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MAGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MAGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS…


MAGNET. P. ARCT. North pole of the Magnet. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Mcd. Pur,” III. Duration of Action: upwards of ten days.




See Magnes-art.


Tensive sensation. Bruised pain. Tremulousness through the whole body, especially in the feet. Nervousness, with trembling, uneasiness in the limbs, great distention of the abdomen, anxiety, solicitude, and great nervous weakness. Sensation of coldness. Drawing in the periosteum of all the bones. Heaviness in single limbs. Sensation of dryness and tightness in the body, with want of strength. The faintness, the bruised and painful sensation in the limbs, were worse in the open air. In the morning a general faintness, with a sweat of anguish; want of appetite at dinner; afterwards diarrhoea.


Crawling over the skin. Burning pain in the existing herpes.


Excessive spasmodic yawning, with pain in the articulation of the jaw. Sopor. Constant drowsiness in the daytime. Deep sleep towards morning, with lascivious and frightful dreams. Restless sleep. Frequent waking as if in affright.


Chilliness, with yawning, early in the morning. Sensation of coldness or coolness over the whole body. Shuddering. Cold sweat. Heat in the face. In the evening the blood rushes to the head. Heat in one of the cheeks, accompanied with a feeling of internal heat, irritable disposition, and talkativeness. Fiery redness of the face, oppression, stronger pulse. Fever: frequent flushes of heat in the afternoon, only in the head, with a red, hot face. Flush of humid warmth over the whole body.


Out of humor and weary. Sadness. Indolent fancy. Indolent mind. Anxious, desponding, inconsolable, self-reproaching mood. Despondency.


Headache, consisting of a sore and bruised pain in the surface of the brain. The head feels bruised and as if dashed to pieces. Sensation as if the head were pressed down by a load. Disagreeable, compressive sensation in the head. Headache, especially when raising or moving the eyes. Tensive sensation in the brain behind the forehead. Headache, as if the temples were pressed asunder. Violent headache the whole afternoon, as if the brain were pressed asunder. Rush of blood to the head, and suffusion of heat in the cheeks. Tubercles on the hairy scalp, painful when touched.


The eyes protrude. Staring look. Jerking and drawing in the eye- lids. Drawing in the eye-lids with lachrymation. Sensation as of sand in the eye. Burning in the weak eye; it becomes red and filled with water. Coldness of the eye. Pricking sensation in the eye. Uneasy motion of the eye. Sensation as of a cobweb in front of the eyes.


Whizzing and a drawing sensation in the ear. Tightness of the tympanum.


Illusion of smell. Violent bleeding at the nose. Sore pain in the nostrils. Redness and heat of the tip of the nose, followed by hot, red, circumscribed spots on the cheeks.


Intensely-painful tightness in the face, extending as far as the tonsils. Suffusion of heat in the cheeks, with rush of blood to the head.


Crushing-aching, or pinching pain in the submaxillary glands. Lacerating pain in the cervical muscles, as if too weary. Painful drawing in the articulation of the lower jaw when moving it. Toothache, as if the tooth would be torn out, worse after a meal, and when sitting or lying down, improving when walking. Toothache in the direction of the eye, with swollen inflamed gums and a red and burning cheek. Throbbing in the hollow teeth (immediately), followed by a pressure in the tooth, with drawing in the temples. Throbbing in the tooth, with burning in the gums, and swollen, red, hot cheeks, with burning pain and beating in the cheeks, in the afternoon. The toothache ceases when walking in the open air, and returns in the room. Aching in the hollow teeth, with swelling of one side of the face. Toothache with jerks through the periosteum of the jaw, the pain being a darting-aching digging-lacerating, or burning-stinging pain. The toothache is worse after eating and in a warm room. Swelling of the gums of a hollow tooth, painful when touched.


Pain of the incisores on inspiring air. Toothache when eating, the teeth feel loose.


Long-continued rancid heartburn. Sourish taste in the morning. Frequent eructations of mere air. Acidity of the stomach. Tongue coated and covered with mucus. Stomach feels as if deranged; food weighs heavily in his stomach.


Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone. Sudden griping in the pit of the stomach. Drawing in the pit of the stomach. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Warmth in the umbilical region. Coldness in the abdomen. Spasmodic contractive sensation in the hypogastrium. Flatulent colic. Continuous aching-pinching pain in the whole hypogastric region. Violent colic at night. Gurgling in the abdomen. Relaxed condition of the abdominal ring, when walking. Inguinal hernia.


Drawing, almost dysenteric pain in the hypogastrium. Stool with blood. Sharp pressure in the rectum. Stinging pinching in the rectum. Aching pressing pain in the rectum.


Dark urine. Nightly and involuntary emission. Sharp drawing and cutting in the testicles.


Racking and spasmodic cough while falling asleep, hindering sleep. Suffocative spasmodic cough about midnight. Unceasing (not titillating) irritation, inducing cough. Momentary violent turns of cough. Sudden oppression of the chest, with anxiety. Burning stitches in the region of the heart. Pressure in the region of the heart. Crampy contractive pain through the chest. Anxiety and qualmishness about the chest.


Pain as if bruised in the middle of the spine. Gurgling and creeping sensation between the scapulae. Pain as if bruised in the left shoulder-joint. Trembling of the arm. Cramp-like sensation in the arm. Sensation of stiffness in the elbow- joint. Heaviness in the upper limbs. Violent coldness in the arm. Prickling pain in the arm as far as the shoulder. Trembling of the hand. Pain in the finger-joints. The fingers go to sleep.


Bruised pain in the hip-joints, aggravated by contact. Burning pulsative stitches in the calf. Great languor of the lower limbs. Weariness and numbness of the lower limbs. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs, when walking. Sore pain in the heel.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.