Feels as if there was no air in his chest.


      Cough : paroxysmal from tickling in throat, larynx or bronchi, with dislodgement of tenacious, mucus, or pus, which must be swallowed; spasmodic, with gagging, or vomiting of ingesta and sour phlegm; tormenting, gets nothing up, sometimes feels as if a tough membrane were moving about, but would not loosen.

Cough with sputum of masses of blood and pus.

Cough day and night, dry and teasing; from 3 to 4 A.M.: with sticking pains at sides of chest; brought on by eating (warm food), drinking; motion; sitting erect; lying on the side; or exposure to cold. Better after breakfast.

Whooping-cough worse 3 A.M. : gagging and vomiting; inflammation of the lungs; swelling between upper lids and eyebrows.


      Spasms of the chest.

Chest feels weak, faint from waking fast.

Pain through lower third of right chest to back.

Pressure in middle of chest, with gulping of watery phlegm; stricture of the oesophagus.

Pressure, heaviness, anxious feeling.

Pain as if lower lobe of right lung was adhering to ribs.

Phthisis; acts on lower part of right lung; faint spells; sputum contains pus-globules, blood and albumen.

Pneumonia, with stitches through right chest, hepatic inflammation; right lung hepatized; worse when lying on right side.

Infantile pneumonia, much rattling both sides; during resolution.

Pleurisy, stitches in the left chest, with violent palpitation; dry cough, worse 3 A.M.

Heart Pulse

      Crampy pains, as if heart was hanging by bands; burning.

Palpitation in spells, taking his breath.

Heart’ beat intermits; heart’s action irregular; tumultuous or weak.

Stitches about the heart and through to scapula.

Systolic murmur; stitches pains; second tick loud from pulmonary stagnation. Endocarditis.

Ebullitions, with heat from abdomen to head; pulsations all over. Insufficiency of mitral valves.

Pulse : rapid mornings, less so evenings; unequal, irregular, intermitting; slow and weak.

Neck Back

      Back of neck stiff; shooting pains through the chest; uvula elongated.

Neck feels large, clothing tight; congestion.

Swelling of cervical glands.

Backache; while walking she feels as if she must give up and lie down; after confinement, abortion, metrorrhagia, etc.

Sharp stitching pains awaken him 3 A.M., he must get up and walk about; lumbago.

Pulsations in the back.

Backache, as if broken; or as if pressed in from both sides, with labor-like colic and leucorrhoea.

Gnawing in the os coccygis.

Upper Limbs

      Pain, as from blows, under right shoulder, when moving or touching it.

Axillary glands swollen, painful.

Stitching-tearing extending into finger-joints.

Weakness in arms, mornings; arms feel numb, cold; goes to sleep when lain on.

Hands and arms covered with purplish spots.

Weakness with cramps in hands and fingers; paresis.

Finger-tips go to sleep early in the morning.

Palms itch; vesicles form.

Lower Limbs

      Crampy tearing in hip-joint and knee; bruised pain when moving and when sleeping; coxalgia.

Dull pains in side of knee, when walking or extending leg.

Difficulty in the knees on going down stairs, and still more on going up.

Nightly rheumatic pains.

Burning and stinging in the legs.

Profuse fetid foot-sweat.

Feet heavy, stiff.

Swelling and redness of the soles; chilblains.

Swelling of feet to ankles; feet cold.

Stitches in the painful and sensitive corns.

Limbs in General

      Jerks the limbs, especially when the feet are touched.

Limbs; tired; cold.

Puffiness; hands and feet cyanotic.

Position etc.

      Motion : 4, 2, 2, 2,. Moving head :.Raising head:. Walking;, 1, 2, 2,,. Ascending or descending:. Exercise :. Turning : Sitting erect : 2. Leaning forward: 2. Stooping :. Lying :; on side: 2; on right side : 2. Must lie down :. Reading or looking at a bright light : Emotions :.


      Twitching of the muscles. Parts laid on feel bruised and ” go to sleep;” sweat, faintness.

Spasms seem to pass off with frequent eructations.

Puerperal convulsions. Spasms, with full consciousness.

Paresis; trembling.


      Yawning. Drowsy by day and early in evening.

No sleep;gastric ailments.

During sleep: starting; limbs twitch; gnashing the teeth; crying.

Aroused by asthma.

Awaken between 2 and A.M., with nearly all ailments, especially those of throat and chest.

Horrid dreams, with frequent awaking and desire to urinate.


      Morning:, Noon: Evening: Night: 2-4 A.M.:, 9 A.M., and 5 P.M.: 4. 9A, m,., Day: Day and night: Third month (miscarriage):.

Temperature and Weather

      Heat:. Room Open air: Draught: Cold: Cold water: Cold drink: or warm:. Washing the face:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Frequent shuddering during the day. Chilly in the morning; also about noon; begins toward evening, relieved near the warm stove an after lying down; after the pains; increased out-doors.

Potash lowers the bodily temperature.

Heat, yawning, pain in chest and head, pulsations in abdomen, A.M. and 5 P.M.

Internal heat, external chilliness.

Chill and heat with dyspnoea.

Evening fever; chilly with thirst, then heat without thirst; with violent fluent coryza; later slight sweat, with sound sleep.

Constant chilliness, violent thirst from internal heat; hot hands; loathing of food.

Chill and fever, with oppression of breathing, constriction of chest, pain in region of liver, thirst worse during chill.

Sweat; mostly on upper parts; after eating; easily excited by exercise during the day. Night-sweats, with cough; after pneumonia. Sweat all night without relief.


      Paroxysms recur every two or three hours Asthma.


      Right: Left: Within outward: Behind forward: Above downward:, Feeling of emptiness in the whole body as if it were hollow. Sensation of coldness in the eyelids; see 5, of a lump in throat:.


      Anaemia, with great debility, skin watery, milky-white; muscles weakened, especially the heart; hence weak pulse is a general characteristic.

Disposition to phlebitis.

Tumors with sticking like needles.


Dropsy of old people.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Cannot bear to be touched; starts when touched lightly, especially if on the feet.

Touch:,,,. Pressure: l, Scratching:. Riding in carriage:.


      Skin, dry, itches; better from scratching.


Herpetic spots on face.

Yellow, scaly spots over abdomen: or around the nipples.

Burning itching herpes; moist after scratching.

Ulcers bleed at night.

Stages and States

      Suitable for the aged; rather obese; lax fibre.

Dark hair.

After loss of fluids, or vitality, especially in anaemic persons.


      In amenorrhoea, after Natr.mur. failed.

Complementary to Carb. veg.

Kali carb. is frequently suitable after: Bryon, Lycop., Natr., mur., Natr. ac.

After Kali Carb. are frequently indicated’ Carb. veg., Phosphor.

Antidotes to Kali carb: Camphor, coffea, Spir. Nitr. dul.

Kali sulph. (clinically proved to be good in loose cough and rattling on chest).

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.