Low-spiritedness, also with hypochondria, sadness; hopelessness, discouragement; fears and apprehensions, great, inconsolable anguish; intolerable in the evening and night. Lamentations and moanings. Dread of dogs and other animals, particularly at night. Serious mood. Indifference and apathy. Indisposition to talk. Obstinate silence. Ill-humor, with indisposition to think or work. Peevish and ill humored. Quarrelsome. Fitful mood. Nervous irritation, attended with depression of spirits and intolerance of noise, or of anything which affects the senses. Excessive cheerfulness and animation, with staring looks.


Confusion of ideas. Slow train of ideas. Temporary arrest of thought. Indisposition to perform any kind of physical or mental labor. Dullness of the head, as from coryza, or intoxication, with pressure in the temples. Dullness, with giddiness, as from

sitting up at night and sleeplessness. Stupefying dullness of the head, with pressure in the forehead. Dullness, with cloudiness. Vertigo on raising the head. Vertigo with nausea and subsequent heat.


Headache, with languor and coldness. Pain in the temples, as in dry coryza. Headache from suppressed coryza. Pain in the forehead when opening the eyes. Stupefying headache, in the morning on waking. Headache, with vomiting and nausea. Heaviness of the head, with reeling sensation. Aching in the head, particularly at night, with sleeplessness. Aching in the temples, in the evening. Pressure in the head, from within outwards, as if the head were too full, directly above the eyes. Pressure as from rush of blood to the brain. Pressure, as if the head would burst. Compressive headache, particularly in the temples. Spasmodic headache in the vertex, with pain as if bruised in the side of the head; worse during motion. Soreness of the brain, or as if bruised, when walking in the wind, or aggravated by contact of the head, when making an effort of the mind, meditating, or taking (with boring attended with pressure). Drawing from the occiput to the forehead, with contractive pain in the forehead and throbbing in the temples, increased by sitting and standing; relieved by walking, and ceasing when the parts are pressed upon. Lacerating in the head, in various parts. Darting pain towards the forehead, aggravated in the evening. Stitches in the temples, with strong throbbing of the temporal arteries. Cutting, extending from the occiput and temples to the orbit, aggravated by movement and stooping. Hammering in the head towards the temples. Congestion of the head, with heat and fullness in the head. Sensation as if the brain were balancing to and fro, and were striking against the skull, occasioning great pain, and obliging on to move the head. Hemicrania. Aggravation of the headache, by contact, movement, a current of air, winds, and by stepping.


Great sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, with painfulness of the roots of the hair. Contractive pain in the scalp, particularly on the vertex, occiput, or forehead, sometimes as if the hair were pulled out, or as if the scalp were clutched and drawn together in one point in a circle. Stinging itching of the hairy scalp. Profuse sweat in the hair, particularly when walking in the open air.


Feeling of weakness in the eyes, with sensation as if sunken. Violent pain in the lids. Pain above the orbits, early in the morning, increased by a walk, and discontinuing after a meal. Pressure in the eyes, as from drowsiness. Pressure in the margin of the orbit, from without inwards. Pressure as from sand in the eye, when moving the eye-ball. Itching of the lids. Redness of the eyes, with heat and burning with pressure. Inflammation of the eyes, particularly in scrofulous persons or with evening exacerbation. Lachrymation, with painful tingling in the inner Yellowness of thee white. Dim appearance of the cornea, and smoky feeling in the bottom of the eyes. Faint, protruded eyes. The pupils incline to contract, or else they are very much dilated and insensible. Dilated and staring pupils, with dim- sightedness. Darkness before the eyes. Flickering sensation and black motes. Dimness and weakness of sight. When reading, the letters look pale, with a white border and confluent. Incipient amaurosis, particularly in drunkards, or after loss of animal fluids. Photophobia.


Pressure in the ear, like otalgia. Stitches in the ears. Heat of the outer ear. Redness of the lobules and cheeks. Eruption in the concha. Vesicles behind thee ears. Ringing, sometimes preceded by beating in the ear, or attended with titillating

tingling in thee right ears or also with headache in the temples. Humming in thee ears. Hardness of hearing.


Frequent bleeding of the nose, early in the morning after rising. Haemorrhage from nose and mouth. Sneezing, violent, dry. Watery discharge from the nostril, with stoppage. Coryza, with sneezing, sensitiveness of the nose, and pimples on the margin of the nostrils which are painful when touched. Dry coryza, with toothache and lachrymation. Violent fluent coryza, with dripping of mucus from the nose. Suppression of coryza.


Face pale. sunken. Hippocratic countenance, with pointed nose, hollow eyes surrounded with blue margins, accompanied by listlessness and apathy. Pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses. Clay-colored, black or gray-yellow complexion. Red, bloated face. Hot face, particularly on coming out of the open air and entering a warm room. Alternation of heat and redness of the cheeks. Prosopalgia, nervous, or rheumatic. The lips are dry, parched, wrinkled, and chapped. Blackish lips. Swelling of the lips. Itching burning little ulcers on thee lips. Swelling of thee submaxillary glands, with pain during deglutition. Pain, and choking crampy pressure in the glands, when touching or moving the neck.


Toothache, with lachrymation and dry coryza. Pressure in the molars, when biting. Drawing toothache, particularly in the open air; in the incisores. Stitches in the front-teeth. Throbbing toothache. The toothache comes on after dinner and at night. The toothache is relieved by pressing upon the teeth strongly and biting them together. The toothache is extremely aggravated by contact. Looseness of the teeth, with pain during mastication. Black coating on thee teeth. Swelling of the gums.


Ptyalism, sometimes with nausea. Ptyalism, also from abuse of Mercury. Contractive pain in the salivary glands. Haemorrhage from mouth and nose. Tongue coated, white or yellow; thick or dirty. Yellowish tongue. Blackish, parched tongue. Painful swelling on one side of the tongue. Aphonia. Swelling of the velum pendulum palati.


Feeling of roughness of the throat. Dryness. Sensation of swelling. Swelling of the uvula. Stinging in the throat. Astringent.


Flat, watery taste, particularly after drinking. Bitter taste, constantly, or particularly early in the morning. Sour taste. The food tastes too salt, leaving sometimes a bitter taste after swallowing, or thee food is entirely tasteless. Everything he eats tastes flat. Bitter taste of food, particularly of wheat bread. Every kind of beverage has a bitter taste. Indifference to food. Loss of appetite, with nausea, and ineffectual desire to vomit. Excessive aversion to every kind of nourishment even when merely thinking of food, attended with dread of labor, drowsiness during the day, and yellowness of the eyes. Yearning for dainties. Desire for various things, without knowing which. Great desire for wine or sour things, particularly sour fruit, cherries,. Excessive hunger. Canine hunger, particularly at night, or with flat taste in the mouth, nausea, and ineffectual desire to vomit. Voracity. Violent thirst, particularly a desire for cold water, greater in the morning than afternoon. Desire to drink frequently, but only little at a time. During the fever, the thirst sets in after the chilly or after the hot stage, during the sweating stage. Shuddering or chilliness, with goose-flesh, after every swallow he takes. Great weakness of digestion, with pains even after the slightest meal. After a meal: fullness, as if the stomach and oesophagus were filled up to the throat, distention of the abdomen; nausea and anguish in the stomach; after a walk: oppression of thee stomach, also with subsequent accumulation of flatulence, and afterwards vomiting; general malaise, weariness and inertia; great languor and drowsiness, particularly in the evening; pressing headache, with ill-humor; hypochondriacal humor.


Eructations, particularly after a meal. Empty eructations. Eructations with inclination to vomit, or loathing, and attended with colic. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Sour eructations. Bitter eructations, particularly after a meal. Heartburn, after every meal, with accumulation of water in the mouth, empty retching, and pressure at the stomach. Loathing, with flushes of heat. Seething of the circulation, and relief after a meal. Inclination to vomit, also with vomiting. Vomiting, continual. Sour vomiting of mucus, water, and food.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.