NATRUM CARBONICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy NATRUM CARBONICUM…


NATR. CARB. Carbonate of Soda. Hahnemann’s “Chronic diseases” IV- Duration of Action: thirty of forty days.


Alumina, Arnica, Arsenicum, Carb.-a., Carb-v., Causticum, China, Ignatia, kali., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natr. mur., Nux-v., Plum., Pulsatilla, Rhus.,. Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Staphysagria, Sulphur


Arsenicum, Camph., Nitr.spir. Is an antidote to China


Rheumatic complaints, also with contraction of tendons. Scrofulous complaints. Weakness from loss of animal fluids. Tabes-dorsalis. Hypochondria. Every movement of the body hurts her. Cramp-like lacerating, especially in the upper and lower limbs. Lacerating in the lower limbs, up and down, mostly in the joints of the knees and feet. Lacerating in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist-joints. Lacerating stitches in the joints of the upper and lower limbs, mostly in the evening, on lying down, and frequently waking from asleep at night. Tingling stinging in the muscles. Lacerating and bruised feeling in the limbs. Drawing in the joints, and paralytic feeling of the same on waking from sleep. Drawing and stretching in the lower limbs and jaws, and drawing in the teeth at night. Jerking in the limbs. Jerking sensation in all the joints. Jerking and grumbling in the whole body, with sensitive mood. Jactitation of the muscles, with twitching in this or what part of the body, scapulae, calves, eye-lids, and arms. Dread of the open air. Liability to take cold, occasioning coryza, cold, and Diarrhoea Headache and coryza during a walk in the open air. Relaxation of the whole body. Unsteady gait, stumbling, slipping. Emaciation, pale complexion, dilation of the pupils, and dark-colored urine. Bloatedness of the whole abdomen, early in the morning, better in the afternoon. Painful tension of all evening, in the upper and lower limbs, with stretching. tick feeling in the whole body. Great nervousness. Paroxysms in the evening; obscuration of sight, with paralytic pressure and lacerating in the head, eyes, jaws; weak consciousness and confused incoherent ideas, for an hour and half; afterwards tingling pain in the lips, the right arm, and especially the right hand and tips of the fingers particularly in the thumb, with tendency to start. Heaviness and weariness of the whole body. Dread of exercise. Great weakness of the lower limbs and heaviness of the arms. Weakness after a short walk, unto falling. Paralytic feeling in the limbs, early in the morning on waking.


The majority of the symptoms come on when sitting, and pass off during motion or by pressure or rubbing. Anguish, tremor, and sweat during the pains. Aggravation of the pains during a thunder-storm.


The skin of the whole body become dry rough, and chapped. Troublesome dryness of the skin, at night, especially after chapped. Troublesome dryness for the skin, at night, especially after midnight. Itching as from fleas, over the whole body. Itching of the upper and lower limbs. Herpes. Purulent fluid oozes out of the herpes. Yellow rings, occasioned by herpetic spots. Blotch-like spots and rosy blotches in leprous patients. Incipient warts.


Yawning, lachrymation, and drowsiness. Drowsiness in the daytime, with yawning. Irresistible sleep, in the afternoon. He falls sleep late in the evening, and with difficulty. Heavy, deep sleep, a sort of stupor. Sleeplessness, the whole night. Restless headache at night. Flashes before the eyes, in the evening when falling asleep. Toothache at night. Anxious feeling, at night previous to falling asleep. Coughs much at night; complains of a scraping sensation in the throat. Nightly attack of vertigo, with slow, strong beats of the heart, humming of the ears, heat, anguish, as if he would die; increased erethism of the vascular system, by talking or making the least motion; the fit terminates with chilliness and trembling. Seething of the circulatory appearance, at night. Palpitation of the heart. She can only rest on her right side, lying on the left is painful. Nightly uneasiness in the lower limbs. Staring as in affright the limbs. Violent starting, in the evening, when falling asleep. Illusion of the fancy. Sleep full of dreams, at night. Full of fancies in the night. Confused, lewd, anxious, vivid, or frightful dreams.


Cold hands and feet. Cold hands had feet, with warm head. Shuddering over the whole body, the whole day, with cold hands and warm cheeks; icy-cold hands in the evening, red, glowing cheeks, and hot forehead, without thirst. Paroxysm of fever, with aching, in the temples; dullness of the head and pressure in the eyes, afterwards inclination to vomit, with chilliness of the whole body, especially of he chest and arms. Chill in the evening, with heat and thirst after lying down. He sweats excessively during motion, even when the weather is cool. Burning sweat, especially on the forehead. Night-sweat, alternating with dryness of the skin. Morning-sweat, with thirst.


Sad, desponding. Ennui. hypochondriac mood. Dread of men, and shyness. Anguish, with tremor through the whole body. Anxious and restless. Restlessness. Passive, phlegmatic mood. Indifferent. Great tendency to, start. Discouraged, dissatisfied, and almost inconsolable. Irritable. Inclines to be angry.


Entire want of attention. Weak mind. Dull mind. Dullness of the head, heaviness, giddiness, when working in the sun. The head is fatigued by mental labor. Stupefaction, early in the morning, when waking going off gradually. Vertigo, after intellectual labor, with a dull pressing in the temples. Frequent vertigo through the day. Continual headache, a senses as of reeling in the head and a painful, gloomy feeling, with subsequent heat in the head relieved by exercise in the open air; worse during rest and when sitting.


Dull headache after dinner, with burning in the eyes. Dull headache, a sort of stupefying pressure in the forehead, in any position of the body. Headache in the sun. Heaviness of the head, at night, on waking, with dull, painful pressure and insipid taste in the mouth. Feeling of painful emptiness in the occiput. Pressure and feeling of heat in the vertex and forehead. Contractive pain in the head Pain as if the forehead would burst, especially after exercise, with feeling of obstruction in the head, at different times, sometimes accompanied with burning Stitches through the eyes. Throbbing headache in the upper apart of the head Throbbing in the vertex, very painful when pressed upon, after dinner. Violent congestion of blood to the head, when stooping, with throbbing in the head. Roaring of the blood in the face, worse after noon. Pain as if bruised inside and outside of the face, worse after noon. Pain as if bruised, inside and outside of the head. Lacerating about the head, every day, at certain hours. Great falling off of the hair.


Pain in the eyes, early in the morning. Pain in the bones of the orbit. The globes are sensitive to the touch, with sensation as if they were distended. Heaviness of the upper eye-lids. Burning in the eyes. Itching of the eyes and lids. Inflammation of the eyes, with sticking pain. Violent inflammation of the inner canthus, and purulent swelling of the lachrymation sac. Inflammation of the lids, with photophobia. Small ulcers around the cornea, with lancinating pains in the eyes. Lachrymation. Fistula-lachrymalis. Dryness, feeling of heat, and contractive sensation in the eyes. Frequent closing of the lids, a sort of involuntary winking, with a burning sensation in the eyes, especially in the afternoon. Contraction of the pupils. Dim eyes. Black points hover before his eyes, when writing. Sensation before the eyes eyes, as if rain were falling. Sensation as of feathers before the eyes. Scintillations before the eyes. Drawing fistulas before the eyes, when walking.


Otalgia, with drawing pain in the articulation of the jaws extending into the mouth. Pressure and lacerating in the ear. Pricking pain in the parotid gland, which is painful to the touch. Roaring in the ears. Sensitiveness to noise. Hard hearing.


Peeling off of the dorsum and the tip of the nose, painful when touched. Ulcerated nostrils, inside, high up. Bleeding at the nose. Violent sneezing, with rush to blood to the head. Obstruction o he nose, when talking; hard fetid clots coming out of one nostril. Coryza, frequently intermitting, with burning of the eyes, from morning till evening. Coryza every other day. constant coryza, with cough; with chilliness over the whole body, cold hands and cheeks, hoarseness, no thirst.


Burning heat and redness of the face, alternate redness and paleness of the face. Pale complexion. Blue margins around the eyes, swollen eye-lids. Bloated face. Selling of both checks, with glowing redness. Aching of he facial bons, increased by waking in the open air. Lacerating in the malar bones. Freckles yellow spots in the forehead and upper lip. Pimples like boils. Eruption near the nose and mouth. Burning vesicle on the chin. Pimples on the lips. welling of the upper lid. Small, red, itching, vesicles, full of water on the chin.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.