CROCUS SATIVUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CROCUS SATIVUS…


CROC. Saffron. See Stapf’s “Additions”. Duration of Action: upwards of eight days.


Aconite, Belladonna, Causticum, Ignatia, Lachesis, Magn., Mosch., Magnet.-pol. arct., Opium, Platina, Stannum, Tart.


Aconite, Belladonna, Opium


Bounding in various parts of the body, as of something living. The joints feel loose and give away. Painful cracking of the joints during motion. The limbs on which one rests at night go to sleep. Seething of the blood, through the whole body. Haemorrhage from various parts, the blood being black and viscid. Spasms every evening, with alternation of excessive tenderness and rage (see “Mind and Disposition”). Extreme lassitude, with sensation as if sweat would break out all over; he is scarcely able to stand, would like to sit or lie down all the time, although he feels his lassitude even then. Lassitude, inertia, and drowsiness. Excessive weariness in the morning, relieved by going into the open air, she felt worse in the room. Frequent fainting turns. Feeling of lassitude and inertia in the whole body, she feels as if she would faint. Debility in single limbs, even small movements cause a bruised feeling, especially in the hip-joint, as if struck by apoplexy (from the smell). Tremor through the whole body.


Tingling in the whole body. Scarlet redness of the whole body. Chilblains.


Great desire to sleep, after dinner, with chilly creepings. Great drowsiness, with faint, glassy eyes. He sings in his sleep Excessively drowsy, with yawning in the daytime. Restless sleep frequent waking, he tosses about, but falls asleep again immediately with vivid dreams. A number of confused, even frightful dreams. He is waked in the night by a desire to urinate, and a pain as if bruised.


Cold thrill along the back, over the shoulders, and down the arms. Feeling of coldness in the back. Chilliness with some thirst. Yawning and chilliness after supper, with burning of the eye-lids and desire for cold drinks. Great heat with tingling in the skin. Distended veins, with feeling of heat and moderately- increased temperature of the skin. Seething of the blood, as if the body were filled with moving things, without any perceptible heat. Violent heat over the whole body, but especially about the head, with redness of the face and violent thirst, towards evening. Sudden suffusion of warmth.


Uncommon mirth and cheerfulness. Excessive, almost frantic joy, with paleness, headache, obscuration of sight. Every evening, alternations of spasms, and frantic fits of tenderness, wildness, and rage, with disposition to bite. Great debility and dilatation of the pupils, with great inclination to jest and laugh. Immoderate laughter. Frequent alternation of cheerful and sad humor. Fickle: angry one hour and cheerful the next. A slight cause excites his anger, which he is sorry for the next moment. Uneasy, anxious, sad mood. Indifferent to everything. Joyless and sad, alternating with mirth. Religious melancholy.


Staggering and giddiness when raising the head after lying down, at night. Vertigo and heat of the whole body. Vertigo and great dullness of the head. Tightness of the forehead, and afterwards of the whole head, as if intoxicated. Stupid feeling in the head, with painful dullness in the occiput. Great forgetfulness. Absence of mind and forgetfulness. His mind errs; he is mistaken about the time and the objects around him. Gloomy sensation in the head, dull pain in the eyes, and momentary vertigo.


Sticking headache, with dry coryza. Violent headache Pressure in the vertex and heaviness of the whole head, in the morning after waking. Pain over the eyes, with burning and pressure. Pressure in the forehead. Sudden acute pain below the left frontal eminence. Painful drawing in the forehead, with nausea. Pulsations at regular intervals in the whole of the left half of the head and face. Drawing pressure in the right half of the occiput. Acute lacerating in the head and right eye, likewise in a left hollow tooth, with dimness of the right eye and a sensation as if a current of cold air were rushing through it. Sensation when moving the head as if the brain were loose.


Violent burning of the eye-lids. Dilatation of the pupils Contraction of the pupils, after several hours. Her eyes see through a mist. Frequent blackness before her eyes. Obscuration of sight, after which a sensation as if bright stars were dancing before here eyes. Dimness around the eyes and darkness in front. Nightly agglutination. Feeling of heaviness in the upper eye-lid. Sensation as if the eyes were becoming smaller. Sudden flashes before the eyes, like electric sparks, in the daytime. Aching pain in the eyeballs, with profuse running of water, worse on reading. Her eye-lids close, with lachrymation. Sensation in the eyes as if smarting from smoke. Sensation in both eyes as if she had been weeping. Burning in the eyes. Dry-eyes. Twitching and itching of the upper eye-lid. Sore feeling in the eye-lids, at candle-light. Burning in the eye-lids, worse when closing the eyes. Nightly spasm of the lids.


Circumscribed burning red spots in the face. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Livid complexion.


Dry coryza, with cold hands and feet, and heat in the face. Violent sneezing. Discharge from the nose of a tenacious, thick, dark-black blood, with cold sweat on the forehead, in large drops.


Drawing in the ears. Humming and roaring in the ears; also with hard hearing, worse on stooping.


Smarting of the lips. Dryness and scraping in the mouth. Dryness in the mouth, and violent burning of one-half of the tip of the tongue as if vesicles would form on it. White-coated, humid tongue. Unusual warmth in the mouth.


Scraping in the throat. Sharp scraping sensation in the posterior parts of the throat, obliging him to hawk. Sensation of heartburn along the oesophagus. Sudden drawing in the left side of the neck, externally and internally, and extending into the ear. Sensation as if the uvula had become elongated during and after deglutition.


Repulsive, sourish-sweetish taste in the mouth, in the morning. Bitter taste in the throat. Eructations. Empty feeling in the abdomen, with complete want of appetite. Canine hunger. Qualmish, disposed to vomit. Feeling of nausea in the chest and throat, as if she would vomit.


Contraction, rumbling, and fermenting drawing sensation, or single violent stitches in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach.


Distention of the stomach and abdomen. Slight grumbling in the epigastrium, with uncomfortable feeling. Repeated bubbling sensation in the abdomen. Drawing in the praecordia, in the direction of the stomach, like cutting. The stomach is sensitive as after taking cold. Colic, as from a cold. Drawing colic, as if the menses would make their appearance. Painless stroke in the epigastrium, as of something living bounding upwards. Several dull shocks below the short ribs of the left side, near the pit of the stomach.


Some blood was passed with the stools. Movement through the whole abdomen, with a pinching sensation, and with occasional slight indications for stool. Dull, long stitch near the anus,. from time to time, continuous, affecting the whole nervous system painfully. Pain in the small of the back, in the morning and at night in bed, during motion. Creeping in the anus as of ascarides. Intolerable writhing in the anus. Intensely-painful dull stitches on the right side of above the anus.


Excitement of the sexual desire. Bearing down in the groin, as if menses would appear. Feeling of heaviness in the groin. Sensation as if the menses would make their appearance, with colic and dragging-down in the direction of the pudendum, in a few hours. Fatal haemorrhage from the uterus, especially after delivery. Haemorrhage from the uterus, during the least movement.


Violent paroxysm of dry cough, relieved by pressing with the hand on the pit of the stomach. Turns of dry cough, as if occasioned by a constant and violent irritation in the trachea.


Heaviness in the chest. Warm sensation ascending towards the heart, with anxiety and some oppression of breathing. Tightness of the chest. Stitch below the heart, worse during an inspiration. Sudden aching pain in the lower part of the chest and pit of the stomach, with slight nausea in those parts. Soreness in the whole chest. Shocks in the left side of the chest, in paroxysms as if the breath were arrested. Seething of the blood and palpitation of the heart, with anxiety, and subsequent sensation of languor extending through the abdomen to the feet. Great feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach.


Pains in the small of the back, in the morning and at night in bed, during movement. Painful feeling of stiffness in the neck, during motion. Swelling of the neck.


Sensation in both shoulders as if bruised. Occasional pain in the shoulder joint, when moving the upper arm. Dull pain with paralytic feeling in the left arm. Tensive pain in the shoulder- joint and cracking in the same, when turning the upper arms outwards. The arms, especially the fore-arms, feel very heavy and as if bruised. Arms and hands go to sleep.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.