
Metrorrhagia profuse, with heavy abdomen, faintness, stinging pain — APIS MELLIFICA.

Metrorrhagia with burning in uterus — TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Metrorrhagia, occurring midway between menstrual periods — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA.

Metrorrhagia, with loquacity, singing,  praying — STRAMONIUM.

Metrorrhagia, with sensation as if bowels wanted to  move — NUX VOMICA.

Metrorrhagia, with violent irritation of rectum and bladder, and prolapsus uteri — ERIGERON CANADENSE.

Metrorrhagia; Parovarian cysts — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON. Metrorrhagia; passive flow — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA.

Metrorrhagia; too frequent and copious  menses — THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS.

Metrorrhagia; worse at night, with feeling of enlargement of head (Arg) — BADIAGA.

Metrorrhagia; worse at night — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Metrorrhagia — KALIUM SULPHURICUM. Metrorrhagia — MEDORRHINUM. Metrorrhagia — VISCUM ALBUM. Milk fever — BRYONIA ALBA.

Milk impoverished, bluish, transparent, sour — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Milk scanty; health deteriorated from nursing — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Milk too abundant; disagreeable to child — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Milk-leg, hæmorrhoids, and sore nipples, after confinement — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA.

Milk-leg — BUFO RANA.

Milky leucorrhœa — PARAFFINUM.

Moist eruption in right groin before menses — SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Morning sickness, with profuse salivation — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Morning sickness, with sensitive uterine region — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.

Morning sickness, with sour vomiting — NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Morning sickness, with vomiting of white phlegm — KALIUM MURIATICUM. Morning sickness — SEPIA.

Moving about in abdomen, stitches in genitals — INULA HELENIUM.

Much bearing down — FERRUM IODATUM.

Much offensive perspiration — SULPHUR.

Much slimy leucorrhœa when walking (Bov; Carb an; Graph) — TILIA EUROPAEA.

Much sweat about external genitals — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Muscular pains during pregnancy — ALETRIS FARINOSA.

Must draw up double, with great restlessness — COLOCYNTHIS.

Must keep legs tightly crossed — MUREX PURPUREA.

Nausea at time of menses — ICHTHYOLUM.

Nausea of pregnancy; worse at night — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Nausea of pregnancy — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Needle-like pains in cervix — CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES.

Nervous erethism at change of life — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Nervous irritation of genitals — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.

Neuralgia of left ovary; often serviceable in obscure pain in left groin, especially in post-operative cases; seems to be drawn to  heart — NAJA TRIPUDIANS.

Neuralgia of ovaries and vagina — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Neuralgic dysmenorrhœa, with neuralgic headaches; pain in back and down legs —

Neuralgic pains from face to shoulders and  pubis — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Neurasthenic patients who are thin, emaciated; poor assimilation with insomnia and occipital headache — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Nipples cracked; smart and burn — SULPHUR.

Nipples inflamed; tender to touch — CHAMOMILLA.

Nipples itch, burn — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.


Nipples pain when touched, as if sore inside — PARAFFINUM.

Nipples painful to least contact — OCIMUM CANUM.

Nipples small, withered, retracted — SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Nipples sore, cracked, and blistered — GRAPHITES.


Nipples very sore; ulcerated easily; drawn in — SILICEA TERRA.

No desire for anything — CINNAMOMUM CEYLANICUM.

Nodosities in skin of mammæ — IODIUM.

Nosebleed during menses, which are acrid and profuse — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Nymphomania (Plat; Hyos; Lach; Stram) — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Nymphomania of lying-in women — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Nymphomania, Itching of pudendum, with soreness and swelling — AMBRA GRISEA.

Nymphomania, with aching, pressing, or weakness in uterine region  (Plat) — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Nymphomania, with aversion to her own sex and to children, and sexual insomnia — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.

Nymphomania — FLUORICUM ACIDUM. Nymphomania — FLUORICUM ACIDUM. Nymphomania — GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. Nymphomania — MUREX PURPUREA. Nymphomania — PHOSPHORUS. Nymphomania — PLATINUM METALLICUM. Nymphomania — ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA. Nymphomania — SALIX NIGRA.

Œdema of labia; relieved by cold water — APIS MELLIFICA.

Offensive bloody discharge — BUFO RANA.

Offensive, bloody leucorrhœa — CALCAREA ARSENICOSA.

On sitting, feeling as if something pressed upward in vagina — FERRUM IODATUM.

Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black  strings — USTILAGO MAYDIS.

Organs at night — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Os lower than natural — CALENDULA OFFICINALIS.


Ovaralgia, especially left — VISCUM ALBUM.

Ovaralgia; pain shoots down limbs, even too foot — ZINCUM VALERIANICUM.

Ovarian congestion and neuralgia; feel very sore — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA.

Ovarian congestion and neuralgia — SALIX NIGRA.


Ovarian neuralgia of right side — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Ovarian neuralgia with great nervous  uneasiness — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Ovarian neuralgia, with pain in loins and lower abdomen; worse, left side, extending down the thigh, along genito-crural  nerves — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Ovarian neuralgia — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. Ovarian neuralgia — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. Ovarian neuralgia — MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS.

Ovarian neuralgia — SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Ovarian pain, especially left; can’t keep still (Viburn) — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Ovarian pain, worse left side, or from ovary to ovary — MEDORRHINUM.

Ovarian region feels heavy and congested — VIBURNUM OPULUS.

Ovarian tumors, metritis with stinging pains — APIS MELLIFICA.

Ovaries burn, pain, swell — USTILAGO MAYDIS.

Ovaries congested and painful — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Ovaries feel too large — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.


Ovaries sensitive and burn — PLATINUM METALLICUM.

Ovaries tender and enlarged; breasts shrivel (Iod; Kali iod) — SABAL SERRULATA.

Ovaritis (Apis; bell; Lach) — IODIUM.

Ovaritis in rheumatic patients, with irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhœa, and irritable bladder — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Ovaritis in rheumatic patients, with irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhœa, and irritable bladder — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Ovaritis with sterility — PLATINUM METALLICUM.

Ovaritis; ovary enlarged, indurated; lancinating pain — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Ovaritis; worse left side, at every menstrual period (Lach) — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Ovaritis — BRYONIA ALBA.

Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Pain and swelling in region of right ovary — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.

Pain around left ovary — EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM.

Pain as from red-hot wires; worse least exertion; causes great fatigue; better in warm room — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Pain as if sprained in left side of abdomen during pregnancy — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.

Pain commences in middle of thighs — CASTOREUM CANADENSE.

Pain extends to back and hips — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. Pain from navel to uterus — IPECACUANHA.

Pain from right side of womb to right or left  breast — MUREX PURPUREA.

Pain from sacrum into pelvis, with tearing, shooting pains from above downwards — VISCUM ALBUM.

Pain from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards shooting up the vagina — SABINA.

Pain immediately before menses — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Pain in back and thighs — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Pain in back; tired feeling — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Pain in breasts at menstrual period — BRYONIA ALBA.

Pain in hypogastrium, attended with slimy, whitish leucorrhœa — HAEMATOXYLON CAMPECHIANUM.

Pain in left ovary and leucorrhœa before  menstruation — PICRICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in left ovary, shooting down to knee — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Pain in left ovary; worse walking in open air — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in left ovary — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Pain in milk ducts; intolerable between nursing — PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM.


Pain in os coccyx, lancinating and tearing — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of  thighs — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Pain in ovaries and down thighs — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Pain in right ovary as if torn, extending to thigh (Lilium; Croc) — BRYONIA ALBA.

Pain in sacro-iliac joints, running down leg — CONVALLARIA MAJALIS.

Pain in sacrum — BELLADONNA.

Pain in swelling of breasts — ALLIUM SATIVUM.

Pain in them during menstrual period — MUREX PURPUREA.

Pain in uterus and right ovary, with shifting noises along ascending colon — PODOPHYLLINUM.

Pain in uterus; could outline its contour — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Pain in vagina, upward and back to spine — STANNUM METALLICUM. Pain in vagina — CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA.

Pain through left labium, extending through abdomen to chest — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Pain worse after menses — KREOSOTUM.

Painful and profuse menses; labor-like pains, followed by gushes of blood; pain at small of back coming towards front of  pelvis.

Painful drawing in uterine ligaments — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Painful heaviness in pelvis — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Painful pressing in uterine region, followed by  hæmorrhoids — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Painful tumor of mammæ, not ulcerated, with undue secretion of milk — CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA.

Painful varices during pregnancy — MILLEFOLIUM.

Pains and swelling of breasts — MERCURIALIS PERENNIS.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.