disagreeable sensation of the stomach after eating. Chilliness with internal heat after a meal. Great erections. Sour eructations. Bitter eructations. Gulping-up of sweetish water. Violent, painful hiccough, sometimes with bitter erections. Water-brash. Nausea at the stomach, morning or forenoon going off after dinner. Constant qualmishness. Nausea and erection. Violent nausea, with inclination to vomit, heat in the face, retching, hawking up of mucus, and finally vomiting of frothy tasteless mucus. Vomiting of a fetid, sour fluid. resembling loam-water (when coughing). After vomiting, dull headache, no appetite, tongue coated white and nauseous, insipid taste.


The region of the stomach is painful to the touch. Sensation as if the stomach were fasting. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone. Pressure and griping in the stomach, with tremulousness, when walking. The stomach feels swollen nd sensitive. Painful contraction around the stomach. Drawing and cutting in the stomach, also with pressure, internally and externally. Burning near the pit of the stomach.


Colic, relieved by vomiting. Aching in the hypogastrium, and sides of the abdomen, with pain to the touch and when walking. Heaviness in the abdomen. Tensive colic, at night, with cutting in the abdomen and diarrhoea. Pinching around the umbilicus and in the hypogastrium, sometimes with cutting and urging to vomit, as if diarrhoea would come on. Pain of the intestines as if bruised. Stitches with digging in the abdomen. Biting sensation in the hypogastrium, as from the worms. Distension of the abdomen particularly after a meal. Incarceration of flatulence. Shifting of flatulence, also painful. The abdomen is painful to the touch. Swelling of the inguinal glands.


Constant desire for stool, with writhing cutting in the abdomen. Violent desire, with discharge of a few pieces of stool, resembling sheep’s dung, with burning. Stool first hard, then soft, with burning in the anus, and sometimes with bloody mucus. Intermittent, insufficient stool. Stool with tenesmus, afterwards pain in the rectum. Violent hurried desire, afterwards liquid stool propelled with force. Tenesmus, liquid stool, with burning at the anus. Stool tinged with blood. Expulsion of taenia, with stool. Pinching in the abdomen and clawing in the anus, with chilliness before stool. Colic previous to the soft stool. Cutting in the anus and rectum, during stool. Burning at the rectum, as if varices would form. Smarting-burning and itching of the anus. Tenesmus, with pressure, around the anus.


Tenesmus of the bladder and rectum, with colic. Frequent and copious micturition, with yellow leucorrhoea. The urine becomes turbid and deposits yellow mucus. Sour-smelling, bright yellow urine. Fetid urine. Burning and stitches in the urethra, before and after micturition. Lacerating and smarting in the urethra, during micturition. Violent pressing in the lumbar region, and region of the bladder.


Soreness between the scrotum and thighs. Itching of the glans. Inflammation of the glans and prepuce. Swelling of the glans. Inflammation of the prepuce. Itching of the scrotum. Stinging throbbing in the scrotum. Contusive pain of the testicle. Painful stretching in the testicles and abdomen. Heaviness, and drawing with pressure in the testicle and spermatic cord, more in the morning than evening. Feeling of numbness in the testicles. Frequent pollutions in an old man. Pollution without erection.


Motion, as from foetus, in the uterus. The os-uteri is out of shape. Pressing in the hypogastrium, towards the genital organs, as if everything would issue from the abdomen, and as if the menses would appear. Soreness of the pudendum, between the thighs. The menses are preceded by headache and drawing in the nape of the neck; cutting in the hypogastrium, at short intervals; during the menses, painful lacerating and beating in the head; painful distention of the abdomen; violent pain in the small of the back. leucorrhoea, also putrid. Profuse leucorrhoea, after frequent attacks of colic and writhing about the umbilicus. Yellowish leucorrhoea, going off with the copious urine. Metrorrhagia. Appears to facilitate conception. Discharge of mucus from the vagina, after an embrace.


Soreness of the throat and wind-pipe. Dryness of the larynx. Stinging and roughness of the throat, with dry cough. Roughness and rawness in the chest the while day, most violent in the evening with pressure under the sternum, oppression and palpitation. Cough and coryza, day and night. Scraping cough, with soreness in the whole chest and alternate hoarseness, heat, and burning of hands and soles, bruised feeling of the limbs, want of appetite nausea heat, and profuse sweat at night, no thirst, constipation. Dry and hacking cough, with rattling in the chest. Cough, generally in the morning, with either salt, fetid, or purulent discharge. Bloody expectation when coughing in the evening.


Difficulty of breathing. Shortness of breath. Tightness of the chest during a deep inspiration. Asthma, with hoarse, deep tone to voice, and scraping in the pharynx and larynx: afterwards with cough and purulent, bloody expectoration. Pressure on the region of the heart, as from a hard body lying between the heart and the pit of the stomach. Cutting, and pain, as if bruised, in the sternum. Stitches in the side of the chest and abdomen. Constant chilliness in the left side. Painful cracking in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, when going up- stairs. When lying on the left side, at night, palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, without anguish, easily excited. Anxious palpitation of the heart, when writing, with dull pressure in the forehead and confused feeling in the head. Stitches and burning in the outer part of the chest.


Momentary pain in the small of the back. Pain, as if bruised, in the small of the back, equally violent during rest and motion. Sore pain in the small of the back, even when at rest, without touching it. Pustules on the small of the back, very painful to the touch. Violent pain in the back, worse at night. Creeping and itching formication over the whole back. Tension and drawing between the scapulae. Gnawing pain between the shoulders. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, as from a cold. Stiff and paralytic nape of the neck. Spasmodic drawing in the nape of the neck, with difficulty of moving the head. Continuous paralytic pains in the nape of the neck and between the shoulders, early in the morning. Glandular swellings of the neck. Increase of the goitre.


Violent pain in the shoulder-joint. Feeling of pressure on the left shoulder. Lacerating in the shoulders. Pain, as from bruises, in the shoulder-joints. The arm feels stiff. Lacerating in the upper arm. Pain, as from bruises, in the muscles of the upper arm. Drawing pain in the elbow. Lacerating in the lower arms down to the fingers. Swelling of the hands, in the afternoon. Tremor of the hands, most violent in the morning. Sweaty hands. The skin of the hands is dry and parched. Dry, cold hands. Chapped hands. Bloated fingers.


In the right hip, drawing and presser. Lacerating in the hip, in the evening, after lying down. Pain as from bruises, in the left hip, when rising from seat, going off when walking. Great heaviness of he lower limbs. Rigid sensation in the lower limbs when walking or sitting. Pain as from bruises in the lower limbs. The limbs suddenly gave way. Feeling of coldness of the limbs, even in the day time. Blotch-like spots on the lower limbs, in leprous patients. Jerking in the muscles in the thighs, suddenly. Violent cutting through the thigh, when walking. Painful weariness in both thighs. Pain in the band of the knee when moving it. Pain as from bruises in the knee-joints. Drawing in the leg. Burning drawing on the tibia, apparently in the skin. Cramp in the calves. Redness inflammation and swelling of the left leg, with violent itching and gnawing, and with many itching and painfully stinging ulcers. The feet feel heavy. Pressure in the tarsal-joints. Pricking in the sole of the foot, particularly on pressing the foot to the ground. Throbbing and creeping in the heels, as if from an ulcer, in the evening, when in bed. The tarsal-joint is liable to the sprained. Uneasiness in the feet. Prickling in the soles. Burning of the feet, especially the soles, when walking. Swelling of feet, or of the soles. Cold feet. Icy-cold feet, painful. Black ulcerated pustule on the heel. Chronic ulcers on the heel, arising from spreading blisters. Smarting as from excoriation and soreness between the toes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.