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Homeopathic remedy Natrum Carbonicum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Sodium carbonate HAHNEMANN. Na2 Co3 10H2 O.


      Inability to think, or to perform any mental labor; the head feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself.

Difficulty in grasping and connecting thoughts, when reading or listening.

Aversion to man and society.

Sadness: depression of spirits: hypochondriacal mood.

Irritable, excitable mood.



Restlessness with attacks of anxiety, especially during a thunder storm.

Anxiety, trembling and sweat during the pains.

In the evening, restlessness of body, unless he exerts himself mentally.

Affected by playing on piano for short time with painful anxiety in chest, trembling of body and weariness; must lie down.


      Vertigo: from drinking wine, or from mental exertion.

Dulness of the head when at rest or when in the sun.

Inner Head

      Head feels too large.

Tension and obstruction in head as if forehead would burst.

Frontal headache when turning the head rapidly.

Shooting pain in left frontal eminence, to left lower occiput.

Stitches in the head and out of the eyes.

Pulsating headache in the vertex every morning.

Tearing pain in forehead, returning at certain hours of day.

Stupefying and pressing headache in forehead, with nausea, eruptions, and dimness of sight, in evening: worse in room.

Headache from the sun.

Outer Head

      Pains on the head at certain hours of the day.


      Black spots before the eyes when writing.

Dazzling flashes before the eyes, on awaking.

Sensation as of feathers before the eyes.

Dim eyes; has to wipe them constantly.

Cannot read small print.

Stitches in the eyes from within outward.

Ulcers on cornea.

Dermoid swelling on conjunctiva.

Inflammation of eyelids, with photophobia.

Heaviness of the upper eyelids.


      Sensitive to noise.

Hard hearing, as if the ears were closed up.

Otalgia, with sharp, piercing stitches in ears.


      Loss of smell and taste, with coryza.

Coryza fluent; violent sneezing; worse at night, when nose is obstructed; worse from least draught of air, or any change of clothing; worse on alternate days; better after sweat.

Thick, yellow, or green discharge: nose stopped at night.

Hard fetid clots, from one nostril; nostrils ulcerated, high


Humid herpetic eruptions and ulcers on nose, around mouth and on lips.

Peeling off of dorsum and tip of the nose, painful when touched.

Red nose, with white pimples on it.


      Pale face, with blue rings around the eyes, swollen eyelids.

Burning heat and redness of face, cheeks swollen.

Bloated face.

Yellow blotches on forehead and upper lip.

Freckles in face.

Lower Face

      Lips swollen and tettery; burning rhagades on lower lip.


      Digging, boring toothache, especially during or after eating sweetmeats or fruit.

Great sensitiveness of the lower teeth.

Nightly pressing toothache, with swelling of lower lips and of gums. Toothache lessened by smoking.

Tongue etc.

      Bitter or metallic taste in mouth.

Dry tongue and dislike to talk.

Stuttering on account of heaviness of the tongue.

Burning about tip of tongue, as if it were cracked.


      Saliva generally increased.

Flat ulcers and blisters inside of mouth, burning and painful when touched.

Slight redness of mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with rawness and scraping; desire to hawk and hem; mucus collects at night, and is hawked up in morning.

Dry mouth and throat, inclination to drink.


      Throat and oesophagus feel rough, scraped and dry, Accumulation of mucus in throat, and in posterior nares.

Throat painful when swallowing and gaping.

Desires Aversions

      Incessant thirst: great desire for cold water a few hours after dinner.

Increased and ravenous hunger in forenoon, from sensation of emptiness in stomach.

Aversion to milk, and diarrhoea from it.

Eating and Drinking

      Bad effects from a cold drink while overheated.

After milk, diarrhoea.

Cold drink:. Drink:. Milk: Eating: 9, After eating: hypochondriacal; weak digestion; pressure in stomach; eructations: distress and tenderness, with palpitation (may also follow abuse of soda-crackers).

Nausea and Vomiting

      Continuous qualmishness and nausea.

Vomiting of bile, bitter.


      Gnawing and pressure in stomach, better from eating.

Pit of stomach sensitive to touch and when talking.


      Stitches in left hypochondrium; worse after drinking very cold water.

Stitches in hepatic and splenic regions (chronic hepatic inflammation).


      Colic, with constriction around stomach; or, contraction of navel and hardness of integuments of abdomen.

Hard, bloated, swollen abdomen.

Accumulation of flatus; loud rumbling; swellings here and there as from incarcerated wind.

Flatus changing place and causing pain.

Stool etc.

      Passes much sour-smelling or fetid flatus; feces escape.

Yellow stools: soft or watery, with violent, sudden urging and tenesmus; watery, yellow, discharged with a gush; worse from milk or after eating, and from taking cold; spotted with blood.

Frequent ineffectual urging to stool alternately with liquid stools; weak digestion.

Burning and cutting in anus and rectum during and after stool; sexual excitement; costive.

Tape-warm with stool; itching creeping in anus.


      Frequent, urgent, with scanty or profuse discharge.

Urine involuntary at night.

Urine dark yellow, fetid, sour or like horse’s urine; deposits a mucous sediment.

Burning in urethra during and after micturition.

Male Sexual Organs

      Increased sexual desire (priapism).

Inflammation, swelling and easy excoriation of prepuce and glans penis.

Heaviness and drawing in testicles.

The testicles feel bruised.

Prostatorrhoea after urinating and after difficult stool.

Female Sexual Organs

      Pressure in hypogastrium as if everything would come out; also with indurated cervix uteri and ill-shaped os.

Menses too early and long-lasting; preceded by drawing in nape of neck and headache: accompanied by tearing headache, distended abdomen in morning, relieved by diarrhoea; nervous, cannot bear music; worse in a thunderstorm.

Leucorrhoea thick, yellow, putrid, ceasing after urinating.


      Expels moles, prevents false conception.

Labor-pains weak or accompanied with anguish and sweat, with desire to be rubbed.


      Hoarseness, with roughness of the chest, coryza, chilliness and scraping, painful cough.


      Dyspnoea and shortness of breathing, from tension of the chest.


      Violent, dry cough, worse when entering a warm room; short, with rattling on chest; with rumbling, incarcerated flatus; with salty, purulent, greenish sputum.


      Stitches in the chest.

Burning, soreness in right chest; loose cough but no sputum; coldness between scapulae.

Heart Pulse

      Painful cracking in region of heart.

Violent, anxious palpitation of heart when ascending, and at night when lying on left side.

Burning and distress along the spine with palpitation; thinks he has heart disease.

Pulse excited at night with ebullitions.

Outer Chest

      Chilliness in one (left) side of thorax.

Neck Back

      Cervical glands swollen; also goitre with pressing.

Stiffness of the neck.

Cracking in cervical vertebrae when moving head.

Stitches in small of back while sitting.

Tingling (formication) in back.

Upper Limbs

      Rheumatic pain on shoulder, arms and elbows, with weakness of arms.

Twitches and twitching sensation in arms and fingers on taking hold of anything.

Cutting pain in hands.

Trembling of hands, morning.

Contraction of fingers.

Swelling of hands in afternoon.

Warts painful to touch.

Tetter on dorsa of hands; skin dry and chapped.

Lower Limbs

      Tearing and bruised pain in right hip.


Heaviness of legs and feet with tension in them when sitting or walking.

Tension in bend of knee; the muscles are shortened.

Cramp of the calves.

Blotches (as in lepra) on the legs.

The lower legs are swollen, inflamed, red and covered with ulcers.

Cutting pain and cramp in feet.

Swelling of feet and soles of feet, with stinging in them when walking or stepping on them.

Easy dislocation and spraining of ankle; the ankle is so weak that it gives way; foot bends under when stepping on it.

Black ulcerated pustule on the heel.

Ulcer on the heel, arising from spreading blisters.

Smarting and soreness between the toes.

Swelling, tearing and soreness in (big) toes, preventing sleep.

Blisters on the points of the toes, as if scalded.

Boring, drawing and stinging in the corns.

Cold feet.

Position etc.

      Most symptoms appear while sitting and go off on motion, pressing and rubbing.

Moving head: Turning head: Playing on the piano: Walking: After exertion: Rest: sitting: Must lie down: Uncovering: Ascending:.


      Great debility from an exertion.

Twitching in the muscles, and limbs.

Contractions of muscles, hands, bends of knees, neck, etc.


      Sleepiness during the day. Falls asleep late at night.

Awakes too early in the morning.

During sleep: starts, twitches; vivid dreams, violent erections and sexual excitement; restless, with ebullitions, palpitation and nightmare.

Anxious, confused dreams.


      Remission before midnight.

Aggravation in the forenoon.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.