Homeopathic remedy Cocculus drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Cocculus Indicus. HAHNEMANN. Menispermaceae.


      Stupid feeling in the head.

Slowness of comprehension.

Time passes too quickly.

Thoughts fixed on one unpleasant subject; she is absorbed and observes nothing about her.

Sobbing, moaning and groaning.

Sudden great anxiety.

Vacillating, cannot accomplish anything at her work or finish anything; with contracted pupils.

Very easily affronted; every trifle makes him angry.

Startles very easily.


      Vertigo: as from intoxication, or with inclination to vomit, when rising up in bed; must lie down. Head befogged, generally increased by eating and drinking.

Dulness of the head, as after being drunk.

Sensation of emptiness and hollowness in the head, worse in open air and after eating, better when getting warm in bed.

Inner Head

      Headache, with nausea and inclination to vomit.

Headache as if the eyes were being torn out.

Pressing headache from without inwards; or as if compressed by a bandage; or, as if screwed together.

Pressing pain in forehead, from without inwards, with nausea; aggravated by riding in a wagon; from eating; drinking and sleeping; from thinking; ameliorated during rest, in-doors.

Violent headache, cannot lie on back of head, must lie on side; worse least light; noise excites vomiting.

Beating in forehead, evenings, worse before and after eating; also when riding, especially in cold air; from talking; better in-doors.

Headache in occiput and nape, sensation of opening and shutting like a door; even in spotted fever.

Outer Head

      Convulsive trembling of the head from weakness of the muscles of the neck; worse in the open air and after sleeping; from coffee and tobacco; better in warm room.

Cramp-like pain in left temporal muscle.


      Dimsightedness; obscured vision.

Dark spot before the eyes, though objects appear clearly.

Bruised pain in eyes, with inability to open lids, at night.

Pupils: dilated; contracted.

Eyes protruding.

Eyes closed, with the balls constantly rolling about. Eyelids inflamed.


      Sensitiveness of hearing.

Noise in the ears like rushing of waters, with hardness of hearing.


      Sense of smell either acute or weak, Discharge from nose bloody; pus-like.

Worse from strong smells.


      Face: pale; blue around the eyes; sweat in face, cold.

Red cheeks and heat of face, in cold room.

Pressive, benumbing and cramp-like pains in region of malar bones and masseter muscles; worse opening jaw.

Lower Face

      Pustule below the right angle of mouth, with tensive pain when touched.

Swollen hard glands under the lower jaw, and nodes on the forearm, which are painful when stroked.


      Hollow tooth, pains only when chewing, even soft food; not when biting with empty mouth.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: bitter; putrid; sour; offensive; metallic; like sulphur.

Food tastes as though salted too little; tobacco tastes bitter.

Yellow coated tongue with aversion to food.

Tongues as if paralyzed; pains at base when protruded.


      Dryness of the mouth, at night, without thirst.

Sensation of dryness in mouth, with frothy saliva and violent thirst.


      Dryness in the pharynx.

Pressive pain in the tonsils, worse when swallowing the saliva than when swallowing food.

Burning in the oesophagus, extending into the fauces, with taste of sulphur in the mouth.

A sort of paralysis, preventing swallowing.

Choking constriction in upper part of fauces, with difficult breathing and irritable cough, or disposition to cough.

Desires Aversions

      Hunger without appetite.

Thirst with aversion to drink.


Disgust for beer; aversion to sour things.

Longing for cold drink, especially beer.

Eating and Drinking

      All symptoms and affections, particularly of the head, increased by eating or drinking.

Coffee aggravates the headache.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Frequent empty eructations; then she wants to eat.

Nausea which is felt in the head, and inclination to vomit, in morning, can scarcely rise on account of faintness.

Nausea and vomiting when riding in a carriage or getting cold.

Disposition to vomit, with profuse flow of saliva, on getting a chill or taking a cold; also, in connection with headache and pain in the bowels, as if bruised.

Vomit: sour; bitter; of bad odor.


      Violent cramp of stomach; also with flatulency and much saliva; gastralgia.

Contractive pain in the epigastrium, taking the breath.

Painful sensation of fulness in the stomach.


      Pain as if beaten in hypochondria.

Pressive pain in the hepatic region, increased by coughing and bending over.

Stitches in hepatic region.


      Emptiness and sensation of hollowness in the abdomen.

Sensation in abdomen as if sharp stones rubbed together on every movement.

Great rumbling in the bowels.

Spasmodic flatulent colic about midnight, flatus passed without relief; belching relieves; pain severest in epigastric, umbilical and right iliac region.

Stool etc.

      Contractive pain in rectum, preventing sitting, afternoons. Stool followed by tenesmus recti causing faintness.

Diarrhoea, with sensation in abdomen as of sharp stones rubbing together.

Diarrhoea only through the day, thin yellowish, without pain.

Incarcerated flatus; obstruction of the bowels.

Hard stool every other day, expelled with great difficulty.


      Frequent desire to urinate, with small discharge.

Watery urine.

Male Sexual Organs

      Seminal emissions at night.

Excitement of the genitals, with desire for coition.

Increased sensitiveness of the genitals.

Drawing, sore pain in the testicles when touched.

Itching of scrotum.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses profuse and too often, when rising upon the feet it gushes out in a stream.

Scanty discharge of black blood. During the effort to menstruate, she is so weak that she is scarcely able to stand.

Leucorrhoea in place of the menses.

Leucorrhoea, like serum, mixed with a purulent, ichorous liquid.

Dysmenorrhoea followed by hemorrhoids. Also with severe cutting in the womb, or sensation as if later was distended; seasick feeling flatulent gastralgia.

Painful pressure in uterus, with cramps in chest, nausea and vomiting.


      Shivering over the mammae.

Discharge of bloody mucus form the the uterus, during pregnancy.

Spasmodic and irregular labor-pains.

Terrible pain in small of back, with hour-glass contraction of uterus.

Spasms following difficult labor, and brought on by changing the position of the patient.


      Tightness in the larynx.

Talking aggravates all the symptoms, particularly of head.


      Obstruction of breath at the throat-pit, as if the throat were constricted.


      Fatiguing cough from oppression of the chest.

Cough increased by indulging the irritation.


      Contractive tension of right side of chest taking the breath. Cramps in the chest, also hysteric.

Audible rumbling in the left side of chest, as if from an emptiness, especially noticeable when walking.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse small and spasmodic, often imperceptible, seldom hard, somewhat accelerated.

Palpitation of the heart, from quick motion and mental excitement, with dizziness and faintness,.

Neck Back

      Painful stiffness of neck when moving it.

Disabling drawing in the small of the back.

Paralytic pain extending over hips; with anxiety and apprehension.

Spasmodic constriction through the length of the spine; worse on motion.

Upper Limbs

      Stitches in the shoulder-joint and muscles of upper arm, during rest.

Stitches in the right upper arm.

Now one hand, and again other, is numb and as if asleep.

Now one hand, and again other, is alternately hot or cold.

Lower Limbs

      Pain as if beaten in the thighs.

Inflammatory swelling of knee, with transitory stinging pains.

Cracking in the knees when moving.

Lower limbs: nearly paralyzed; paralytic feeling and drawing in thighs.

Hot, itching swelling of the feet.

Cold feet.

OEdema of feet, with paralysis of lower limbs, after a cold.

Limbs in General

      Involuntary motions of right arm and right leg, cease during sleep.

Here and there in the limbs, a laming drawing, as if in the bones, continuous or in attacks.

Cracking and creaking in joints; painful stiffness of joints.

Now the hands, and again the feet, “go to sleep,” alternately, in short attacks.

Position etc.

      Rest: Motion:, Walking: Moving: Moving head: Quick motion: Slight exertion: Rising on the feet: Rising up in bed: from bed: Bending over:. Change of position:. Must lie down: Sitting : Cannot stand: cannot lie: Lying: Riding:.


      Great lassitude of the whole body, it is an exertion to stand firmly. Feels to weak to talk loud.

Epilepsy in the morning on rising from bed; fever afterwards.

Hysteric complaints, with sadness.

Paralysis of face, tongue, or pharynx; paraplegia, with numbness and tingling.


      Sleeplessness from night watching; also from pure mental activity.

Sleep disturbed by excessive anxiety and restlessness.

Sleep aggravates all the symptoms, particularly of head.

Anxious, frightful dreams.


      Morning:, Afternoon: Evening:. Night:,, Evening till morning: Midnight: Day:.

Temperature and Weather

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.