
Slight hæmorrhage from uterus between periods — PHOSPHORUS. Smarting and itching of genitals — VIBURNUM OPULUS.

Smells like old cheese (Sanicula) — HEPAR SULPHUR.

So weak during menstruation, scarcely able to stand — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Some blood from the vagina between the  menses — MAGNESIUM SULPHURICUM.

Sore feeling at fundus of uterus, relieved by pressure — ABIES CANADENSIS-PINUS CANADENSIS.

Sore feeling; throughout abdomen; worse by jarring — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Sore nipples (Eup arom) — GERANIUM MACULATUM.

Sore nipples — ARNICA MONTANA.

Sore pain between labia during urination — EUPIONUM.

Sore pain in uterus — MUREX PURPUREA.

Sore pain in womb on rising — THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS.

Sore throat before menses appear — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Soreness and redness of external genitals (Thuj; Sulph) — TILIA EUROPAEA.

Soreness and shooting pain from navel of  breast — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.

Soreness and stinging pains; ovaritis; worse in right ovary — APIS MELLIFICA.

Soreness and tenderness in ovaries — THEA CHINENSIS.

Soreness in uterine region — ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM. Soreness of breasts — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Soreness of pubes during menses — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON.

Soreness of uterus — SANICULA AQUA.

Sour-smelling discharges from uterus — NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering,  without

progress; false pains — CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES.

Spasmodic dysmenorrhœa — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Spasms during menses — ARTEMISIA VULGARIS.

Spasms of pregnant women — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Stabbing pain in mons veneris — PARAFFINUM.

Sterility (Borax) — CANNABIS INDICA.

Sterility with copious menses — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Sterility, with acid secretions from vagina — NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Sterility; vaginismus — AURUM METALLICUM.

Sterility — BORAX VENETA. Sterility — AGNUS CASTUS. Sterility — MEDORRHINUM.

Sticking sensation in left ovarian region — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Stinging pain in ovaries (Apis) — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Stitch pains from breast to axillæ — BROMIUM.

Stitches and burning pains in breasts (Apis; Con; Carb an; Sil) — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Stitches in nipples — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Stitches in right breast near nipple — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.

Stitches through vagina — NITRICUM ACIDUM.

Stitching pain in mammæ — PHOSPHORUS.

Stitching pain in pelvis extending down the  thigh — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Stitching pains in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration; very sensitive to touch — BRYONIA ALBA.

Subacute pelvic peritonitis, with right-sided pain and backache; menorrhagia — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.


Suppressed from fright, cold, in plethoric subjects — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Suppressed menses (Follow with Kali  carb) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Suppressed menses from  fright — OPIUM.

Suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Suppressed menses, with pelvic tenesmus — PODOPHYLLINUM.

Suppressed menstruation, with congestion to head (Bell) — VERATRUM VIRIDE.

Suppressed menstruation — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.

Suppression from grief — IGNATIA AMARA.

Suppression of menses from cold or dampness — DULCAMARA.

Suppression of milk; breasts do not fill  properly — SECALE CORNUTUM.

Suppression, with persistent fainting attacks and sleepiness (Kali c) — NUX MOSCHATA.

Suppuration of mammæ, burning, watery, offensive  discharge — PHOSPHORUS.

Swelling of external parts — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Swelling of mammary glands, with lancinating pains — AETHUSA CYNAPIUM.

Swelling of ovaries — BROMIUM.

Swelling, with intense itching of vulva — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Sycotic warts on genitals — MEDORRHINUM.


Tenacious, yellow leucorrhœa — ASARUM EUROPAEUM.

Tendency to abortion — FERRUM METALLICUM.

Tendency to abortion — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Tendency to induration of neck of uterus and mammary glands (Carb an; Con) — ALUMEN.

The secretion of milk was established after lack of it in all previous  confinements


These symptoms all aggravated by standing, walking, a misstep, or sudden jar — LAPPA ARCTIUM.

Thick leucorrhœa, as profuse as the menses, with weary pain in the small of the back and thighs, on moving  about — MAGNESIUM SULPHURICUM.

Thinks womb is soft and feeble — ABIES CANADENSIS-PINUS CANADENSIS.

Threatened abortion about the third month  (Sab) — SECALE CORNUTUM.

Threatened abortion and suppression of lochia, from fright, with  sopor — OPIUM.

Threatened abortion, especially when hæmorrhage is dark and stringy — CROCUS SATIVUS.

Threatened abortion — EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM.

Threatened miscarriage from mental depression, shock, watching, low fevers — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Threatened miscarriage — SABINA.

Tinea ciliaris, eruptions in face and forehead worse before menses — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Tingling internally and externally (Kali brom;  Orig) — PLATINUM METALLICUM.

Too early menses, clotted, with spasmodic  colic — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable,  intermittent — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Too profuse discharge, deep-red or blackish-red, thin and not coagulating; sometimes with offensive odor — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Traces of menses between  menstruation — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON.

Tumor in breasts, with stitching pains; worse left — BROMIUM.

Tumor of breast; nipple  retracted — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Tumor of the breast with swelling of axillary glands — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.

Tumors and polypi of  womb — BUFO RANA.

Tumors of breast, pain worse lying  down — BELLADONNA.

Tumors of the breasts with enlarged axillary glands — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Ulcer around orifice of urethra — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Ulcer in genitals — MURIATICUM ACIDUM. Ulceration of cervix — BUFO RANA.

Ulceration of neck of womb and vagina — AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM. Ulceration of uterus and os — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Ulceration of uterus and os — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Ulceration with sharp pains, piercing to scapulæ — ASTERIAS RUBENS.

Ulcers on labia — SYPHILINUM.

Unready   conception — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Urging of blood to genitals — CROCUS SATIVUS.

Uterine colic, with great nervous agitation and sleeplessness — CANNABIS INDICA.

Uterine colic; pains radiate from uterus — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Uterine disease with pain in joints and limbs — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.


Uterine displacements — LAPPA ARCTIUM.

Uterine displacements — LYSSINUM.

Uterine enlargement, organ pressed down upon the bladder — SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA.

Uterine flexions — EUPIONUM.

Uterine hæmorrhage before puberty — CINA MARITIMA.

Uterine hæmorrhage from mechanical injury after coition — ARNICA MONTANA.

Uterine hæmorrhage near the menopause, with nausea — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Uterine hæmorrhage with faintness at  stomach — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Uterine hæmorrhage, bearing-down pain in  back — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA.

Uterine hæmorrhage, profuse, bright, gushing, with  nausea — IPECACUANHA.

Uterine hæmorrhage, two weeks after menses; Painful affections of left ovary — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Uterine hæmorrhage; constant oozing after copious flow, with violent backache, relieved by sitting and pressure — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Uterine hæmorrhage;clots with long strings; worse from least movement — CROCUS SATIVUS.

Uterine hæmorrhage — DIGITALIS PURPUREA.

Uterine hæmorrhage — IODIUM.

Uterine hæmorrhage — NUX MOSCHATA.

Uterine hæmorrhage — URTICA URENS.

Uterine hæmorrhages caused by overlifting, during puerperal state; menorrhagia — CINNAMOMUM CEYLANICUM.

Uterine hæmorrhages, with sensation as though hips and back were falling to pieces; better tight bandages — TRILLIUM PENDULUM.

Uterine hæmorrhages — CHAMOMILLA.

Uterine hæmorrhages — NITRICUM ACIDUM. Uterine hæmorrhages — PYROGENIUM.

Uterine hypertrophy, sensation of weight and fullness in pelvis; stretching and dragging in groin; pain on sudden  movements — CALENDULA OFFICINALIS.

Uterine inertia during labor — CAUSTICUM.

Uterine pains extend into thighs — SABINA.

Uterine polypi — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Uterine polypi — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Uterine polyps — PHOSPHORUS.

Uterine prolapse and retroversion — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.

Uterine sensitiveness; conscious of womb  (Helon) — LYSSINUM.

Uterine sub-involution and fibroids, with gastric pain and debility — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. Uterus easily displaced — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Uterus enlarged and prolapsed — AURUM METALLICUM.

Uterus enlarged, and patulous — FRAXINUS AMERICANA.

Uterus feels heavy, cannot walk much on that account — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Uterus feels sore, as if squeezed — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Uterus fills up whole pelvis — AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM.

Uterus heavy, prolapsed — CALCAREA SILICATA.

Uterus hypertrophied — USTILAGO MAYDIS.

Uterus seems heavy — ALETRIS FARINOSA.

Vagina burns — SULPHUR.

Vagina cold, as if packed with ice — BORICUM ACIDUM.

Vagina dry and hot — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Vagina dry, hot, sensitive — ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Vagina dry — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.


Vagina feels large — SANICULA AQUA.

Vagina painful, especially on coition — SEPIA.

Vagina sensitive, rendering coition painful (Berberis) — LYSSINUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.