Roughness of the larynx, especially early in the morning, with pain when swallowing. Painless hoarseness, she is unable to speak, especially early in the morning, chronic hoarseness. Titillating irritation in the trachea, which obliges one to cough. Laryngeal phthisis; ulceration of the larynx; chronic catarrh of the trachea. Cough, with coryza. Cough, excited by a sensation as of a plug being lodged in the throat, which is moving up and down. Cough is excited by eating. Dry, hacking cough, in the evening, especially when in bed. Nightly cough, with hoarseness. Violent cough on waking at night, for two minutes. Continual, violent raw cough, at night. Dry cough, after midnight, causing a violent beating of the heart and arteries. Convulsive cough in the evening. Cough and expectoration, the whole day. Cough early in the morning, with yellow discharge. Expectoration of blood by coughing and hawking, with sense of rawness in the chest. During every fit of cough the head is painfully shaken, as if it would burst. Cough with expectoration of fetid mucus.


Arrest of breath, when walking in the wind, followed by dyspnoea in the room. Frequent necessity of taking deep breath. Violent desire for a deep inspiration, with considerable distention and contraction of the abdomen, and pain in the belly and chest. Shortness of breath, worse when sitting, and less during motion. The breath becomes short when ascending the least height. Tightness of the chest as if full and filled with blood. (Sense as of tightness and anguish, the whole day, as if there were not room enough in the chest for breathing, accompanied by obstruction of the nose.) Dyspnoea, with stitches in the chest. Considerable asthma, with anguish and difficult inspiration, as if the lower part of the chest were too tight.) Dyspnoea, with tightness of the chest. The whole chest is intensely painful when touched on during an inspiration. Pressure in the right breast. Cutting in the chest, during an inspiration. Stitches in the chest, towards the throat, for some hours. Stitches in the left side if the chest, especially in the evening. Stitches in the chest, from the left to the right side, with sensation as of constriction of the chest, and difficult breathing. Soreness in the chest, especially during an inspiration. Rawness in the chest, after much talking and walking, also when coughing. Oppressive anguish in the chest. Anguish about the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, with excessive anguish and uneasiness. dyspnoea, and pain in the back. Painful pressure in the praecordial region. Spasmodic, breath- checking contraction in the praecordial region, with subsequent violent shocks. Stitches in the heart, stopping breath and leaving an aching pain. (Lancinating drawing pain in the praecordial region.) Itching of the chest. Prickling in the muscles.


(Pain in the small of the back.) Pain in the small of the back, as from a sprain, in consequence of lifting. Constant bearing down in the small of the back, towards the rectum. Aching pain in the region of the kidneys. Pain, as from a bruise, in the back and chest. Pain, as from sprain, in the spinal column, when extending it, in the region of the kidneys. Aching pain in the middle of the back and below the scapulae. Aching pain in the spinal column, between the scapulae, accompanied by shortness of breath and increased by inspiration, with pain of the vertebrae when touched pressure between the scapulae during motion, occasioning arrest of breath. Stitches in the back. Drawing, shooting, or cutting pain between the scapulae. Curvature of the dorsal vertebrae. Swelling on the neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck and of the neck. Tension in the neck, so that she cannot turn her head. Swelling and painfulness of the vertebra, prominent in the nape of the neck. Painless glandular swelling in the nape of the neck, close to the border of the hair. Swelling of a cervical gland on the left side, with a stinging sore throat when swallowing. Hard swelling of the cervical glands. Suppuration of the axillary glands.


Pain in both shoulders and the elbow-joint, as after a great fatigue. (Violent stitches in both axillae.) The arms are painful, as if bruised, when moving them or seizing anything. Cramp in the arm. Drawing lacerating in the right arm, from the shoulder to the hand. Paralytic pain, with sense as of burning, in the right arm. Uneasiness and feeling of anxious agitation in the articulations of the arms and hands. Weakness and lameness of the left arm, he finds it difficult to move or to raise it, the arm falls down again spontaneously. The upper arm is painful. (Cramp-like pain, with lacerating, in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking in the open air.) (Lacerating dartings or lancinations in the muscles of the upper arm, when sitting.) Pressing in the left upper arm. Painful pressure in the muscles of the lower arm, when walking. Drawing pain in the lower arm, mostly during rest. Spasmodic lacerating pain in the outer parts of the lower arm. Swelling of the fore-arm and the back of the hand, with tension during motion. Warts and boils on the lower arms and hands. The hands are painful early in the morning and are quite relaxed. Violent pain in the knuckles, as if caustic had been applied to them. Pain, as from a sprain in the right wrist-joint, or as if something in the joint had been contused or sprained by seizing wrong or by pushing against anything. Cramp in the hands at night, until early when rising. Drawing lacerating in the wrists and hands. Swelling of the hands. Arthritic nodosities of the finger-joints. Trembling in the hands, for several hours, in the afternoon. Deadness of the hands on grasping anything. Sweat of the palms of the hands, even when the body is scarcely moved. Cramp-like contractive drawing in the fingers. Tingling in the fingers as if gone to sleep. Shooting pain in the fingers. Deadness of the fingers. Several panaritia. Hang-nails. Awkwardness of the fingers. Frequent lameness of the fingers.


Drawing pain, as from a sprain, in the hip-joint, when walking. Stitches in the hip-joint when stooping. (Cutting in the acetabulum, when sitting.). Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in both hip-joints, when walking in the room. Coxagra. Spontaneous limping. Walking on the tips of the toes, and limping occasioned by it. Twitches of the muscles of the lower extremities, and around the pelvis. Drawing lacerating in the lower extremities. Heaviness of the lower extremities. Painful weariness of the lower extremities, especially of the thighs, as after a fatiguing walk. Languor of the lower extremities, and sensation as if bruised, especially in the joints. The lower extremities go to sleep, in the evening, when sitting. Stitches in the thigh, knee, and heel, only at night. Pain in the muscles of the thigh, as if bruised, when walking. Itching of the thighs. Pimples on the thighs. Varices on the thighs. (Pain of the knees, when turning and touching them.) Pain, as from a sprain, in the knee. Aching pain in the knees, or in the patella.) (Drawing, cramp-like pain on the patella.) Tearing and tension of the inner side of the knee, when rising from one’s seat. Shooting tearings in the knees. (Sharp stitches in the right knee-joint.) Pain in the knee as if bruised. Sweat of the knees. Swelling of the knees. (Inflamed swelling below the knees.) The calf of the leg is painful when walking and setting down the foot, when touching or bending the leg. Rigidity in the leg. Violent cramp in the calf, at night. Cramp in the calves and bends of the knees, when extending the legs. Dull aching pain in the muscles of the tibia, when walking. Stinging prickling of the legs. Itching of the legs and feet. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg, with chilliness of the body Large, dark, itching patches on the legs, with swelling of these parts. Several ulcers on the legs. Pain in the tarsal joints, as if broken, when walking, especially in the afternoon. Pains in the bones of the feet. Violent lacerating in the soles of the feet. Pain in the soles of the feet, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Burning in the soles of the feet. Swelling of the feet. The toes are painful, as from the pinching of boots. Cramp in the toes. Swelling of the soles. Coldness or deadness of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.