LEDUM PALUSTRE symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LEDUM PALUSTRE…


LED.P. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum,” Duration of Action several weeks.


Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Chamomilla, China, Ferrum, Jod., Kal-hydr., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nux vomica, Phosph-ac., Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja, Led-p. is frequently indicated after Lycopodium After Led-p are frequently suitable China and Sepia




Heat of the hands and feet in the evening. Long-continuing warm sweat on the hands and feet. Drawing along the long bones during motion. (Lacerating pain in the back and knees.) Lacerating pain in the joints. Beating pain in the affected joints, hindering motion. Painful hard tubercles and tophi in the region of the joints. Paralytic pain of all the joints as night when in bed, when moving the body. Shooting, lacerating, rheumatic pains, especially during motion. The limbs and the whole body are painful, a s if bruised and contused. Aching or aching-lacerating pains in the joints, worse in the evening, in bed. Feeling of p73 numbness and heaviness in the limbs, with bone-pains. Troublesome languor and weariness when sitting, standing or walking. Inclination to stretch the upper limbs. Fainting. Nervous attack.


Only the pains in the joints become more violent during motion, not the pains in other parts of the body.



Dry, extremely-itching herpes, with anxiety. Itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out. Bluish spots on the body like petechiae. Small, round, red, insensible spots on the inner side of the arms, on the abdomen, and feet. Eruption. Dry, itching herpes, with anxiety. Boils. Hot, tensive, hard swellings, with lacerating pains. Painful arthritic nodosities.? Edematous swelling, also of the skin of the whole body.


Sleepiness in the daytime like sopor. Deep, but restless sleep. Restless sleep, and extremely confused dreams. Sleeplessness, with restlessness and coldness and tossing about. Restless dreams.


General coldness and chilliness. Shaking chills, with trembling. towards evening, without thirst and without any subsequent heat. Chill over the whole back, with hot cheeks and forehead, without redness of the face and thirst, with cold hands. Evening fever, with pain in the eyes. Feeling of heat alternating with sweat.


Anxiety. Tendency to start. Feverish mood, with much restlessness and inconstancy. Out of humor. Vehemence.


Vertigo. Stupefaction of the whole head, as in vertigo. Excessive feeling of intoxication. Loss of sense. Violent headache. Dull headache in the morning during sleep. Raging headache. Stupefying headache. Pressure in the forehead. Aching pain in the upper part of the forehead, with dullness of the head, especially when covered. Painful pressure over the whole brain. Lacerating pain in the head and eye; the sclerotic a and conjunctiva are swollen and inflamed. Sensitiveness of the head, with painful shaking of the brain on making a wrong step. Violent beating pain in the head. Stunning aching pain on the forehead. Tubercles on the forehead, as in drunkards. Pimples and boils on the forehead. The least covering is intolerable to the head. Liability of the integuments of the head to take cold.


Pain in the eyes, without inflammation, a pressure behind the eye-ball. Burning pressure in the eyes. Lachrymation. Violent itching of the inner canthi. Ophthalmia with tensive pain. Contracted pupils. Considerable dilation of the pupils. Weakness of sight.


Short hardness of hearing, from taking cold in the head, or as if something had lodged in front of both tympanae. Violent, but interrupted whizzing in the ears. Roaring in the ears, as of the wind. Ringing or whizzing in the ears.


Burning pain in the interior of the nose, the feeling sore when pressing on it.


Paleness of the face, but without chilliness. Bloated face, at times red, at others pale. Intolerable lacerating in the face, extending to the head and neck. Eruption in the face. Red tubercles, also on the forehead (as in drunkards), with stinging when touched. Scaly dry herpes in the face, burning in the open air. Pimples and boils on the forehead. Swelling of a submaxillary gland, with aching pain when touched.


Haemorrhage from the mouth.Sore throat, with fine stinging pain.


Bitter taste in the mouth. Want of appetite. A sort of sick and qualmish feeling in the stomach. Great desire for cold drink, especially water. Constant absence of thirst. Frequent attacks of hiccough. Sudden flow of water from mouth, resembling saliva, with colic, water-brash. Colic digging up sensation under the umbilicus, with discharge of water from the mouth, like water- brash.


Drawing pain in the abdomen. Colic, as in dysentery. Colic, as if the bowels were contused and weakened. Colic, every evening. Colic (cutting), with haemorrhage from the anus. Ascites.


Constipation for several days. The stool is mixed with blood. Diarrhoeic, faces, with mucus.


Enuresis. Reddish urine. Burning in the urethra after urinating. Griping, deep in the abdomen, as if the bladder were seized.


Swelling of the penis. Violent and continual erections. Nightly emissions. Increased menstruation. Metrorrhagia.


Tingling in the trachea, followed by hurried, oppressed breathing. Laryngeal asthma. Hoarseness, with scraping in the chest. Cough without expectoration. Suffocative arrest of breath, p73 previous to coughing. Whooping cough. Cough, with purulent expectoration, night and morning. Greenish, fetid expectoration. Bloody cough with profuse expectoration. Violent cough, with expectoration of bright red blood. Pulmonary haemorrhage.


Fetid breath. Spasmodic double inspirations and sobbing. Violent tension in the hypochondriac region during an inspiration and retention of breath. Oppressed painful breathing. Asthmatic constriction of the chest, aggravated by motion and walking. Pressure in the chest, when walking. Drawing in the outer parts of the chest, especially during an inspiration, accompanied with single stitches. Soreness under the sternum. Palpitation of the heart. Small, red constantly-itching pimples on the chest, with biting itching.


Pain in the small of the back, on rising from a seat. Drawing in the small of the back and stiffness in the back. Painful stiffness of the back and loins after sitting. Spasmodic, cramp- like pain under the short ribs and directly above the hips, towards evening. Pain in the loins after sitting. Painful stiffness in the scapulae during motion. Bruised pain below the scapula.

Painful sticking in the shoulder when lifting the arm.


Lacerating in the shoulder-joint. Painful sticking in the shoulder-joint on lifting the arm. Pressure in both shoulder- joint more violent during motion. Languor of the upper limbs, a sort of paralysis. Lacerating in the arms. Pressure in the elbow- joint, more violent during motion. Painful jerking in the upper part of the fore-arm. Violent trembling of the hands, as if from old age. The periosteum of the finger-joints is painful when pressing upon it. Painless tubercle on the middle joint of the index-finger.


Pain in either hip-joint and in the small of the back when rising from the seat. Laming, rheumatic pain in the hip-joints. Pressure in the region of the hip-joint, more violent during motion. Lacerating, with pressure, from the hip-joint to the ankles, more violent during motion. Sensation as if the posterior muscles of the thighs were paralyzed. Pain of the periosteum as if bruised or sore. Burning itching of the thighs in the night. Tremor of the knees when sitting or walking. Weakness in the knee-joints, and lacerating, with pressure in those joints when walking. Pain in the knees, as if bruised or sore. Stiffness in the knees, only when walking. Tensive pain of the knee and heel, after sitting, when walking. pain in the front part of either patella, as if bruised, when walking. Swelling and tensive and pricking pain in the knee, when walking, or also with tensive, stinging hardness even of the whole leg, and nightly lacerating and pressure. Itching eruption in the bend of the knee. Hot swelling of the legs. with stinging-drawing pain. Weakness and heaviness in the legs. Swelling of the legs, extending to beyond

p73 the calves, with tensive pain, especially in the evening. Swelling around the ankles, and intolerable pain in the tarsal- joint when stepping. In the morning his feet feel rigid. Stiff feet, with chilliness and confused feeling in the head. Obstinate swelling of the foot. Inflammatory or oedematous swelling of the feet and legs. Pain of the soles of the feet when walking, as if ecchymozed. Bruised pain in the heel when walking. Dodagra.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.