Constipation, with great heat of the body. Constipation, several days. Obstruction of the intestinal canal, or else violent evacuations. Violent diarrhoea. Bloody diarrhoea. Tingling in the rectum, as of ascarides. Haemorrhage from the haemorrhoidal vein.


Enuresis. Dark-red, turbid urine, with yellowish sediment. A burning lancinating pain in the orifice of the urethra, during and between the acts of micturition. Nocturnal micturition. Inflammation of the glans, swelling of the penis.


Continual hoarseness, which does not allow him to speak a word. Spasm in the throat, which hinders speech. Uninterrupted, dry cough. Fatiguing cough, with expulsion of blood from the nose when blowing it. Short and dry cough, like whooping cough, arresting the breathing. Cough, with uninterrupted, almost suppressed breathing. Nightly, very violent cough, succeeded by violent hoarseness, with chilliness from morning till evening. Haemoptoe. Cough, with expectoration of white mucus, attended with paroxysms of spasmodic asthma.


Quick respiration, with moaning. Rattling in the chest, with discharge of bloody mucus from nose and mouth. Difficult short breathing, with spasmodic cough and rattling in the chest. Cough, with wheezing breathing, on attempting a deep inspiration. Asthma. The asthma increases at night, when coughing, laughing, or bending the body backwards. Spasms in the chest, arresting speech and breath. Fits of spasmodic asthma; the chest feels contracted, the breathing is difficult even to suffocation; when the spasms abate they are succeeded by a convulsive vomiting. Suffocative arrest of breathing. Stitches in the side, interrupting sleep. Boring pain in the region of the heart. Sensation as of too great an accumulation of blood in the chest, without palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart and headache before the menses.


Lancination across the small of the back. Violent aching in the back, under the right scapulae; when breathing, the pain is felt as a stitch. Sharp, incisive drawing in the left side of the back. Tight pain in the nape of the neck. Lancinating, lacerating in the cervical muscles. Swelling of the right cervical glands, painful to the touch. Pain in the thyroid cartilage. Heaviness of the axillary glands.


Drawing pain in the shoulder. The arms, especially the right, are painful during rest. Pain in the upper arm, as if broken or contused. Aching in the upper arm. Herpes in the bend of the elbow, forming yellow scales, and itching violently. Twitchings in the hands. Cold hands. Weakness and lameness of the hand. Inflammation of a lymphatic vessel, from the hand to the shoulder, with violent swelling of the hand. Numbness and shrivelling of the fingers.


Great pain in the lower limbs. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs. Dull pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs. Pain in the thigh, close above the knee, as if broken or bruised. Pain in the knee-joint as if broken. Languor in the knee-joints, with painful drawing when walking or standing, the knees incline to give way. Cramp in the calves. Pain in the calves, especially during rest. Painful weight in the tarsal joint. Violent itching in the soles of the foot. Aching of the toes. Burning of the soles. Sweat of the feet. Suppression of sweat of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.