Homeopathic remedy Kali Carbonicum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Potassium carbonate. Hahnemann. K2 O, Co.


      Sudden attack of unconsciousness.

At a loss to know how to say what she wishes. Puerperal mania.


Dulness, confused, stupid, as after intoxication.

Weeps much.

Dread of labor.

Fear of being alone; fears she will die.

Anxiety with fear.

Despondent in the open air.

Peevish, irritable; noise is disagreeable; easily startled, especially if touched.


      Giddiness, nausea, pressure in the stomach Vertigo when rapidly turning the head or body; evening and morning.

Inner Head

      Congestion to head, with throbbing and humming.

Forehead; stitches, also in the temples, worse stooping, moving head, eyes or jaw; better raising the head, and from heat; stitches into the eyes and root of nose, with catarrh.

Pressing in the front of head, temples and into the eyes, with heat in face and head. Pressure with photophobia.

One-sided headache, with nausea.

Jerking in head from behind forwards; dark before the eyes; unconscious; better from a drink of cold water.

Headache from riding in a carriage; coughing, sneezing; on awaking from sleep; from coryza.

Pressing pain in back of head.

Outer Head

      After being heated, liable to cold from a draught, causing headache, toothache and backache.

Painful tumors on scalp, like blood-boils; worse from pressure and motion, less from heat; itching, as if in bones.

Hair dry, brittle, falling off, mostly from temples, eyebrows and beard; scalp itches and burns morning and evening; oozes if scratched.


      While reading or looking at a bright light muscae volitantes; sharp stitches;; fog before the eyes.

Bright sparks, blue or green spots before the eyes.

Inclination to stare.

Eyes weak : after coition; after measles; after abortion.

Lachrymation, shunning light; pain deep in eyes.

Corners of eyes ulcerate.

Lids red, swollen; tarsi worse.

Eyelids swollen, also left cheek and upper lip.

Swelling like a bag between upper eyelids and eyebrows.

Enormous bag like swellings under the eyes. Erysipelas.

Eyes sunken.

Sensation of coldness in the lids.


      Roaring, whizzing, crackling noises.

Headache and noises in the ear after a cold drink.

Hearing impaired.

Stitches from within outward; also with drawing behind the ears. Otitis.

Right ear hot, left pale and cold.

Discharge of liquid cerumen or pus.

Parotids, especially the right, inflamed, swollen, hard.


      Dull smell; especially from catarrh.

Fluent coryza, excessive sneezing; pain in back; headache and lassitude.

Obstruction of nose, making breathing through nostrils impossible; goes off when walking in open air, but returns in the room; itching in the nose; fetid yellow green discharge form one nostril.

Dry coryza, with loss of voice, hoarseness; mucus in the throat, sensation of a lump in the throat.

Burning in the nose; sore, crusty nostrils; bloody, red nostrils every morning; external nose red, swollen, stinging pains.

Nosebleed when washing face; every morning at 9 o’clock.


      Red and hot; one cheek hot, the other cold; purple, bloated; dark-red during cough, otherwise pale; pale; sickly; sallow; grey; yellow.

Face bloated in the morning.

Stinging in the cheeks; tearing stitches from a molar into the forehead, eyes and temples.


Lower Face

      Upper lip swollen; bleeding rhagades.

Lips peel, are chapped.

Hard swelling of submaxillary glands.


      Toothache, tearing, lancinating, with pains in facial bones.

Teeth ache only when eating; throbbing; worse when touched by anything cold or warm.

Teeth are loose.

Bad smell from the teeth.

Stitches in the teeth; cheeks swollen, with stinging pains.

Tongue etc.

      Taste bitter; flat.

Tongue swollen covered with vesicles, the tip burns as if raw, fraenum sore.

Tongue white; bad taste.


      Bad, alkaline smell from mouth; smell like old cheese.

Mouth feels dry, with increased saliva.

Vesicles, painful, burning all over the inner mouth.


      Crawling in the throat, causing hemming and coughing, and a feeling of tightly adhering phlegm.

Tenacious mucus in the fauces and posterior of pharynx, mornings; difficult to hawk up; sensation as of a lump.

Stinging when swallowing; frequent desire to swallow saliva, but frequently cannot, causing a choking.

Pain in the back when swallowing.

When swallowing, the food remains half way, when gagging and vomiting; stricture of oesophagus.

Desires Aversions

      Desire: for acids; for sugar.

Aversion to rye-bread.

No appetite; disgust for food.

Intense thirst.

Eating and Drinking

      During eating: sleepy.

After eating: burning from stomach to throat; colic renewed; abdomen distended; stomach replete, especially after soup or coffee; sour eructations; nausea, faintness.

When hungry, feels anxious, nauseated, nervous, tingling; also cough and palpitation, better after breakfast.

Drinking : cold water : Cold drink : Eating warm food : After eating (pains):.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructation sour; nausea.

Sick during a walk, no vomiting, feels as if she must lie down and die. Pregnancy Nausea : and loathing; from emotions; with anxiety and faintness.

Retching, vomiting of ingesta and slime; sour.


      Stitches in the pit of stomach; anxiety.

Pressing, tensive pain, awakens at 2 A.M. Pit of stomach swollen, tense, sensitive to touch.

Deep in the scrobiculum, a lump as large as a fist, sensitive to touch.

Pain in the great cul-de-sac radiating to chest, to back and extremities. Pains in back and legs after eating.


      Stitches in region of liver, with tension across abdomen.

Swelling of the liver; abscess.



      Epigastrium swollen, hard, sensitive; pulsations therein; pains in hepatic and umbilical region, also on both sides of inferior parts of stomach down into bladder and testes.

Cutting, shooting, darting, stitching all over the abdomen.

Tension across abdomen; heaviness, inactivity, coldness.

Abdomen distended with wind.

Incarceration of flatus with colic.



Unsuccessful desire for stool; rectum feels too weak to expel


Stool dry, too large in size; rectum inactive. Feels distressed an hour or two before a passage.

Stool: light grey; frequent, soft, pale.

Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling in abdomen and burning at the anus afterwards. Chronic diarrhoea of dyspeptics.

Diarrhoea only by day.

Before stool, anxiety, distressed feeling; white mucous discharge.

After stool : itching about anus; anus feels as if lacerated.

Varices protrude during micturition; blood, then white mucus escapes.

Inflammation, soreness, stitches and tingling, as from ascarides, in the varices.


      Tensive pain in the left side. Stitches in the region of the kidneys.

Urine : hot, scanty, frequent, sediment red, slimy; blackish, foaming when shaken; with purulent sediment.

Urine flows slowly, with soreness and burning; or profuse, greenish.

After micturition : burning in urethra (also during); prostatic discharge.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire excessive, with burning sensation or desire deficient.

After coition, weak, especially the eyes.

Copious, painful pollutions, with subsequent painful erections.

Dragging in the left testicle, and penis.

Swelling of testes and spermatic cord.

Scrotum feels as if bruised.

Female Sexual Organs

      Stitching pains in and about the uterus; labor-like colic, leucorrhoea; pain like a weight in the small of back.

Nausea, vomiting, stitches through the abdomen; great weakness.

Sore pain in the vagina, during coition.

Menses too early, scanty, pale, of a pungent odor, acrid, covering thighs with an eruption. Flow may be early, and more profuse and long-lasting than usual.

Difficult first menses.

Before menses : sour eructations; swelling of the cheeks; shooting pains over the abdomen; or colicky pains;l nettle-rash; increased sexual desire; itching of vulva.

During menses: headache with heaviness; pains in ears, teeth, back; heavy aching in small of back and down the buttocks : nettle-rash; lassitude.

Menses suppressed, with anasarca or ascites; or every month sour eructations, etc.; backache compelling her to sit down.

Yellow leucorrhoea, backache; labor-like pains; itching-burning in the pudendum (arising from the discharges.).


      During pregnancy: vomiting; discharge of coagula.

Abortion impending, with pains from back into buttocks and thighs; miscarriage at third month.

Consequences of abortion or labor; back weak, sweat, dry cough, prolonged metrorrhagia.

Labor-pains insufficient; violent backache, wants the back pressing; bearing down from back into pelvis, Sharp cutting pains across lumbar region, or passing off down the buttocks, thus hindering labor; pulse weak.

Promotes expulsion of moles.


      Aphonia, with violent sneezing.

Scraping, dryness, parched feeling.

Subacute laryngitis with tenacious, glairy mucus.



Dyspnoea, worse from drinking, from motion, cannot walk fast; arrest of breathing, awaking him at night.

Breathing labored; after paroxysms of cough.

Asthma, must lean forward with head on the table; worse in the morning.

Dyspnoea, with violent and irregular beating of the heart.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.