Homeopathic remedy Cyclamen Europaeum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Sow-bread. Hahnemann. Primulaceae.


      Dulness of head.

Confusion of head.

Absorbed in deep thought, seeks solitude, thinks about his future.

Melancholy; inclined to cry.

Joyous feeling alternating with irritability.

Great sadness, as if he had committed a bad act or not done his duty.

Peevish, irritable or morose.


      Feels as if the brain was in motion when leaning against something.

Vertigo : objects turn in a circle, or about her, or make a see-saw motion; when walking in open air; better in a room and when sitting.

Dizzy, fulness and heat of head.

Dulness of all the senses.

Inner Head

      Slight pressure in vertex, as if brain was enveloped in a cloth, which would deprive him of his senses.

Violent frontal headache; semi-lateral headache (left).

Stitching, darting or boring pains in temples.

Headache worse in evening or in morning when rising.

Headache relieved by cold water applications.

Congestion of blood to the head.

Increased warmth of head.

Outer Head

      Tearing, pressing pain externally.

Fine sharp formicating-stinging on scalp, changing place when scratching; worse evenings, as rest; better walking about.

Papulous eruption on scalp.

Head feels bound.


      Now yellow and again green before the eyes.

Fiery specks and sparks before the eyes.

Sight : as if looking through dark blue glass; like mist before the eyes; dim vision with the headache.

Halo around the light.

Dimness of sight, with fiery sparks before the eyes.

Diplopia. Strabismus.

Dilated pupils; or contracted and dilated alternately.

Eyes sunken and have a weary look.

Left eye drawn toward the inner canthus.

Swelling of upper eyelids.

Dryness and pressure in the lids, as if swollen, with violent formicating stitches therein, and in the eyeball.

Heart in the eyes.


      Roaring; humming; or ringing in the ears.

Dulness of hearing as if cotton was in the ear or something lying before the (right) ear.

Drawing pain in right internal ear; hearing impaired.

Itching of ears, with increase of cerumen.


      Sense of smell diminished.

Frequent sneezing, with itching in the ear.

Dryness of nose.

Fluent coryza (morning).

Pressing pain over the nasal bones.


      Pale face; rings around eyes; anaemic women.

Pimples soon filling with whitish-yellow lymph and then shriveling.

Drawing together of forehead.

Lower Face

      Itching on lower-jaw.

Sensation of numbness of upper lip or as of an induration therein.

Dry lips, without thirst.


      Tearing; stitching; boring, in teeth (more right).

Tongue etc.

      Taste : flat; offensive; putrid; fatty.

Food tastes flat, or is almost tasteless.

Tip of tongue red, with small burning blister thereon, impeding speech and chewing; saliva increased; tongue coated yellowish- white.

Fine stitches on the tongue.


      Saliva increased.

Viscid mucus in mouth.

Heightened redness of mouth.


      Dryness of palate, evenings, with thirst and hunger.

Desires Aversions

      Little hunger or appetite.

No desire for breakfast or supper; entire loss of appetite.

After eating but little, aversion no food, with nausea in throat.

Aversion to bread with butter, to fat.

Thirst during the night, intermittent.


Eating and Drinking

      After eating; sleeping; hiccough, rumbling in bowels; digestion weakened. After eating a little, aversion to food:. After eating or drinking (nausea):.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Violent hiccough.

Eructations: tasting sour; of the food; of a fatty taste.

Nausea after eating or drinking; except from lemonade.

Nausea after fat food.

Nausea and fulness in the chest, with unusual hunger.

Vomiting: of watery mucus; of food; of greenish fluid.


      Stitches in the stomach.

Fulness and pressure in pit of stomach, as after eating too much.


      Stitches in region of liver.

Ball-like distention in bowels, on right side below the liver.


      Full feeling in abdomen.

Distention of abdomen.

Intestines painful to touch.

Stitches in umbilical region; stitches, or pinching in abdomen.

Cramp-like pains.

Running and crawling in bowels, as of something alive.

In left inguinal canal: stitches; itching.



Pressure in rectum or anus.

Heat in rectum, with swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins.

Urging to stool; tenesmus.

Stool; odorless, brownish-yellow, mixed with some mucus.

Watery diarrhoea.

Frequent passage of hard stool.

Drawing, pressive pain in and about the anus and perineum, as if a spot was suppurating, when walking or sitting.

Hemorrhoidal flow.


      Urine profuse, watery and frequent.

Frequent urging, with scanty discharge; also seldom and scanty.

Urine dark red, containing much flocculent matter.

Male Sexual Organs

      Erections at night, without exciting dreams.

Stitches in urethra.


Prepuce and corona glandis feel sore, from slight rubbing.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses profuse and frequent.

Menorrhagia, with stupefaction of head and vision obscured, as from a fog. Flow clotted, black, membranous.

Flow less when moving about; worse in the evening when sitting.

Menses suppressed or scanty, and painful; dread of fresh air.

After menses, swelling of mammae, with secretion like milk.


      Loathing and nausea in mouth and throat.


      Voice weak when reading aloud.


      Oppression of chest, with impeded breathing.

Breathing accelerated.


      Suffocative cough, caused by scraping and dryness in trachea.


      Pressure in the middle of sternum.

Stitches in left side of chest, later in right side.

Stitch about the apex of heart.

Tearing stitches with oppression and shortness of breath, during motion and rest.

Heart Pulse

      Buzzing in region of heart.

Sensation as of something alive, running in the heart.

Stitches about the apex of heart.


Pulse: double beat, very rapid scarcely perceptible.

Outer Chest

      Pressure in middle of sternum.

Contractive sensation of chest.

Sensation as if air streamed from the nipples.

Mammae swollen, tension and stitches therein; hard and painful discharge of milky fluid.

Neck Back

      Stiffness of neck, with laming pain.

Drawing rheumatic pain in left side of neck.

Twinges up the back relieved by drawing the shoulders backwards, aggravated by the reverse.

Deep penetrating dull stitches in region of right kidney, worse during inhalation.

Upper Limbs

      Tearing, terminating in a stitch, over the scapulae, with laming pain in the arms.

Itching on the shoulder and in the axilla.

Laming, hard pressure in right arm, as if in the periosteum, and deep-seated muscles; extending to fingers, impedes writing.

Bruised pain in the elbow-joint, outside; worse from motion of arm and touch.

Tearing pain in elbow and wrist-joints.

Feel as if she must let fall that which is in the hands.

Cramp-like slow contraction of right thumb and index finger, the tips approach each other and can only be extended by force.

Fine prickling between the fingers, ceasing after scratching.

Red blisters, preceded by severe itching on ring and little fingers, left hand.

Distention of veins on dorsum of hand.

Lower Limbs

      Rheumatic drawing in left gluteus maximums near the spine, while sitting; ceases when standing.

Cramp-like pain on right thigh above the popliteal space.

Drawing pain in flexors of leg, seeming to start from hollow of knee and draw to tip of the toes.

Itching on right calf, with swelling of blood-vessels.

Pain in the bottom of foot, as if sprained, more at heel.

Burning, sore pain in the heels, when walking in open air; also when standing or sitting.

After walking, toes feel dead.

Limbs in General

      Limbs feel as if their mobility were impaired.

Position etc.

      Rest : Motion : Walking : Rising : Standing : Sitting: Bending shoulders back : Reading aloud : Falling asleep :.


      Great lassitude of body, particularly of knees, though spirits may be good.

Enervation or weakening of whole body, burdensome to move a limb.


      Frequent yawning.

Great inclination to slumber, mornings.

Restless sleep, dreams of money.

Nightmare soon after falling sleep.

Sleep disturbed, and toward morning full of dreams; also a pollution.

Goes to sleep late, awakes early, so weary at usual hour for rising cannot get up.

Early awakening, yet so tired and sleepy, cannot arise.

Dreams : lascivious; frightening; vivid.


      Morning: Forenoon : Evening:, Night :,,.

Temperature and Weather

      Room : Uncovering: Open air : Cold water.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill forenoon or evening.

With evening chill, great sensitiveness to cold air and uncovering. Chill predominates. Heat principally of face, but without thirst, succeeds the chill; the hands continue cold a long time.

Sensation of heat through the whole body, particularly in the face and on the hands.

Heat of various parts, but not of the face.

General heat after eating.

Sweat at night during sleep, moderate of offensive odor.


      Right :,, Left:, Left to right : Below upwards : Above downwards: Out in : Drawing shoulders backward :.


      Pressive, drawing or tearing pains at parts where bones lie near surface; worse while walking than when at rest.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.