Euphrasia officinalis

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Euphrasia Officinalis, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Euphrasia officinalis, L Eye-bright. Nat. Ord., Scrophulariaceae.


1. HAHNEMANN, Mat. Medorrhinum pura vol. v of original, vol. i of translation. Contains 37 symptoms from self, 58 from three fellow – provers, and 2 from authors.

2. September 19th, 9 a. m., 20 dr. tinct. After 1 hour slight discomfort in stomach with fits of yawning. After 1 1/2 hours weariness in limbs and general, also febrile malaise. in room the discomfort of stomach increased to nausea and rising up of heat, which feeling gradually involved whole body. Quiet well after dinner. – 20th. 40 dr., passed an unusual quantity of pale urine. – 21st. 60 dr., frequent and copious discharge of urine; here and there round glans feeling of burning heat, very transient. Sleep at night disturbed, moved much about, bed felt too hard. On rising in morning tiresome weight in sacrum increasing to dislocation pain, so that 1 hour after rising could hardly bend body forwards, and not at all to right side, or turn to right without extreme pain. This pain went off during forenoon, but went to left hip, causing there a feeling of weight and strained sensation. Better after dinner, gone by evening. – 22nd. 80 dr., feels nothing but forcing out at ears and noise like a cat spitting in them. – 23rd. 100 dr., no symptoms. (J. O. MULLER, Zeitsch. d. Verbascum hom, Aerz, Qesterr., 1857, i, I, 40.)

3. a. Dr. ADLER, November 15th, 6 a. m., took 10 dr. of 3x dil. 10 a. m., itching in both eyes lasting some morning 2 p. m., feeling as if someone pressed on his eyes; after a sleep of 1/2 hour this went off. -16th, morning, same dose. Must frequently wink the eyes during day with an unusual twinging feeling in eyes lasting a few morning, and then repeated 3 or 4 hours later. – 17th, 6 and 10 a. m., 10 dr. Quarter hour after 2nd dose a feeling of qualmishness attacked him-had to leave off working. In evening early drowsiness; went to bed and slept soundly. – 18th. Same doses as yesterday. Frequent winking like twinging of eyes, p. m. insuperable drowsiness. – 19th. 10 dr., 2x dil. 9 a. m., dull frontal headache relieved by open air; p. m., drowsiness and frequent need to wink cigar not relished. – 20th, 6 and 7 a. m., 10 dr. Soon after 2nd dose nausea and pressive frontal headache extending into eyes; this goes off in open air; during day frequent winking as if from twinging in eyes; after dinner head heavy and dazed, drowsiness, cigar not relished – 21st P. m. till evening, burning in piles relieved by cold hip bath. – 22nd. On waking morning dazedness in head, going off on driving out. – 23rd, morning 15 dr. and same dose 2 hours later. 10 a. m., qualmishness and nausea for 1/4 hours, thereafter pressure in both eyes, making him wink frequently; little appetite for dinner, cigar not relished, must soon lay it aside. 6 p. m., insuperable drowsiness.

3 b. December 8th, 6 and 7 a. m., took 9 dr. ix dil. 9 a. m., repeated yawning, followed by nausea lasting some morning, removed by drinking cold water. 11 a. m., pressure in forehead and eyes with photophobia and lachrymation, must have the room darkened; these symptoms went off about noon; little appetite for dinner. 2 p. m., eructation with taste of food; cigar not relished; evening prostration of limbs; soon goes to bed but cannot sleep till midnight; slept well till 5 a. m. -9th, morning 18 dr. 10 a. m., pinching around navel with transient nausea, followed by rumbling in bowels. 4 p. m., whilst walking in open air shooting in a hollow tooth lasting some morning, and going off in warm room. 6 p. m., pressive pain in both supra – orbital regions and twinging of eyes removed by lachrymation. Drowsiness sends him to bed, but he has no sleep till 11 p. m., and sleeps soundly till 5 a. m. – 10 th, morning, dazedness and like emptiness in head. 10 a. m, 22 dr. Ix dil. After 1/2 hour nausea and pinching in belly. Noon, clayey taste, no appetite; p. m. frequent belching of food. On going out, itching in eyes, causing him to wink and wipe them often; then increased secretion of tears; no relish for cigar; feels as weak as though he had fasted. – 11th. After much disturbed sleep the head feels dazed in morning; eyes heavy as though had not slept enough. All this goes off after a cold sponge bath. 10 a. m., 27 dr. After 1/2 hour heartburn and repeated empty eructation. 10:30 a. m. burning in eyes and lachrymation till noon. 12:30 p. m., dinner not relished, though not without appetite. 2 p. m., eructation of food. 3 p. m., shooting in hollow tooth in right lower maxilla while walking in open-air, better in warm room. 6 p. m., itching and burning of piles; 2 days without stool, very unusual. -12th. On waking at 5 a. m. slight fluent coryza with pressure in forehead near root of nose, going off at 6 a. m., after cold sponge bath. 10 a. m., 10 dr. of tinct. After 1/2 hour pressure on stomach as if full, followed by eructation with relief. 1 p. m. eructation of food. 2 p. m., pinching around navel, soon going off and returning, lasting all afternoon; violent burning of piles. 3 p. m., pressure in eyes and frequent winking as from twinging, better in the dark. 4 p. m., weariness till night – 13th, 6 a. m., 20 dr. tinct. 9 a. m., whilst walking in open air itching in nostrils and pressive frontal pain into eyes lasting 5 morning, returning after 1/2 hour. 10:30 a. m., rumbling in belly with hunger, which was satisfied with a bit of bread. Till noon frequent burning smarting in eyes making him wink much, relieved by flow of tears. Noon, appetite unaltered, food has not right taste. 1:30 p. m., stomach as if blown out ending in frequent eructation of food. 3 p. m., pinching in middle belly, shooting pain in right shoulder joint, dull pain in right upper and forearm extending to fingers. All this lasted only 1/2 hour; evening weariness in limbs, frequent yawning and drowsiness. – 14th morning, dazedness of head and pressive pain in sinciput on waking, removed by cold washing. (Ibid. ii, 504).

4. EMIL KOLLER, surgeon, took, from July 25th to October 1st, various dilutions from the 25th to the 1st always in doses of 100 dr. While taking the 20th dil. he had various eye symptoms, dryness of eyes and nose, swelling and redness of ciliary border, photophobia dazzling, and dimness of sight. – August 25th. 100 dr. 8th dill. at 1 a. m. tiresome burning of tarsal edges, dryness of nose. 1 p. m., whilst writing eyes became so painful he must cease writing; on looking long at an object it disappears and the eyes water. 3 p. m., shooting in ball of right foot for 3 morning, frequently recurring and then turning into burning, pressive pain in forehead; cross humour; stitches in right natis and when walking stitches in left big toe. – 27th. Same dose, no new symptoms, constipation for 2 days. – September 1st. 100 dr. 6th dil., dryness of nose and photophobia. On waking in morning pressive pain in forehead, thick fur on tongue; scanty stool; dryness of skin. – 3rd. Same dose, same symptoms, dryness of mouth, pressure of skin. – 3rd. Same dose, same symptoms, dryness of mouth, pressure on chest; inflammation of left half of nose. – 4th. Same dose same symptoms; tongue thickly furred morning. From 6th to 10th 100 dr. 5th dil.; no new symptoms; – 11th. 100 dr. 4th dil., dryness of nose and eyes, especially when reading or writing, compelling him to close eyes. – 12th, 13th, and 14th. 100 dr. 4th dil. – 15th. 100 dr. 3rd dil., no new symptoms. – 16th. 100 dr. 3rd dil. 1 hour after rising the eyes are so dim that for 1/2 hour he is unable to see anything distinctly, – everything seemed enveloped in a veil; after 3/4 hour this went off, and there came on burning in eyes. – 17th, 19th, and 20th. Same dose, no new symptoms. – 25th. Same dose, three diarrhoeic stools. 9th a. m., whilst sitting picking pain in left fingers for 3 morning – 26th. Same dose, same symptoms, headache more severe and lasting. – 27th to 30th. Same dose, no new symptoms. -October 1st. 100 dr. 1st dil., no new symptoms. Took no more of the drug, but up to 14th, burning, dryness and swelling of tarsal borders continued, and eyes remained sensitive to light. (Ibid., 509).

5. Dr. FARNZ PUFFER, December 2nd, 6:30 a. m., took 3 right tinct. Slight burning and itching of tarsal edges. Noon, transient pinching in abdomen after a difficult unsatisfactory stool. E., irritation in larynx causing cough, followed by tensive pressure under sternum. Then took 4 dr. This was followed by tension in left half of chest; could not sleep till after midnight, felt cold under bedclothes, confused dreams. – 3rd. 4 dr., after 3 hours stools at first firm, then pappy. All day slight burning in tarsal edges as if he had not slept enough. – 4th, 6:30 a. m., 4 dr. No stool till evening, then after much flatus and urging soft stool followed by hot feeling and slight burning in anus; weariness, urine diminished. – 5th. No med. stool scanty and hard. – 6th. No med., when walking quickly palpitation of heart; stool delayed, but normal. – 7th, 6:30 a. m., 6 dr. After 3 hours slight itching tension, now in one eye then in the other, chiefly in upper lid, which, on scratching, changed to burning. – 8th, 7 a. m., 6 dr. After 2 1/2 hour tension in tarsal edges and burning there, dimness of vision by candle-light, more urine passed, though not more hand been drunk. – 9th, 30 a. m., 6 dr. After 1/2 hours transient inclination to vomit. During forenoon an inflamed swelling pain at the side of a painful and loose molar, which goes off in afternoon. At night frightful dreams, frequent micturition – 10th, 6:30 a. m., 6 dr. After 5 hours shooting and burning in outer canthus of eye, followed by watering of both eyes. The eyeball looked as if swimming in water, and the conj. palp. was red and swollen. Itching burning in left canthus and tension of both eyes; forenoon, pressive pain under sternum with flying shoots here and there in chest; afternoon, burning and itching in anus; two piles as big as beans appear at anus. E., increased thirst, slight feverishness; at night frequent micturition. – 11th. No med. The piles have become smaller, but are still very painful in any position, and when moving. The tarsal borders especially of left eye very red and swollen, with occasional burning in them, and increased secretion of tears. Voice in morning rather hoarse, the piles continue painful till evening. During day the eye symptoms go off. Night, pain and feverish dreams, frequent walking and chilly feeling, frequent call to urinate, and much urine passed. – 12th. No med. Piles, which in morning were the seat of shooting and burning pain, are better and smaller after an easy stool; in evening very little pain in them. -13th, 6:30 a. m., 7 dr. The piles still are slightly painful. In evening a transient but violent shoot in left big toe. After haemorrhoidal symptoms were quite gone, took on 17th 9 dr. After 6 hours on going upstairs sudden violent cough caused by tickling in larynx lasting a few seconds. IN evening, later than usual, a lumpy, hard, insufficient stool; 2 hours afterwards irresistible desire to scratch anus. which itched violently; this lasted 1/4 hour. – 18th, 6 a. m., 5 dr. Transient inclination to vomit. Piles began again to swell and feel tense. 2 a. m., woke up with pinching and rumbling in belly, which went off after discharge of much flatus. – 19th, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. Pasty taste and no appetite for breakfast or dinner; this went off in evening – 20th, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. In evening some itching in piles, which are not yet quite gone. – 21st, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. In forenoon, burning and tensive pressure, fulness, and heat in right eyeball. Eyelids somewhat reddened and swollen. Noon, scanty stool, isthmus faucium rather painful; tensive pain in stomach, appetite diminished; in evening thirst, long in falling asleep. – 22nd, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. No stool to-day; no symptoms. – January 5th, 7:30 a. m., 5 dr. Occasional pain in molar teeth. A copious stool morning and evening. 7th and 8th 5 dr., nothing but 2 copious stools observed. – 9th Itching in left eye, evening – 10th. NO med., no symptoms till evening, then (36 hours after taking med.) burning first in right them in left eye; eyes fatigued by reading, the letters running to one another. The burning lasted from 8:30 till 9:30 p. m. in right eye, in left it ceased earlier. A second stool in evening (Ibid., 513)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.