CUPRUM METALLICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CUPRUM METALLICUM…


CUPR. Copper. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” III. Duration of Action: from eight days to a fortnight.


Agn, Ammonium, Aurum, Belladonna, Calcarea, China, Cocculus indicus, drosera, Dulcamara, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Iodium, Ipecac., Mercurius, Nux.-v., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Ruta., Sambucus, Spongia, Sulphur, Veratrum, Cuprum is frequently indicated after Veratr. After Cupr are frequently indicated Calcarea, Veratr.


Of large doses: the white of an egg (or, if should not be had, milk or wheat flour); a solution of sugar (Marcelin Duval, Postel; according to Vogel, a solution of the Acetate of Copper is most perfectly decomposed by Manna, and to certain extent by sugar of milk and honey:; Iron-fillings (Navier, Payen, Chevallier, Dumas, Milne Edwards); preparations of Sulphur, Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas. Of small doses: Belladonna, Calcarea-carb., China, Cocculus indicus, Dulcamara? Hepar-Sulph., Ipecac., Mercurius-corr., Nux.- v., rhus., Sulphur Cuprum antidotes Aurum According to G. Schmid, Cupr-acet. antidotes the effects of Opium in the brain when fully developed.


Pains between the scapulae, in the knee and elbow-joints. Rheumatic pains. Pains, especially on the right side, which shake the whole body, and dart through it. Painful jerks or shocks in different parts of the body. Bone-pains early in the morning, with headache and nausea, or between the paroxysms of rage and convulsions. Uneasiness in the body, with jerking of the limbs. He is very restless, and occasionally utters a loud cry. Tremor. Tremor in all the limbs. Convulsive movements of the limbs. Convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs. General convulsions. convulsions, with continual vomiting and violent colic; the convulsions passed gradually into paralysis. Convulsive fits during sleep (at night), twitchings of the fingers, arms, and hands, backward and then again inwards towards the body; the same convulsive movements backwards occurring in the feet; she shortly opened her eyes for a short time, and then closed them again spasmodically, distorting at the same time her mouth. He fell down senseless in a sudden convulsive fit. Epileptic convulsions, he trembled, staggered, and fell down senseless, without a cry. Epileptic fits, recurring at short intervals. Epileptic fits, with foam at the mouth, opisthotonos, with the limbs spread out to the sides, and the mouth open. Spasms of the limbs. The limbs and trunk became rigid, the jaws were closed. Or with loss of consciousness, opisthotonos, redness of the eyes, ptyalism and frequent micturition. St. Vitus’ dance. Faintishness of the limbs. Relaxation of the whole body. Great weakness in the body, especially in the knee-joints, which feel as if they would break down; he can scarcely stand or walk, as if he had made a long journey on foot. Great lassitude after a walk, all the limbs appear to tremble. Excessive weakness in the whole body. Repeated fainting fits. Consumption. Apoplexy. Paralysis. Nervous affection, with excessively sensitive and acute senses.


The poisonous effects of Copper are disposed to appear in alternate senses.


Cutaneous eruptions. Rash on the chest and hands. A kind of dry itch. Eruption, resembling lepra. Herpes with yellow scales. Contraction of the skin of all the limbs. Jaundice. Caries. Old ulcers.


Sleepiness and lassitude. Lethargica sleep after the vomiting. Deep sleep, with jerking of the limbs. Frequent convulsions at night. Constant grumbling in the abdomen, during sleep. Sleeplessness.


Feverish sensations. Violent fever. Chilliness, especially of the hands and feet. Chilliness and chattering of teeth. Shuddering and chills over the whole body. Flushes of heat. Full pulse, but of ordinary quickness. Accelerated pulse. Soft, slow pulse. Slow pulse, 24 beats a minute. Weak and small pulse. Moist hands. Profuse night-sweat.


Melancholy, loves solitude. Anguish about the heart. Restless tossing about and constant uneasiness. Irresolute and dissatisfied with everything. Out of humor. Absence of thought, weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, with headache. His senses vanish. Exhalation, ecstasy of the mind. Convulsive laughter. Delirium. Incoherent, delirious talk. Derangement of the mind, characterized by fear. Attacks of craziness. Attacks of craziness, with merry singing. Attacks of peevish and artful craziness. During the attacks of craziness the pulse was full, quick, strong, the eyes red and inflamed, looks wild, and speech incoherent, every attack terminating with sweat. Frequent attacks of rage; they tried to bite the bystanders. Attacks of vertigo.


Most violent headache. Headache, after an epileptic fit. Painful hollow sensation in the head. Aching of the parietal bone, especially when grasping it, even unto screaming. Pain in the brain as if bruised, the same pain is felt in the orbits when turning the eyes. Aching, first in the right, then in the left side of the head. Hard pressure in the temples, frontal eminences, occiput, and at the same time in the brain, accompanied by vertigo; increased by movement and contact. Pain in the fore part of the head, as if the brain were pressing outwards, especially when stooping, with dullness of the head. Drawing pain in different parts of the head, with vertigo, as if things were turning round, relieved by lying down; accompanied by indescribable qualms of sickness. Phrenitis.


Burning lacerating in the scalp. Swelling of the head, with a very red face. Pain in the parietal bone, unto screaming, particularly when touched.


Pain in the orbits, as if bruised by blows, when turning the eyes. Aching in both eyes. Violent itching in the eyes, towards evening. Burning aching in the eyes. Red, inflamed eyes, with wild looks. Dim eyes, they feel so weak that they close. The eyes are rolling to and fro. Wandering eyes. Stating and sunken eyes. Protruded glistering eyes. Greater immobility of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils. Obscuration of sight.


Boring pain in and behind the ear. Frequent itching in the ear. Deafness.


Sensation of violent congestion of blood to the nose. Stoppage of the nose. Frequent sneezing. Coryza, fluent and dry, with frequent yawning. Catarrhal feeling in all the limbs.


Paleness of the face. Pale, cachectic complexion. Bluish face, with bluish lips. Sunken, deep eyes, with blue borders. Changed features, full of anguish. Sad, dejected expression of the countenance. Spasmodic distortion of the features. Pain in the left side of the face, as if it had been bruised by a blow. Pressing pain in the face, in front of the ear. Hot face, without feeling so to the prover.


Drawing under the chin, more violent when touching the parts. Spasmodic contraction of the jaws.


Lacerating, extending from the teeth to the temples. Inability to talk, owing to spasms in the throat. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Foam at the mouth.


Stinging pain in the throat. Inflammation of the throat, with impeded deglutition. When drinking, the beverage descends in the gullet with a gurgling noise.


Excessive thirst. Bitterness in the mouth. Sourish taste in the mouth. Coppery taste in the mouth, with troublesome burning. Water-brash after eating milk.


Constant eructations. Generally heartburn in the afternoon, with bitter slime in the throat. Frequent hiccough. Violent nausea. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, with sensation of intoxication. Inclination to water-brash in the abdomen. Inclination to vomit, accompanied by spasmodic colic. Vomiting. Violent vomiting, from time to time. Violent vomiting, with nausea and diarrhoea. Continued vomiting, attended with the most horrid colic. Excessive vomiting, accompanied by continued pain in the stomach and tenesmus. Excessive vomiting, accompanied by colic and diarrhoea; Frequent vomiting, accompanied by colic and diarrhoea; resembling cholera. Badly-smelling vomiting, tasting of the Copper, constantly preceded by hiccough. Vomiting of water, after slight nausea and inclination to vomit, accompanied by profuse lachrymation. Vomiting of mucus. Vomiting of green and bitter mucus, preceded by nausea in upper part of the throat, and accompanied by aching in the stomach. Frequent vomiting of mere bile. Haematemesis without cough, with deep stitches in the left side of the chest. Vomiting is prevented by drinking cold water.


Weakness of the stomach. Excessive horrid pains in the stomach and in the region of the stomach. Spasm of the stomach, and colic without stool. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing pain in the stomach.


Pain in the hypochondria, particularly when touched, as if bruised. Pain in the abdomen, with excessive anguish. Pressure from above downwards in the abdomen, as from a stone. Painful pressure in the abdomen, as from something hard; more violent by contact. Drawing pressure in the hypogastrium as from something hard, increased by motion. Inflation of the abdomen. Hardness of the abdomen, with great painfulness to the touch. Drawing in of the abdomen. Spasmodic movements of the abdominal muscles. Violent, spasmodic movements in the intestines and stomach. Violent spasms in the abdomen and in the upper and lower limbs, with piercing, torturing screams. Colicky pinching in the abdomen. Cutting and lacerating in the bowels. Corrosive stitches and ulcers in the intestines.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.