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Female chapter from Joseph’s Repertory, based on Boericke’s Materia Medica. Symptoms related to Female Sexual Health….

A bounding feeling, as if something alive in right  breast — CROCUS SATIVUS.

A milky (Calc; Puls; Sep), acrid leucorrhœa, during urination — SILICEA TERRA.

Abdomen distended — JUGLANS REGIA.

Abdomen full, distended, and painfulSUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Abdominal muscles lame — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Abhorrence  of  sexual  intercourse — AGNUS CASTUS.

Abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia — PLATINUM METALLICUM.

Abscess of labia — SILICEA TERRA.

Abscess of mammæ — BRYONIA ALBA.

Abscesses of labiæ with great sensitiveness — HEPAR SULPHUR.


Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs  (Xanthox);spasmodic and membranous dysmenorrhœa (Borax) — VIBURNUM OPULUS.

Aching pain through hips and thighs during climacteric — STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS.

Aching pains in abdomen over pubes when flow comes on — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Aching pains in hips and loins — POLYGONUM HYDROPIPEROIDES.

Acid and excoriating leucorrhœa — URTICA URENS.

Acrid leucorrhœa, thick, slimy, corroding the linen — IODIUM.

Acrid, brown leucorrhœa; smarting in  labia — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Acrid, burning leucorrhœa, often of bloody mucus — SULPHURICUM ACIDUM.

Acrid, fetid leucorrhœa — ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA.

Acrid, profuse leucorrhœa, with retarded  menses — ZIZIA AUREA.

Acts especially well at beginning and close of menstruation — LACHESIS MUTUS.

After menses, swelling of breasts, with milky  secretion — CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM.

After menses, yellow leucorrhœa, with severe backacheEUPIONUM.

After menstruation commences, these  improve — SENECIO AUREUS.


After prolonged nursing — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

After-pains (Arnica; Cup; Cham) — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

After-pains, with fear and restlessnessACONITUM NAPELLUS.

After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to painCIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

After-pains; hæmorrhage associated with facial  flushing–AMYLENUM NITROSUM.


Agalactia; with sadness — AGNUS CASTUS.

Agonizing backache across loins, with dragging-down thighs — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Albuminuria during pregnancy — HELONIAS DIOICA.

All the female symptoms are associated with restlessness, depression, coldness spinal tenderness and restless feetZINCUM METALLICUM.

Also, from suppressed foot sweats (Sil) — CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Amenorrhœa (Cimicif; Senec; Polygon) — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Amenorrhœa (use Macrotin preferably) — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Amenorrhœa and dysmenorrhœa, with weak  circulation — AVENA SATIVA.

Amenorrhœa when physical powers have been overtaxed, also with constipation — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Amenorrhœa, scanty menses, accompanied with orgasms — MERCURIALIS PERENNIS.

Amenorrhœa, with asthma (Puls) — SPONGIA TOSTA.

Amenorrhœa, with bloating; metrorrhagia with nausea; fainting, vital depression — APOCYNUM CANNABINUM.

Amenorrhœa, with burning pains from back to  pubis — ALNUS RUBRA.

Amenorrhœa, with ophthalmiaEUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS.

Amenorrhœa, with painful tympanites — CASTOREUM CANADENSE.

Amenorrhœa, with vicarious menstruation (Bry) — PHOSPHORUS.


An exceedingly sore, bruised feeling in uterus, with great relaxation of the vaginal tissues; apparently entire lack of tonicity of pelvic  contents — LAPPA ARCTIUM.

Anæmia of nursing mothers — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Anæmic dysmenorrhœa with urinary disturbances — SENECIO AUREUS.

Any touch on body excites a voluptuous  sensation — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Aphonia and sore throat during menses — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Aphthous patches in vagina (Caul) — ALUMEN.

Arrests flow of milk after weaning — URTICA URENS.

Atony of uterus — SABINA.

Aversion to the other sex — AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Backache (Oxal ac) — PULEX IRRITANS.

Backache after miscarriage (Kali c) — HELONIAS DIOICA.

Backache during menses — CANNABIS INDICA.

Backache, weight and dragging in pelvis — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.

Backache; spine very sensitive to touch or pressure — LAC CANINUM.

Bad smelling leucorrhœa — CISTUS CANADENSIS.

Badly smelling hæmorrhages, hot gushes of blood — BELLADONNA.

Bearing down in rectum, worse standing and during  menses — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Bearing -down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva (Bell; Kreoso; Lac c; Lil t; Nat c; Pod); must cross limbs to prevent protrusion, or press against vulva — SEPIA.

Bearing down sensation with urgent desire for stool, as though all organs would escape — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Bearing-down cramps, causing her to bend double (Opium) — COLOCYNTHIS.

Bearing-down pain — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Bearing-down pains before — VIBURNUM OPULUS.

Bearing-down pains, with much backache; worse, least movement — HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES.

Bearing-down pains; worse in morning  (Sep) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Bearing-down sensation (Sep; Murex) — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Bearing-down sensation — CINNAMOMUM CEYLANICUM.

Bearing-down sensationSTANNUM METALLICUM. Bearing-down sensation — XEROPHYLLUM.

Bearing-down, as if contents of pelvis would escape; better, rest — SANICULA AQUA.

Bearing-down, as if menses were to appear — APIS MELLIFICA.

Before and during menses much nervous disturbance, pain in ovaries;  difficult menstruation — SALIX NIGRA.

Before appearance of menses, a rash appears on skin, or sexual excitement — DULCAMARA.

Bore menses, coryza and nasal stoppage — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhœa — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Before menses, hysterical spasms — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Before menses, inflammatory conditions of throat, chest, and bladder — SENECIO AUREUS.

Before menses, pain in sacrum, hunger,  palpitation — SPONGIA TOSTA.

Before menses, pain in stomach and small of back — BARYTA CARBONICA.

Before menses, throbbing in head (Kreos) — PETROLEUM.

Before menses, toothache; menses too early and  profuse–ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Before menstruation, itching and humid eruption of foreheadSARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Before, menses, itching of axillæ — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Benign mammary tumorsTUBERCULINUM.

Benign tumors in breasts — MUREX PURPUREA.

Bleeding hæmorrhoids; nosebleed instead of menses (Bry) — ERIGERON CANADENSE.

Bleeding with uterine fibroid — SALIX NIGRA.

Bloated feeling in uterine region — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Blood expelled in large clots — APOCYNUM CANNABINUM.

Bloody leucorrhœa — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Bloody milk — BUFO RANA.

Boring pain in ovary — COLOCYNTHIS.

Breast is hard, painful and of purple hue — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Breasts and uterus engorged — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Breasts cold, sore, and sensitive — MEDORRHINUM.

Breasts enlarge and become painful before and during menses — CONIUM MACULATUM

Breasts feel full and tense; itching — OCIMUM CANUM.

Breasts feel heavy; are hard and red — BELLADONNA.

Breasts hot and painful hardBRYONIA ALBA.

Breasts painful — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Breasts painfully enlarged, distended with milk — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Breasts swell and pain in breasts; worse left — ASTERIAS RUBENS.

Breasts swollen, nipples painful and tender — HELONIAS DIOICA.

Breasts swollen; painful before (Calc c; Con; Puls) and better on appearance of menses — LAC CANINUM.

Breasts tender and swollen before menses — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Bright-red flow — ERIGERON CANADENSE.

Brownish, offensive leucorrhœaSECALE CORNUTUM.

Bruised parts after labor — ARNICA MONTANA.

Bunches in breast feel quite soft and are  tenderKALIUM MURIATICUM.

Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Burning and soreness in external and internal  parts — KREOSOTUM.

Burning and soreness in vagina — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Burning in ovarian region — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Burning in ovaries and uterus — BUFO RANA.

Burning in pharynx during menstruation — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Burning in right ovary — EUPIONUM.

Burning in right ovary — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM. Burning in vagina and labia — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Burning pain in ovaries; extremely sensitive — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Burning pain in vagina during coition — SPIRANTHES AUTUMNALIS.

Burning pains in the ovarian region only during menses (Zinc after) — KALIUM NITRICUM.

Burning pains in uterus — SECALE CORNUTUM.

Cancer of breast (Asterias; Con; Carbo an; Plumb iod) — BADIAGA.

Cancer of breast — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Cancer of uterus, burning pain down  thighs — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Cancer of uterus; burning pain in uterus and  vagina — CALCAREA ARSENICOSA.

Cannot bear tight clothing around waist  (Lach) — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON.

Cannot keep legs still — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Cauliflower excrescences of os uteri, with flying pains, foul smelling  discharge, and pressure below pubis — KALIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Ceases when resting (Sep; Lac c; Bell) — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Cervical redness — HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA.

Cervix bleed easilyUSTILAGO MAYDIS.

Cervix dark red, swollen — MITCHELLA REPENS.

Cessation of labor-pains with coma between paroxysms — OPIUM.

Child refuses breast; milk tastes salty — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure, painful, flow intermits — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.


Chlorosis — PHOSPHORUS.

Chronic endocervicitis — CALENDULA OFFICINALIS.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.