ELECTRICITY symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ELECTRICITY…


The symptoms which are marked (A) belong to the atmospheric, those which are not marked to the artificially-excited electric fluid.

ELEC. See Caspari, “Hom. Bibliotheque,” II.


Pains in the limbs. Drawing through all the limbs, extending to the tips of the fingers and toes. Shock through the whole body, proceeding from the malar bone. Relaxation of the nerves and muscles. Fainting. Stiffness of the limbs. Paralysis of single limbs, particularly the lower. Trembling of the limbs. Subsultus- tendinum. St. Vitus’ dance. Aggravation of the epileptic fits.


Itching or tingling over the whole body. Itch-like eruption in the joints. The skin becomes blackish (A). Ecchymoses.


Yawning, with shuddering over the whole body. Sleeplessness (A).


Shuddering over the body, with yawning. Chilliness, the dry, short heat. Frequent alternation of chilliness and heat, with sore throat. Chilliness with profuse sweat, with painful spasms in the head and along the back. Heat through the whole body, with chilliness on motion. Pulse intermittent. Pulse quick and strong (A). Accelerated circulation.


Weeping, sighing, crying out. Paroxysms of oppressive anxiety. Violent uneasiness (A). Dread at the approach of a thunder-storm (A). Involuntary laughter (also A). Rage.


Loss of consciousness. Loss of sensibility (A). Looking around with staring eyes. Loss of memory. Dullness of the head. Stupefaction (A), Giddiness.


Simple headache (A). Pressure in the forehead, from above downwards, as from a stone. Painful spasms in the head. Disagreeable shocks, generally behind. Roaring in the whole sinciput. Prickings in the scalp (A). Undulating sensation under the scalp. Feeling of coldness on the vertex. Stinging itching of the head and thighs. The growth of the hair is promoted.


Inflammation of the eyes. Profuse lachrymation (also A). Wild rolling of the eye-balls. Contraction of the morbidly enlarged pupils. Dim-sightedness. Blindness (A). Black point before the right eye. Everything looks yellow.


Drawing from the jaws into the ears. Redness and warmth of the ear. Swelling of the inner ear. Suppuration and small ulcers in the meatus-auditorius. Blister behind the ears full of an acrid fluid. Whizzing in the ears, or sensation as if obstructed by a plug.


Loss of smell.


Expression of terror in the countenance (A). Swelling of the face. Scurf in the face, on the arms and body. Large blisters on the cheeks. Chapped lips. Eruption around the mouth and chin.


Lacerating in the upper teeth, proceeding from the head. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in old sockets of the molar teeth.


Soreness of the inner cheek. Increased secretion of saliva (A). Foam at the mouth (A). The tongue is very sensitive, particularly at the tip. Swelling of the tongue (A). Blisters on the tongue. Loss of speech, inability to articulate (A). Constant titillation in the throat. Inflammation of the pharynx.


Increased appetite. Heartburn. Ptyalism. Nausea. Desire to vomit. Vomiting, with sore throat. Haematemesis.


Sense of repletion in the stomach, after a slight meal. Spasmodic contraction of the stomach. Cutting in the abdomen.


Black-yellow, liquid stools, having a fetid smell. Violent pressing in the anus (during the menses). Burning at the anus. Flowing haemorrhoids.


Sensation as if the bladder would burst. Frequent micturition. Incontinence of urine. Discharge of blood with the urine.


Black and thick menstrual blood. Profuse menses, with pressing in the rectum. Leucorrhoea, first thin, then thick, with coagula of the size of a hazel-nut.


Cough, with violent titillation in the throat and pressing in the forehead from within outward.


Panting breathing. Asthma all one’s life, with palpitation of the heart and disposition to faint (A). Chilliness in the left side of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, with fever, or with headache, or with oppressive anxiety and bright-red face. Painful quick movement from the region of the heart through the chest.


Creeping in the spine. Boils in the back and nape of the neck.


Frightful pains in the arms and lower limbs. Jerking or lacerating in the joints of the arms and hands. Paralysis of the arms. Swelling of one arm. Crusty ulcers on the arms and lower limbs. Violent jerking in the upper arm. Trembling of the hands. Swelling of the hand, also red, or sudden. Feeling of numbness in the tips of the fingers.


Sensation in the thigh as if the flesh had become detached from the bone. Tottering of the knees. Red spots on the skin. Burning of the feet, up to the knees, particularly at night. Trembling and feeling of weariness in the feet. Sense of numbness and distention in the feet, and as if they had gone to sleep. Tingling in the soles of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.