EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS…


EUPHR. Eye-Bright. Hahnemann’s Mat. Medorrhinum Pur., ” II. Duration of Action: from three to four weeks.


Arnica, Mercurius, Nux v., Pulsatilla, Sen., Spigelia


Camph., Pulsatilla


Shooting, itching stitches here and there, the whole night; he tosses about in his bed, and cannot get warm. Great weakness in the whole body, especially the lower limbs. Consequences of bruises, blows or contusions. Cramp-pains through the whole body. Crawling as of a fly in one or the other limb, from below upwards, with numbness of the part.


Drowsiness, without being able to sleep, with much yawning. Frequent waking in. the night, as from fright. Frightful dreams. Internal chilliness in the forenoon, followed by violent chilliness and coldness of both arms in the afternoon Feverish chilliness over the while body. Redness and heat of the cheeks. sudden heat and redness of he face, with cold hands.


Taciturn. Inertia, hypochondria, listlessness.


Dullness of the head with pressure on the vertex. Violent headache, as if bruised or a sort of painful bewilderment in the head. Aching pain in the outer part of the head, especially in the forehead. Headache, a s if the skull would burst, with dazzling of the eyes from the light of the sun. Beating in the head, perceptible on the outer side.


Dimness of the eyes. Injection of the vessels of the sclerotica, by looking at the fire. Smarting in the eyes as forms and. Stinging in the eyes, from right light. Inflammation and ulceration of he margins of the eye-lids, with headache. Corneitis. Blueness and obscuration of, and pellicle over the cornea. Swelling of the eye-lids. particularly the lower. Fine eruption around the eyes Burning and smarting lachrymation particularly in the wind. Photophobia, and pain from looking at the light. Sensation in the evening as if both eyes, especially the upper eye-lids, were drawn towards one another, obliging one to wink frequently. Fine stitches in the eye-ball. Gum in the canthi. purulent, with nightly agglutination. Rheumatic inflammation of eye eyes, almost blinding him.


Violent boring pain in the ear.


Soreness and painfulness of the inner nose. Epistaxis. phonia, or with sneezing and discharge of mucus.


Rash in the face, itching in warmth, and becoming burning and red when moistened. Stiffness of the upper lip, as if made of wood.


Beating in the teeth, after a meal. Violent bleeding of the gums. lameness and stiffness of the tongue and cheeks.


Hunger without an appetite at noon. Hiccough.


Painless grumbling in the abdomen. a sort of oppression in the abdomen, a sort of burning pressing pain in a transverse direction, during rest or motion. Pinching in the abdomen, in short paroxysms., Colic, alternating with the pains in the eyes.


Frequent maturation.


Fig-warts. The menses appear at the regular period, but last only one hour.


Cough only in the daytime, with mucus in the chest fluent cannot be detached, and difficulty of breathing. Copious fluent coryza in the morning, and violent cough with expectation. difficult breathing, even in a room.


Cramp in the lower limbs, when standing. Jerks in the cramp in the calf, particularly when standing.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.