Symptoms of the homeopathic medicine CINCHONA from A Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A.C. Cowperthwaite. Find all the symptoms of CINCHONA …

      Synonym. Cinchona officinalis. Cinchona Calisaya. Natural order. Rubiaceae. Common names. China. Yellow Peruvian Bark. Habitat. A tall, stately tree growing in Bolivia and Southern Peru. Preparation. Tincture and triturations form the powdered bark.


Cinchona acts upon the ganglionic nervous system, more especially upon the portion which presides over the functions of vegetation, producing a condition of general depression and exhaustion, diminishing the vital turgor, and modifying the digestive functions. The quantity and quality of the blood are altered. It becomes thin and watery, the circulation lacks energy, and, as a consequence, we have general debility and erethism, while various functional disturbances are manifest, such as haemorrhage, profuse sweat and urine, watery diarrhoea, etc. In the vegetative sphere Cinchona shows a special affinity for the liver and spleen, and here may be said to exist its most important relations. In the liver it produces Hyperaemia and congestion, prostrating all functional performance, and giving rise to a long train of biliary symptoms, of which jaundice is one of great importance. In the spleen it also produces hyperaemia, which tends to congestion, and finally to enlargement of the organ. Through the ganglionic nervous system, and in connection with the disturbances of the system above set forth, Cinchona has a fever-producing power in an eminent degree, the latter almost in variably partaking of that character which in disease would indicate a malarial origin, periodicity being one of its most essential features. The chief characteristic of Cinchona is an excessive sensitiveness of the nervous system, all symptoms being aggravated by the slightest contact, by motion, and by physical or mental effort. Also prostration, with neither thirst nor hunger.


Mind Ideas and projects crowd on his mind, especially in evening and at night (Coffea c.). Cheerfulness alternating with gloom. Sudden screaming and tossing about during cheerful mood. Excessively anxious solicitude about trifles. Excessive excitability, with despondency and intolerance of noise. Indifference and apathy (Berberis, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac.). Inconsolable anxiety; fearful; apprehensive (Aconite, Aurum, Belladonna, Ignatia, Phosphorus). Peevish, ill-humored, easily angered (Bryonia,Chamomilla). Slow flow of ideas, cannot arrange his thoughts; makes mistakes when writing or speaking reverses words; easily disturbed by the talking of other. Dislike to all mental or physical exertion.

Head Dullness and confusion of head in morning, as from intoxication (Coccul., Nux v., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox.); or coryza; or from sitting up at night, and sleeplessness. Confusion with tensive pain in the forehead and orbits. Vertigo; head inclined to sink backward (Agaricus); on waking at night; on raising head (Bryonia); after loss of animal fluids from anaemia. Intense throbbing headache after excessive haemorrhage. Headache from suppressed coryza. Headache in occiput after sexual excesses or onanism (Phosphorus ac., Staphysagria). Headache as if the skull would burst (Bryonia, Mercurius, Natr. mur.); the brain beats in waves against the skull (Gloninum). Pressive headache, from within outward. Acute jerking tearing pains in the head; worse on motion and walking; better when lying down. Aching deep in the brain when walking, with constriction; worse on right side of forehead and in occiput. Aching in forehead when sitting, changing to temples on bending backwards. Spasmodic pain in vertex, then bruised sensation in side of head, worse from motion. Contractive pain in scalp on left side of occiput; as if drawn to one point.

Headache worse from draught of air; in the open air, from slightest touch; better from hard pressure (Belladonna).Scalp sensitive to touch (Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius); roots of hair hurt when hair is moved. Profuse sweat on head (Silicea), especially when walking in open air.

Eyes Dimness and weakness of sight. Yellow color of the eyes (Cantharis, Chelidonium, iodi., Plumb.). Eyes sensitive to bright light (Aconite, Belladonna). Motion of eyes painful with sensation of mechanical hindrance. Lachrymation, with crawling pain in eyes and on inner surface of lids. Pupils dilated; contracted.

Ears Ringing in the ears (Calcarea c., Mercurius, Nux v.). Humming, roaring, or tickling in the ears (AConium, Belladonna). Hardness of hearing.

Nose Frequent nosebleeds, especially morning (Agaricus, Amb., Bryonia); also with anaemia; ringing in ears; fainting, etc. PRessive pain in root of nose (Aconite, Kali bichromicum, Hepars.), extending to side of nose. Fluent coryza, with sneezing and lachrymation; attacks of stopped coryza.

Face Complexion pale; sometimes earthy, grayish-yellow, or black (Arsenicum). Face pale, sunken, pinched; eyes sunken (Arsenicum, Veratrum alb.); and surrounded by blue margins (Ipecac., Kali iod., Secale c., Sulphur). Pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses. Lips dry, coated black, wrinkled and chapped (Arsenicum). Submaxillary glands swollen (Calcareac., Baryta, Iodi.). Periodical prosopalgia; pains excessive; skin sensitive to touch;mostly in infra-orbital and maxillary branches (Spigelia).

Mouth. The teeth are loose and painful only when chewing Carb. an., Mercurius, Nitr. ac.). Throbbing toothache; jerking; digging. Toothache worse from least contact; from draught of air (Sulphur); better from pressing teeth together. Tongue coated yellow (Chelidonium), white dirty. Painful swelling posteriorly on side of tongue. Burning stitches on the tongue. Dryness of the mouth (Arsenicum, Bryonia, Nux v., Pulsatilla). Taste flat,, insipid; first sweetish, then sour; slimy, bitter (Aconite, Bryonia, Colic., Nux v., Pulsatilla, Sulphur); everything tastes bitter, even tobacco smoke. Salivation day and night, years after mercury; great weakness, especially of stomach.

Stomach. No desire for eating or drinking; only while eating that appetite and natural taste returns. Desires for various things without knowing what. Longing for acid (Antim crud., Ant., tart.), fruit, wine (Bryonia) Aversion to coffee and beer (Nux v.). Violent thirst for cold water (Aconite, Bryonia, Opium) drinks often but little at a time (Arsenicum). Empty eructations; sour (Kali v., Nux v.)(, after milk (Carb. v., Sulphur); bier (Bryonia, Nux v.); taste of flood (Antim crud., Calcareac., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla). Sensation of emptiness and qualmishness of stomach. Heavy, long continued pressure in stomach, after even a small quantity of food (Nux v.), which seems to fill him up full (Lyc). Milk deranges stomach easily (Carb. v., Sulphur). Pulsations in pit of stomach (Pulsatilla, Sepia). Stomach feels sore, as if ulcerated; cannot bear the slightest touch. Cold feeling in stomach; constant satiated feeling, yet can eat, but feels worse afterwards. Slow digestion food remains long in stomach, especially of eaten to0 late in. the day. Haematemesis; great loss of blood; weak, pale; stomach very sensitive to touch. Gastralgia after depletion; acidity; bloating.

Abdomen. Distention of the abdomen (Antim crud., Bryonia, with wish to belch up; of a sensation in the abdomen as if it were packed full, not in. the least relieved by eructations. Abdomen tympanitic (Arnica, Bromium). Fermentation in abdomen from eating fruit. Pain in hepatic region, as from subcutaneous ulceration, very sensitive to touch (AEsc., Bryonia, Chelidonium, Mercurius). Swelling and induration of liver (Phosphorus, Sulphur). Swelling, inflammation, induration of spleen (Phosphorus). Internal coldness after every swallow of drink, renewed on fore stool; before passage of flatus Aloe. Carb. v.), sometimes with griping pains; offensive.

Stools. Diarrhoea; painless (Arsenicum Podophyllum); debilitating (Phosphorus); from eating fruit (Cist.); undigested faeces (Antim crud.,Calcareac., Phosphorus, Podophyllum);black (Arsenicum, Lep.); yellow (Chelidonium); thin, watery; involuntary (Arsenicum, Hyos,.); white with dark urine; after eating; frequent, with biting burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. Difficult passage of even a soft stool (alum., Carb. v., Nux moschata).

Urinary Organs. Frequent micturition (Argentum met., Cepa., Phosphorus ac.). with pressure in bladder. Urine dark, turbid, scanty; brick-red sediment (Arnica, Lycopodium, Natr. mur., Nuph., Phosphorus);copious.

Male Organs. Sexual desire; lascivious fancies; impotence (Agaricus, Phosphorus ac., Camph.). Nocturnal emissions, frequent and debilitating (Aurum, Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac.). Consequences of excessive seminal losses; organism (Agaricus, Nux v., Phosphorus ac., Staphysagria)

Female Organs. Congestion to the uterus; fullness, pressing, and heaviness, worse when walking (Belladonna) Ovaritis from sexual excess or haemorrhage, parts very sensitive to touch. Metrorrhagia; blood dark; fainting. Discharge of bloody serum, alternating with pus. Leucorrhoea, instead of or before the menses; with spasmodic uterine contractions. Nymphomania of lying-in women (plat., Veratrum alb.). Uterine haemorrhage, ringing in ears, fainting, cold, loss of, cold, loss of sight; discharge of dark clots; uterine spasms; twitches; jerks; wants to be fanned. Long -lasting lochia; some times foetid, cheesy, or purulent.

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).