INDIGO symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy INDIGO…


IND. Common Ind.. See Noack and Trinks.


Nux-v., Lycopodium, Tongo. Ignatia




Darting and lacerating in the whole body, afternoon and evening. Stinging of various kinds. Darting. Stitches, going and coming like the pulse. Burning stitches. Drawing stitches. Lacerating. Gnawing lacerating. Boring-gnawing lacerating. Darting lacerating. Lacerating with pressure (teeth). Drawing simple or jerking, or else terminating with a jerk. Drawing sensation from below upwards. Contractive sensation. Pulsations. Gurgling. Boring. Gnawing. Cutting. Lancinations. Tension. Pressure. Bruised pain. Pain as from a shock. Prickling, tingling, tickling, and itching. Excessive itching of various parts of the body, preceded by a dull headache in the evening. Burning. Bone-pains. Pains in the joints. Jerking and twitching. Slight convulsions. Subsultus-tendinum of every extremity, also of the hypogastric region and of the inner side of the thighs. Violent disturbances of the sensus-communis. Illusory sensations. Excessive nervous irritation. Great languor and weariness, indolence, and prostrate feeling, particularly in the lower limbs, in the daytime, evening, and even after going to bed. Languor of the hands and feet, as if paralyzed by blows. Weak feeling in the limbs. Unusually slight weariness after dinner. Haemorrhage.


The pains are characterized by great intensity, are worst during rest and when sitting, and can frequent either be entirely suppressed by rubbing and pressure or by motion, or alleviated so as to reappear with less intensity. The majority of the pains come on or are aggravated in the afternoon and evening.


Itching of the skin, particularly in the face, with small blisters, particularly on the left side of the face, from the forehead to the neck. The face and body are covered with pimples.


Frequent yawning and great drowsiness. Restless sleep. Wakes very early, with a feeling of malaise and oppression in the epigastrium, great irritability of the sense, headache, and languor. Waking in the night with a start, as in affright. Muttering during sleep. Dreams occasioning anxiety and causing one to start.


Coldness after rising in the morning, or before going to bed. Chilliness over the whole body, with violent headache. Chilliness, constant desire to urinate, turbid urine, great weariness, and feeling of malaise. Slight febrile shiverings. Oppression, anguish, rapid circulation, and short-lasting congestion to the head. Great heat, particularly in the face, great anguish, increased secretion of urine, itching in all the limbs, nightly restlessness, quiet but not sound or refreshing sleep in the morning. Blue sweat. Spasmodic pulse of 76 beats.


Excited mood and desire to be busy. Cheerful. Depressed, sad, taciturn. Melancholy. 1. According to Rush and Esquirol, the dyer in Ind. become melancholy those in scarlet vehement. Slight mental derangement and convulsions.


Excessive giddiness with headache. Sensation of dullness and heaviness in the head during motion, in the forenoon. Heaviness in the head, as from a heavy load on the vertex, when stooping. Constant pain in the sinciput, attended with an aching pain in the right hypochondrium. Feeling of pressure in the head. Compressive pain. Headache with redness and heat of the face. Undulating sensation through the whole head. Beating in the whole head. Beating at times in the bones of the skull. Violent darting pain in the head. Beating with painful stinging in the occiput. Stinging in the upper part of the head, deep in the brain. Severe lacerating pain in the head. Lacerating in the fore part of the forehead, with drowsiness and languor, in the evening. Painful drawing in the upper and outer parts of the head.


Violent jerking and twitching above and in the lids. Weakness of the eyes, as if they would close involuntarily. Inflammation of the meibomian glands of the lower lid, attended with slight headache, toothache, roaring in the ears, and humming in the forehead. Pressure in the eye.


Violent painful lacerating before and behind the ears. Painful stinging about the ear, extending towards the temple and the lower jaw. Violent boring pain deep in the ear. Pressure and roaring in the ear. Spasm in the parotid gland.


Lacerating cuttings in the bones and cartilages of the nose. Great irritation in the root of the nose. Stoppage of the nose. Bleeding of the nose, with failing of sight, in the afternoon. Excessive continued sneezing, succeeded by a violent bleeding.


Frequent determination of blood to the face, with burning of the cheeks. Pain in the malar bone around the orbits. Boring, lacerating, and stinging pain in the bones of the face. Boring- jerking pains from the temple to the lower maxillary bone. Laceratings in the chin.


Aching, lacerating pain in the upper teeth, particularly the molars. Gnawing pain in the malar bones and in the lower jaw, shifting to the teeth, going off by pressing the teeth together. Stinging in the roots of the upper teeth. Violent lacerating in the submaxillary gland, extended to the teeth.


Vesicles, and burning on the tip of the tongue. Numbness of the whole inner mouth. Accumulation of water, and copious secretion of saliva. Spitting of bloody saliva.


Swelling of the tonsils. Contractive sensation in the anterior and outer parts of the neck. Scraping in the fauces.


Diminished appetite, without aversion to food. Loss of appetite, with eructations. Sensation as of fasting in the stomach. Great appetite. Nausea and hiccough after a meal.


Nausea, with flatulence. Nausea, eructations, repeated inclination to vomit, and rumbling in the stomach. Constant inclination to eructate and disagreeable feeling in the stomach. Frequent eructations, empty, sour, bitter, tasting like ink. Hiccough. Vomiting of mucus, with violent nausea, of glue-like mucus. Retching and vomiting of watery fluid. Sensation in the oesophagus resembling heartburn. Fasting sensation in the stomach. Motions to and fro in the stomach, with burning. Violent cutting in the stomach, accompanied with violent flatulency. Sudden cutting and pressure in the stomach. Feeling of slight pressure in the stomach. Violent pains in the stomach.


Tingling pain in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the epigastrium, with nausea and anxiety. Painful tension across the epigastrium, succeeded by pinching, hard, and then liquid stool. Frequent colic, violent and painful spasms of the muscular fibres of the intestines, and convulsive motions of the stomach. Violent cutting pains in the umbilical region. Violent colic, with flatulence and urging to stool. Painful pinching in the whole abdomen, urging to stool, and copious discharge of a half- liquid stool. Darting lancination and pinching in the groin.


Urging to stool, liquid stool, flatulence, chilly creeping over the skin, and coldness of the hands. Soft and afterwards liquid stool, with violent pressing. Repeated evacuations succeeded by tenesmus. Diarrhoea. accompanied with slight colic and pinching in the abdomen, passing off after an evacuation. Diarrhoea. frequently accompanied by colic, the stool watery black-blue. Blue, clay-like stools.


Colica-renalis. Stinging in. the urethra. Violent and frequent desire to urinate, day and night, with burning in the fundus of the bladder, pressure in the abdomen, and painful emission of a slight quantity of turbid urine, during every micturition. Increased emission of turbid very slimy urine, without thirst, attended with violent contraction of the urethra and pain in the region of the bladder. Burning emission of urine.


Depressed sexual instinct.


The menses appear too early. Boring in the mammae.


Profuse expectoration of mucus, from the bronchi and trachea. Clawing pain in the trachea gradually descending into the finest bronchial ramifications, inducing cough with expectoration of small balls of tenacious mucus. Violent cough inducing vomiting, or suffocative cough, before and after going to bed, also at night, or early in the morning after rising.


pain in the sternum as from a shock. Drawing and cutting in the chest Oppression of breathing, resembling spasm, of the chest, and pressure at the stomach. Gurgling and grumbling of the heart. palpitation of the heart and undulating sensation in the head, with heat, during a rapid walk.


Stitch between the scapulae. Drawing Lancinating pains.


Languor of he arms. Lacerating and stinging in the arms and shoulders. Violent throbbing in the elbow -joint. Gnawing pain in the elbow-joint. Painful jerking drawing. Rheumatic pain in eh fore-arm. Lacerating pain in the dorsum of the head. Shootings in he dorsum of the hand and in the posterior joints of the fingers. Stinging in the wrist joint on moving it. Swelling of the veins of the hands.


Great languor of the lower limbs, in the evening. Bruised pain in the middle of the thighs, in the evening. Drawing bone-pain in the knee-joint. Lacerating in the knee. Boring pain in the knee-joint when sitting. Continual weariness in the knee. heaviness in the leg, in the region of the ankles, with contractive sensation in the leg from below upwards. Sudden excessive pains in the sole of the foot.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.