Pain below the stomach, immediately after dinner sensation as if a worm were moving about in the stomach. Pecking and gnawing sensation below the praecordial region. Pressure in the stomach after a meal. Aching pain in the stomach. Praecordial region, and hypochondria, a few hours after a meal, or in the night when in bed. Pressure in the pit of the stomach arresting the breathing. Crampy sensation and tension in the pit of the stomach when walking. Violent spasms of the stomach, griping lacerating sensation in the stomach. Constrictive pain in the stomach, hindering sleep. Spasm of the stomach after a meal, or from weakness.


Pain in the hypochondria as if bruised. Stitches in the region of the liver. Inflammation of the liver and diaphragm. Compressive pinching in. he epigastrium, arresting the breathing. Aching pain under the last rib. Pressure the he epigastrium. empty and hollow sensation in. the abdomen. Crampy sensation in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the intestines. violent colic after dinner, when in walking, with sensation of chilliness and vertigo. Lacerating in the intestines. Burning in. the abdomen. Considerable distention of in the hypogastrium, with pressing towards the genital organs, and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, with inclination of water-brash. Painful disposition inguinal hernia, especially after rising from a seat. Pain as from hernia, only when sitting, and going off when rising. Pressing pain in the groins, as if the menses would make their appearance.


Constipation. After stool, violent tenesmus of the rectum, even unto fainting. Soft stool, Diarrhoea. Frequent small evacuations. Desire for stool, followed by fetid diarrhoea. Soft, loose stool, sometimes yellow, and burning at the anus. Desire of stool and emission of flatulence, with sudden expulsion of diarrhoeic stool, in small portions and at short intervals. Tingling and itching in the rectum, as from ascarides. Burning itching in the anus.


Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. Pain in. the urethra, with desire to urinate. Tensive, aching pain in the orifice of he urethra, between the acts of micturition. Stinging pain in the urethra. Desire to urinate of pregnant females.


Itching burning of the scrotum. Violent pains in both testicles, as if bruised, especially when touched. Drawing pains in the testicles. Increased excitability of the genital parts. Nightly emission of semen.


The menses, which had been suppressed a whole year, reaper. Suppression of the menses, with oppressive abdominal spasms, flatulence lameness, anguish oppression of retching spasms in. he chest, attacks of nausea and fainting, and jactitation of the limbs. Scanty, irregular period, with leucorrhoea between the periods. Painful menstruation, with copious discharge of coagulated blood and subsequent haemorrhoids. Discharge of bloody mucus from the uterus, during pregnancy. (Metrorrhagia.). Uterine spasms, particularly with suppressed or irregular menses. Leucorrhoea, resembling serum,, mixed with a purulent, m ichorous liquid. Shivering over the mammae. Chlorosis.


Irritation in the he upper part of the larynx, inducing cough. Contractive sensation in the trachea, as if irritated by smoke, including almost constant cough. the throat feels constricted. Constant irritation, with cough.


Asthma and difficulty breathing. tightness and constriction of the right side of the chest, oppressing the breathing of the upper part of the sternum, arresting the breathing, Sibilant, snoring breathing with suffocative oppression, especially during an inspiration. (moans and sore feeling in the chest). Spasms in the chest, with sighing and moaning. Hysteric spasms in the chest, Aching in. the middle of the sternum. Drawing in the right side. Stinging pain in the sternum when walking. Stitches in the sides. Stinging in both nipples. Rushes of blood to the chest, with anxiety. Palpitation of the heart, nervous. Piercing pain in the articulations of the chest and all the dorsal vertebrae, as if they were sprained or spasmodically contacted, especially during motion.


Paralytic pain in the small of he back. Paralytic,. aching pain in the lumbar region. The bones in the small of the back feel bruised. Tremor in the back. Drawing pain in the back, especially the left side of it (when sitting). Drawing, lacerating, or boring pain in the back. Pain in the spine as if it would break. Drawing pain about the scapulae. Intermittent, aching, paralytic pain during rest, under the left scapulae. When moving the shoulders, the parts behind feel stiff and painful. Sticking pain in the nape of he neck, when bending the head either forwards or backwards. Pressure in the scapulae in the nape of the neck. Painful cracking of the cervical vertebrae, when moving the head. Painful stiffness of the cervical muscles, when moving the neck or when yawning. Weakness of the neck., with heaviness in the head.


Pain in the shoulder on lifting he arm, on touching they feel bruised. Single stitches in the shoulder and elbow-joint, and in the humerus, the pain being intolerable during rest, he is afraid of moving his arm, although being intolerable during rest, he is afraid of moving his arm, although the pain decreases by motion. Convulsions f the arms, with clenching of the thumb. lancinations emanating from a sore finger. Pain in the arm as if gone to sleep, and lame during and after a meal. The arm goes to sleep with tingling sensation. Lameness for he arm, arms when lifting them, as if broken. the humerus, immediately above the elbow, feels bruised and lame during motion. ‘the arm on which he rests feels painful, as if bruised. Digging-up pain, with sensation as of wave-like drawing, and as if swollen, and fore- arm, as if dislocated, during motion and contact. The fore-arm goes to seep, with sensation in the hand as if swollen, and a constrictive pain in the muscles. Both hands, first one, then the other, are alternately hot or cold, or insensible. Arthritic hot swelling of he hands. Cramp-like contraction of the finger. Painful, paralytic drawing through the fingers. Lacerating boring, drawing pain in the fingers.


When sitting, violent pulsative stitches in. the outer side of the left thigh, occasioning involuntary motions. Paralytic immobility of the back downwards. Rigid feeling from the thigh down to the knees. Paralytic drawing in. the thighs with weakness in the bruised. Pain in the thighs as if broken, when raising them. When raising. Tremor in the thighs jerking, Cracking of the knee during motion (immediately). Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with darting pains. Intolerable drawing pain in the cleaves, in the night, when bending he knees. Tensive pain in the calves during motion. Great weariness in. the knees as after a violent journey. Dull, undulating, paralytic pain in the external side of the left leg. Both feet top to sleep when sitting. Swelling of the foot in the evening. Cold sweat of the feet. Heat and swelling of the feet, with continual corrosive itching. Itching of the tarsal joint. violent pain in. the tarsal joint, as if sprained during motion, pain as if bruised in the dorsum of the feet, when bending or touching the foot. Corrosive pain in the toes. Pain in a heel, apparently in the os-calcis, as if bruised.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.