Feeling of emptiness and flatness in the stomach. Cold feeling in the stomach. Fullness in the stomach, particularly after a meal. Heaviness in the stomach. Oppression of the stomach, as if too full. Pressure after every meal. Pressure at the stomach, succeeded by burning which rises up to the chest; in the region of the heart, with arrest of breathing. Spasmodic pains in the stomach. Contractive crampy sensation in the pit of the stomach with difficulty of breathing. Chronic spasms of the stomach. Griping in the stomach. Soreness in the pit of the stomach, with pressure, or succeeded by profuse diarrhoea, without relief.


Pains under the short ribs. Contractive pain, and pain as if bruised under the last rib, only when walking. Pain in the region of the liver, when touching it, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Pressure in the region of the liver, particularly when standing, and going off when bending the body forwards. Stitches, also during an inspiration only, or particularly during contact. Inflammation of the liver. Swelling of the liver, also with hardness. Infarctions of the liver. Stitches in the region of the spleen, particularly when walking slowly. Cutting pressure. Swelling of the spleen, also with hardness. Infractions of the spleen.


Colic, with nausea. Colic, with thirst. Colic in the umbilical region, with shuddering. Violent, excruciating colic. Scorbutic colic. Aching pains in the abdomen. Aching pains after every meal, also with fullness. Aching pain, particularly below the umbilicus. Aching pains. with slight chills. Pressure, with heaviness in the whole abdomen. Pinching pressure in the epigastrium after every meal, with in tolerable aggravation of the pains by movement, and amelioration by rest. Pinching in the abdomen, obliging him to bend double, which affords relief. Pinching, with increase of hunger and languor. Pinching, with inclination to vomit and urging to stool, attended with general shaking chills. Violent colic. Spasmodic pressure and constriction in the abdomen. Cutting in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, with cold sweat on the forehead. Dartings around the umbilicus. Pinching stitches, particularly in thee epigastrium. Colic as if diarrhoea would come on, or as from a cathartic, in the evening. Heat in the umbilical region. Inflammation of the parts in the abdomen. Ulcers in the abdomen. Doughy, dropsical swelling of the abdomen, also with asthma and fatiguing cough. Ascites. Distention of the abdomen, as from drinking a good deal of water after having eaten flatulent food. Distention of the abdomen, with colic and diarrhoea, with hardness and pains, with oppressive anxiety. Distention, early in the morning, without flatulence. Meteorism. Incarceration of flatulence, with impeded emission of flatulence upward and downward. Accumulation of flatulence, with subsequent emission of flatulence. Flatulent colic, after supper, with distention of the abdomen and pressure, with pinching in all the intestines. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, sometimes very fetid.


Constipation and accumulation of the faces in the intestines, also with dizziness and heat in the head. Costiveness, disposition to hard, intermitting, difficult stools. Scanty, slow stool. Difficult passage if the faces, as from inactivity of the bowels. Soft evacuations, also with biting burning at the anus. Loose, diarrhoeic, yellow, watery stools. Knotty stools. Mucous stools. Involuntary, loose and yellowish stools. Undigested stools, particularly at night, or immediately after dinner, with expulsion of the ingesta. Blackish, bilious, white, also frequent and papescent stools. Loose stools, with dark urine. Putrid stools. Bloody stools, with stitches in the anus. Various kinds of diarrhoea, particularly after a meal, or at night. painless diarrhoea, with great weakness. Diarrhoea occasioned by eating fruit. Diarrhoea after measles, or during small-pox. Lienteria. Before stool: colic. During stool: acrid feeling in the anus. After stool: tingling in the rectum as from worms. Tingling and discharge of ascarides, as also of lumbrici; discharge of mucus from the rectum. In the anus: burning and burning itching; tingling, also with creeping and itching extending into the urethra, attended with burning in the glands. Bleeding piles.


Frequent, and almost ineffectual urging to urinate, with subsequent pressing in the bladder. Frequent micturition. Scanty urine, greenish-yellow, or with brick-dust sediment. Dark- colored urine, with brick-dust sediment. White turbid urine, with white sediment. Wetting the bed. Haematuria. Stitches in the urethra.


Drawing pain in the testicles. Swelling of the testicles and spermatic cord. Excitation of the sexual desire. Lascivious fancies, day and night. Frequent erections. Nocturnal emissions, also after onanism, or very debilitating. Impotence, with excited lascivious fancy.


Congestion of the uterus, with feeling of fullness and painful pressing to the genital organs. Suppression of the menses. Profuse menses metrorrhagia. During the menses: convulsions, with spasms in the chest and abdomen; congestion of the head, with pulsations of the carotids, bloated face, protruded eyes, lachrymation, convulsive movements of the lids, and loss of consciousness. Metrorrhagia, from abuse of Cham; with discharge of clots of black blood; with uterine spasms, colic and desire to urinate; in weakly persons who have lost a good deal of blood; with fainting fits and convulsions. Leucorrhoea, before the menses, with painful pressing towards the groin and anus. Bloody leucorrhoea, or bloody serious, with occasional discharge of clots of black blood, or fetid, purulent matter, with troublesome itching and spasmodic contraction in the inner parts with painless indurations in the neck of the uterus. Inflammation of thee ovaries. Threatening miscarriage. Morbid lochial discharge. Nymphomania of lying-in women.


Stinging and feeling of roughness in the trachea. Whistling,

whizzing, rattling in the trachea and larynx. Tracheitis. Catarrh of the trachea and bronchi. Grippe. Nocturnal suffocative cough, like whooping-cough, with intense pain. Violent cough after every meal. Cough, excited by laughing, by titillation in the throat, in thee evening; troublesome cough, with stitches in the side, during the chilly stage, or after midnight on waking. Violent, spasmodic, concussive cough, with gagging. Cough which is excited by drinking, or talking, by movement, or deep inspiration. Cough with expectoration of blood-streaked mucus. Cough with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus, with painful concussion in the scapulae, and with vomiting of bile. Expectoration of white mucus, with blackish granules. Haemoptysis. Haemorrhage from the lungs. Cough with purulent expectoration. Acute suppuration of the lungs (particularly after haemorrhage). Oppression of the chest and soreness in the larynx when coughing. Pain in the trachea and sternum when coughing.


The breathing is tight, oppressed, and painful. Short and hurried breathing. The breathing is arrested, except with the trunk raised. Arrest of breathing. Suffocative fits, as from mucus in the larynx, in the evening in bed, and at night on waking. Suffocative catarrh and paralysis of thee lungs in old people. Asthma, oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest, in the evening, with uneasiness in the chest, anxiety, inclination to take a deep breath, with sobbing expirations, and a feeble, scarcely perceptible pulse. Violent oppression in the pit of the stomach. Oppression of the chest, particularly at night, in a recumbent posture. Drawing pressure across the lower part of the chest, in sitting, with anguish. Burning pressure from without inwards, in the whole chest. Stitch in the chest, above the region of the heart, particularly during rest and when

reading. Stitches in one side of the chest, either right or left relieved in a recumbent posture, at night, and felt in the daytime only during movement and contact. Stitches in the side, with great heat, strong and hard pulse, and staring eyes. Palpitation of the heart, also with rush of blood to thee face, and heat and redness of the face, with cold hands. Strong violent beats of the heart, also with anxiety, or with feeble pulse and cold skin. Tensive pain in the muscles of the chest. Bone-pain in thee articulation of the ribs, as if bruised during an an inspiration.


Insupportable pain in the small of the back, like a cramp, or as if bruised and beaten to atoms aggravated by thee least movement. Nightly pains in thee small of the back, when lying on the back. Pain as if bruised in the back, when making the least motion. Throbbing and sticking pain in the back. Sweat breaking out on the least motion. Pressure as from a stone between the scapulae. The neck is drawn to one side. Tension and drawing in the neck and nape of the neck.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.