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CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM…


CYCL. Sow-Bread. See Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica Pura,” Vol. II Duration of Action: from two to three weeks.


Arnica, Asa-f., China, Magn.-mur., Nux.-v., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Silicea




Sometimes he is exceedingly ill-humored and indolent, with weakness of body, which disappears when beginning to move. Great weakness of the body, especially of the knees, the mind being strong and lively. His limbs feel heavy, as if they could not move easily. Relaxation in the whole body, he dreaded to stir. Excessive weariness in the evening, he has to lie down and slumber; when rising again his limbs feel bruised and stiff, with drawing aching pains in the thighs and knees.


Itching, leaving a numb sensation behind. Itching gnawing in many parts of the body. Stinging itching when in bed.


Drowsiness when sitting. Nightmare as soon as he had gone to sleep. Restless sleep. Interrupted sleep, with many dreams. Irresistible desire to sleep in the evening, with constant chilliness.


Continual chilliness. Sudden shuddering in the evening, with feeling of chilliness. Chilliness without thirst. Sensitiveness to cold.


Indisposition to work, in paroxysms. Alternately cheerful and out of humor. Internal grief and anxiety of conscience.


The memory is at times weak, at others quick. His mind is constantly in a state of stupor. Dullness of mind, neither disposed nor able to perform any sort of labor. Vertigo. Dizziness.


Dull ache in the occiput. Slight pressure in the vertex, as if the brain were enveloped with a cloth, and as if this deprived him of his senses. Aching pain in the middle of the vertex, sometimes causing dizziness. Stitches in the fore part of the brain when stooping. Headache with yawning, without drowsiness. Lacerating pain, with pressure, in the outer parts of the head.


Dilatation of the pupils. Oppressive stupefaction of the whole head, with obscuration of sight, sensation as of a fog before his eyes. Obscuration of sight. Swelling of the upper eye-lids, without dilatation of the pupils. Dryness and pressure in the eye-lids, as if swollen, with violent itching stinging in the lids and eye-balls. Fine stinging, piercing, itching in the eyes and eye-lids.


Drawing pain in the meatus auditorious internus, diminishing the hearing.


Itching stitch in the cheek, increasing in violence, leaving a burning behind.


Diminution of smell. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing.


A dull drawing toothache. Arthritic sticking and boring in the teeth.


Drawing pain deep in the cervical muscles, as if bruised, extending down to the oesophagus, and causing a rigid feeling in that organ. Aching drawing pain in the submaxillary gland, when bending the neck forward.


Nausea, with accumulation of water in the moth, like water- brash, or with eructations tasting of the ingesta. Frequent eructations, sometimes sour. Nausea and fullness in the chest, in the morning, with an unusual hunger. Qualmishness and inclination to vomit after eating. Drowsiness after a meal. Hiccough after a meal.


Little hunger and appetite. Complete want of appetite. Repletion in the stomach. Bad, putrid taste in the mouth. Food has a flat, or no taste.


Oppression and fullness in the pit of the stomach. Lacerating piercing stitches in the epigastrium, below the stomach, during motion. Grumbling in the abdomen, after a meal. Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, with some nausea in that part. Colic. Pinching pain in the abdomen. Pinching cutting pain in the abdomen, coming on suddenly. Dull sticking pain in the bowels, below the region of the liver. Paralytic, oppressive sensation in the epigastrium. Crampy pain in the abdomen. Pinching in the epigastrium, as if diarrhoea would come on. The abdomen is painful when touched ever so slightly.


Papescent stool. Frequent expulsion of hard stool. Drawing- aching pain in and about the anus and perinaeum, as from subcutaneous ulceration, when walking or sitting.


Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission.


Oppression of the chest, with oppression of breathing. Suffocation. Oppressive pain in the left half of the chest,

especially about the heart. Paralytic pressure in the chest, upper arm, and tibia, when sitting still.


Piercing, pinching, dull stitches in the region of the kidney, more violent during an inspiration. Stitch-like pains in the back, when sitting. Drawing along the spinal column, from above downwards. Paralytic aching pain in the nape of the neck, disappearing when bending the head backwards. Drawing-rheumatic pain in the left side of the neck.


A kind of paralytic hard pressure on the arm, apparently in the periosteum. Pain above the elbow-joint, on the outside, as if contused or bruised, increasing when moving the arm.


Cramp-like pain in the posterior surface of the thigh. Bright red spots, like burns, on both thighs. Pain as if bruised, with pressure in the knee, disappearing when moving the part. Violent itching in the calf. Lacerating, paralytic pain with pressure, in the region of the tibiae, with want of power nd inactivity in the knees. Drawing pressure in the dorsum of the foot when sitting, going off when rising. Pain in the foot as if sprained. Itching above the ankles and in the toes. After walking, the toes feel dead.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.