HYPERICUM PERFOLIATUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy HYPERICUM PERFOLIATUM…


HYPER. PER. Perforated St. John’s -worst. See “Hygea,” V. and VI., Noack and Trinks,.


Agaricus, Cocc.




Great languor on rising, continuing the whole day, with trembling and violent thirst. Feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs. Sensitiveness to cold.


Smarting eruption like nettle-rash on both hands. Chilly feeling through the whole body, rash-like red eruption on the dorsum of the hand and between the fingers, thirst, and paroxysms of oppression of the chest.


Constant drowsiness. Uneasy sleep, with frightful dreams, starting, and oppressive anxiety.


Shuddering over the whole body. Dry burning heat over the whole body. Quick, rather hard, accelerated pulse. Wild starting looks and hot head, throbbing of the carotids, bright-red bloated face, dilated pupils, frequent pulse, moist hair on the head, dry burning heat on the rest of the body, great oppressive anguish; violent headache like the beating of a hammer, particularly on the vertex, lancinations in the head, tingling in the hands and feet, with violent thirst and white coating of the tongue.


Indisposition to mental or bodily labor. Lowness of spirits, melancholy, disposition to weep. Weakness of memory. Oppressive anguish, with heat ascending in the throat. Tendency to start.


Violent vertigo with loathing, on waking, with pain of the temples, also in the afternoon. Great heaviness in the head. Violent stitches in he vertex, in the evening. Severe flashing- lacerating in the temporal region, with chilliness over the whole body. Tension in the temples. Sensation as if the brain were compressed. Beating in the vertex, in the afternoon, or feeling of heat in the head. Curling sensation on the vertex. Confused sensation in the head, particularly on the vertex, accompanied by buzzing, dull humming. Sensation as if the head became suddenly elongated. Great falling off of the hair.


Painful sensation in the eyes. Tension in both eyes. Dilatation of the pupils.


Shootings through the ear.


Troublesome dryness of the nose.


Feeling of heat in the face. The face feels bloated. Drawing pain from the left ear to the malar bone, with sensation of swelling in the latter on touching it. Constant tension in the cheek.


Paroxysms of dull pain in the teeth and cheeks. Tension in the teeth, with heaviness in the head, sensation as if the brain were compressed, loathing, and continual lacerating in the arms. Nightly pains in all the teeth of the lower jaw.


Feeling of heat in the lips. Dry burning heat in the mouth. White tongue. Foul yellow coating of the tongue.


Hoarseness. Sensation in the throat as of a writhing worm. Distention of the throat.


Loss of appetite. Violent thirst. Thirst and feeling of heat in the mouth. Loathing, with inclination to vomit, and great languor.


Nausea. Eructation on drinking water. Pressure at the stomach after eating but little.


Tympanitic distention of the abdomen, going off after an evacuation. Cutting in the umbilical region, as if something were boiling in it. Cutting and pinching in the abdomen. Violent pinching pains in the abdomen.


Soft stool. Hard stool. Stool with violent tenesmus, attended with nausea. Stool at night, without success. Violent tenesmus.


Nightly urging to urinate, with vertigo almost amounting to syncope.


Violent lacerating in the genital organs, with desire to urinate. Tension in the region of the uterus, as from a tight bandage. The menses delay a fortnight. Leucorrhoea.


Dry short, and hacking cough.


Stitches below the breasts. Short breathing. Movements in the chest. Pressure and burning in the chest. Violent stitches through the breast. Sensation as if the heart would fall down. Palpitation of the heart.


Stitches in the scapula. Aching or laming-aching pain in the small of the back. Stitches in the small of the back.


Languor of the arms. Trembling and spasm in the arm and fingers. Stitches in the top of the d shoulder at every inspiration. Severe lacerating in the arms. Tension in both arms and in the hands.


Transitory spasm in the knee. The feet feel pithy, as if pricked with needless. The heels and toes are somewhat swollen with biting in those parts.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.