Laming lacerating in every part of the arms, aggravated by contact (and movement). Painful lameness in the upper arm, from the shoulder to the hand. Pain, as if ecchymozed, in the elbow- joint. Scraping along the bone, as with a knife. Lacerating in the hands. Icy-coldness of one had while the other is warm. Tremor of the hands when writing. Swelling of the dorsum of the left hand, with drawing pain during motion. Jerking in the fingers. Blue nails.


Pain, a sort of stinging and burning, simultaneously in different places of the lower limbs. Weakness and weariness, as after a long journey on foot, in the thighs and legs. Painful drawing along the outer parts of the long bones of the lower limbs. Cramp-like (stitch-like) drawing in the thigh and leg. Drawing, with pressure, in the hip and knee-joint, disappearing when walking or standing. Pain in the hip-joint, in the knee and foot, as if sprained or cut to pieces. Lacerating, with weakness, excited by contact. Cramp-like laming pain in the right thigh and knee-joint, when rising from a seat after having been sitting for some time, and when walking. The posterior muscles of the thigh feel bruised when sitting. Hard swelling of the thighs, extending sometimes down to the feet, reddish and painful when touched. Giving way of the knees, especially when going up-stairs, or walking. Hot swelling of the right knee (arthritic or rheumatic) with drawing, lacerating pains, and pain from contact, waking him at night. Pain in the knee when bending it, with nodosities under the skin. Plain in the tibia, when setting down the foot, as if bruised, worse when touching the parts. Drawing, with pressure in the tibia, in the evening, when sitting, disappearing when standing and walking. Stitches in the tibia, when walking, and going off during rest. Lacerating in the calf. Hard, dark-red swelling on the calf, terminating in suppuration. Burning tension above the tendo- achillis. Lameness of the feet. Violent, stinging burning of the dorsum of the foot, close to the tibia (when sitting). Swelling of the foot (arthritic, hot, with pain from contact) pain in the lower half of both legs, as if the periosteum had been bruised and were swollen, only when standing; the parts feel sore and bruised when touched. Stinging tingling, extending from the big toe to the dorsum of the foot, as if the part had been frozen in the evening when sitting, disappearing when walking or standing. Sticking drawing in the heel. Violent lancination in the soles, when sitting or walking. Darting lacerating, increased by contact, not by motion, in the metatarsal bones and the phalanges of the toes, especially the joints. Soft swelling of the soles.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.