CALCAREA CARBONICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CALCAREA CARBONICA…


CALC. CAR Carbonate of Lime. “Chronic Diseases,” Vol. 11. Duration of Action: upwards of fifty days.


Alumina, Anacardium, Arnica, Arsenicum, Baryta, Belladonna, Bismuth, China, Cuprum, Graphites Kal., lYC., Magn., Mere., Nitr-ac., Nux-v., Phosph., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur Veratr. Calcarea-car. is frequently indicated after: China, Cuprum, Nitr-ac., Sulphur (especially when the pupils are prone to become dilated). After Calc-car. are frequently indicated: Lycopodium, Nitr-ac., Phosph., Silicea


Camph., Nitr-spir., Sulphur It antidotes: Bismuth, China, Chin- sulph., Nitr-ac.


HAHNEMANN. “This is one of the most powerful antipsorics, and may be used with benefit in the following affections, if not otherwise indicated: Depression of spirits; weeping mood; want of cheerfulness, with heaviness of the legs; anguish when sweating; restless anxiety; anguish; shuddering and horror, when the evening approaches; anxiety induced by thoughts; anxiety after listening to the recital of cruelties; nervous depression; frightfulness: attacks of despondency on account of disordered health; sensitive peevishness; obstinacy; indifference; dullness of the thinking faculties; chronic affection of the head, as if a plank were before the head; dizziness and tremor before breakfast; vertigo on going up-stairs; vertigo on ascending a height, the roof for instance; heaviness and pressure in the forehead, which oblige him to close his eyes; headache on account of reading and writing; headache from reading to high; boring in the forehead, as if the head would burst; beating headache in the occiput; throbbing in the middle of the brain; hammering headache after walking in the open air, which forces onto lie down; headache and buzzing in the head, with heat in the chest; icy coldness in the right side of the head; evening, sweat of the head, falling off of the if hair; pressure in the eyes; burning of the eye-lids, and soreness, as if they were excoriated; burning and cutting in the eyes, while reading by candle-light; cutting in the eye-lids; stitches in the eyes; itching of the eyes; agglutination of the eyes; suppuration of the fistula- lachrymalis; lachrymation, in the open air, or early in the morning; slight twitches in the upper and lower eye-lid; closing of the eye-lids every morning; obscuration of sight when reading; obscuration of the eyes after eating; dim-sightedness before the eyes, as if there were feathers before the eyes; dim-sightedness, as through a gauze; mist before the eyes when straining the eyes in looking or reading; long-sightedness, one cannot see without convex glasses; the eyes are blinded by bright light; stitches in the ears; discharge; of pus from the ears; crackling in the ear when swallowing; throbbing in the ears; tingling in the ears; buzzing before the ears; whizzing of the ears, with hard hearing; thundering in the ear; her hearing is often impeded; hard hearing; sore nose, obstruction of the nose by yellow, stinking pus; bleeding at the nose; bad smell and fetor from the nose; smell of manure before the nose; pain of the face itching and eruption in the face; summer freckles upon the cheeks; itching and itching pimples, where the whiskers are; eruptions about the mouth; pain of the glands of the lower jaw; toothache after very cold drink; drawing toothache, with stitches, day and night, renewed by cold and by warmth; toothache like grinding and soreness; difficult dentition; painful sensitiveness of the gums; stitches in the gums; swelling of the gums; bleeding of the gums; dryness of the tongue, at night, or early on waking up; aphthae under the tongue; accumulation of pituita in the mouth; hawking up of phlegm; constriction of the throat; bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning; want of appetite; want of appetite, with constant thirst; repugnance to the usual tobacco; disinclination to warm food; chronic aversion to meat; hunger immediately or shortly after a meal; ravenous hunger, early in the morning; she cannot eat sufficiently, it will not go down; hear after eating; eructation after eating; better eructations; water-brash; weakness of digestion of the stomach; pressure at the stomach before breakfast and after a meal; nightly pressure at the pit of the stomach; stitching pressure at the stomach after a meal; spasm of the stomach; pinching and cutting at the pit of the stomach; simultaneously with pressure at the stomach, pressure from within outward under the last rib; one cannot bear tightness of clothing at the pit of the stomach; swelling at the pit of the stomach, with pressive pain; the pit of the stomach is painful to the touch; tension across both hypochondria. Pressive and lancinating colic. without diarrhoea; pressive and pinching colic, without diarrhoea; colic in the epigastrium; in the afternoon, cutting and griping in the abdomen, with vomiting of the food taken for dinner; coldness in the abdomen; inflation and hardness of the abdomen; incarcerated flatulence pressing towards the abdominal ring, as if hernia would take place; constipation, costiveness; stools scanty and hard; two evacuations a day; frequent or constant looseness of the bowels, involuntary discharge of loose stool, intermixed with gas; protrusion of the varices of the rectum, with burning pain, during stool; physical depression after an evacuation, accompanied by a sensation as of being bruised, through the whole body; itching of the anus; ascarides in the rectum, burning in the urethra; too frequent micturition; haemorrhage from the urethra; haematuria; libidinous, lewd thoughts; want of sexual desire; slight sexual powers; want of pollutions; too short erections during an embrace; stinging and burning in the generative organs of the male, during the emission of semen, in an embrace pressive pain in the vagina; pressure upon the prolapsed womb, stitches in the os-tincae; itching of the pudendum and the anus; varices of the labia-pudendi; after-pains or milk-fever, after confinement; haemorrhage from the uterus; (suppressed catamenia;) catamenia too early and too copious, cutting in the abdomen, with griping in the small of the back, during the catamenia; leucorrhoea, before the catamenia; leucorrhoea, like milk, flowing at intervals; burning and itching leucorrhoea; itching of the pudendum, while leucorrhoea is flowing. Frequent sneezing; troublesome dryness of the nose; constant coryza; delaying coryza, dry cold in the head, in the morning; obstruction of the nose; ulceration of the larynx, hoarseness; excessive accumulation of pus in the chest cough in the bed, in the evening; night-cough, during sleep; cough early in the morning; dry cough; yellow, stinking expectoration; pressure at the stomach during cough; interception of breath when stooping; pressure at the chest; stitches in the side of the chest during motion; stitches in the left side, when stooping to that side; burning at the chest; prickling in the pectoral muscles; palpitation of the heart, also at night; pain in the small of the back; pain as from a sprain, in the back; stiffness and rigidity of the nape of the neck; swelling of the cervical glands; goitre; pressive pain in the right upper arm; nightly drawing and lacerating in the arms; sudden faintness of the arms, like paralysis; numbness (the German expression is, extinction, or dying off) of the hand when clutching something; swelling of the hands; sweat of the hands: arthritic nodosities of the carpal joints, and those of the fingers; prickly of the fingers, as if they went to sleep; numbness of the fingers, and dying off of the same, even during warm weather; want of mobility of the fingers; the fingers are frequently paralyzed; heaviness of the legs; stiffness of the legs; cramp in the legs; when sitting, the legs go to sleep; ulcers of the legs, stitches in the thigh when setting the foot down; varices of the thighs; stitches in the knee, when standing or sitting; stitches and lacerating in the knee; drawing pain in the knee, when sitting or walking; swelling of the knee; red spots on the legs; burning of the soles; swelling of the sole; coldness of the feet, in the evening; sweaty feet; dying off of the feet, in the evening; sensitiveness of the big toes; corns; pain in the corns; the extremities go to sleep; cramp of the arms and legs; pains as from bruises, in the upper arms and in the middle of the thighs when going up-stairs; lacerating in the limbs, arms, and legs; by reaching too high, the parts are easily strained; in consequence of this reaching the nape of the neck becomes enlarged and rigid, with headache, straining easily results from reaching too high, with consequent sore throat. Great increase of fat in young men; physical depression consequent upon talking; want of strength, faintishness early in the morning; great exhaustion after every little walk; attacks of epilepsy in the night, during full moon, with cries. Great fatigue consequent upon moderate walking in the open air; great sweat consequent upon moderate exercise; great sensitiveness to cold; one easily catches cold. Dryness of the skin of the body; rough skin of the body, as if covered with miliary eruptions; bran-like covering of the skin. Boils; warts; drowsiness by day; drowsiness in the early part of the evening; frequent walking up at night; sleeplessness; tossing about in the bed, at night. Night thirst; pressure at the pit of the stomach at night, and a rising from the pit towards the larynx and the head. Nightly pains in the back and the arms; nightly palpitation of the heart; heat and anguish at night; horrid images of the fancy before falling asleep; in the evening when in bed; anxious dreams; raving at night; night-sweat. Chilliness early in the morning, and after rising; frequent flushes of heat, with palpitation and anxiety of the heart; evening-fever for three days, first heat in the face, then chilliness.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.