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GRANATUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy GRANATUM…


GRAN.Punica Granatum. Park from the Root of the Pomegranate Tree. See “:Hygea, ” X

DR. GRAY. “The Granatum has, in my hands, proved very serviceable into he few cases of cramp-like pains high up in the abdomen, coming in paroxysms a few minutes part, and attended by morbid hunger, r prostration of stretch and abortive tendency to tool. The cases were all of children; one of them a retrocession of the mumps, affecting the digestive organs as above.”.


Poisoning by ARsenic. Fainting spells. Suppuration of he internal organs,. particularly the live. Extreme languor and prostration, with burning heat of the hands. Trembling of the limbs. Flabbiness of the muscles, especially those of the lower limbs. Emaciation. External inflammatory swellings. Ulcers. Chilblains. Spasmodic yawning. Restlessness sleep. Feverish shivering of single parts, wait Semilateral headache. Dry, burning hat over he whole body, with disposition to uncover himself. the heat generally sets in in the evening;l the chilliness and shuddering into the morning. Tertian fever. Gastric fevers. Bilious fevers. Typhus fever. Sensitive irritable and arrogant. quarrelsome. Hypochondria. melancholy. want of cheerfulness, lowness of spirits, discouragement.


Vertigo, with obscuration of sight, nausea, and pain at the stomach. Empty feeling in the head Stupefying pain and painful heaviness into the forehead. Lacerating into right side of the head. Inflammation to the eyes as in catarrh. Speaks on the corners. Blear-eyeness. Dilation of the pupils. Weakness of sight.


Dragging lacerating and stinging in the ears. Ulceration of the ears. Tingling itching in the nose. Burning heat and dryness into he nostrils, or else accumulation of tenacious mucus, Alternation of fluent and dry coryza. Nose bleeds.


Yellow, livid complexion, Corrosive itching of the cheeks. Swelling of the cheek, with livid color, burning heat, tightness, and tingling as in frozen parts. Crampy feeling and lacerating in the malar bones and into the region of the root of the nose. Dry and burning lips.


Lacerating, tension, and crampy sensation in the articulation other jaws, with cracking while chewing. tingling in the teeth, even at night while in bed. sensation as s if the teeth were elongated. the gums stand off from the teeth and bled readily. Loose teeth.


Ptyalism. Ulcers into the mouth. Stomachs. Counteractive sanction in different parts of the throat. Serious and catarrhal sore throat. Inflammation and suppression of the tonsils.


Frequent eructations and nausea, a with languor, pain into the stomach and abdomen, frequent ineffectual urging, chilliness, watched look, and ill-humor. Vomiting, sometimes attended with languor, trembling, seat, and vertigo.


Cramps in the stomach, before breakfast. Pressure, fullness burning, and anguish in the pit of the stomach. Frequent colic, sometimes constant, or with nausea, a ptyalism, chilliness, vertigo. Colic after every meal,. or before breakfast. Pinching. Sticking, and turning around the umbilicus, and into eh stomach. Taenia. Anxiety in the abdomen. Painful distention in the abdomen, with canine hunger. Flatulence. Swelling resembling umbilical hernia. Painful pressure in the groin, and selling as if inguinal hernia would set in.


Copious, dark-colored stools. Tenesmus. Frequent diarrhoeic stools. Dysenteric. Cholera. This diarrhoeic stools are praised by nausea and fermentation. the stools are accompanied with burning heat into he face and pressure on the rectum. Itching and intolerable tingling in the rectum. Z Prolapsus of the rectum during stool.


Cutting, stinging, and growing in the urethra. Inflammation and swelling of the urethra. Mucous discharge like gonorrhea, with burning drawing into he penis, extending to the glands. Increased sexual desire. The menses are to short and too profuse, with colic and pressing from the small of the back to the groin. yellowish leucorrhoea. Prolapsus of the vagina. Prolapsus of the vagina. Prolapsus of the uterus.


Catarrh. Hoarseness. Cough with coryza. Haemoptysis. Feeling of anguish, with sighing in the chest. Rheumatic drawing and sticking in the diaphragm. Tension and crampy feeling in the sides Stitches in the chest, particularly during motion. Pleuritis. Palpitation of the heart, on the slightest motion. Pains and spasmodic contraction of the muscles on the outer parts of the chest.


Pains in the small of he back and shoulders, as if bruised and weary Lameness, tingling, drawing. and rheumatic pains into eh arms, with difficulty of raising the parts. Painful male stiffness of the fingers Pain in the knee and ankle joints.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.