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Remedies of Diarrhoea

Homeopathy treatment of Remedies of Diarrhoea from the book Homoeopathy for Mother and infant by Dr. Douglas M. Borland (1950), a useful guide for treating Remedies of Diarrhoea homeopathically. …


AETHUSA CYNAPIUM. Face expresses anxiety and pain. Linea nasalis, pearly whiteness on upper lip, bounded by a distinct line to angles of mouth. Intolerance of milk. Violent vomiting; of milk; after milk. Stool undigested; thin; green; bilious. Violent straining before stool and after stool. Collapse – almost as bad as ARSENICUM, only not restless.

ALOE SOCOTRINA. Has to hurry after eating or drinking; with want of confidence to restrain stool. Diarrhoea drives out of bed in the morning. Or, difficulty to pass a solid stool, which presently escapes unnoticed.

ARSENICUM ALBUM. Worse at night, 1 to 3 a.m. Rapid emaciation, exhaustion and collapse. Intensive restlessness (Opposite to AETHUSA). Painless offensive, watery stool. (?) simultaneously vomiting and diarrhoea. After ices; or cold food or drink.

CACTUS GRANDIFLORA. Bilious diarrhoea preceded by great pains. Great weight in anus, desire to pass a quantity, but nothing comes.

CROTON TIGLIUM. Yellow, watery stools, coming out like a shot. Any food or drink starts this, or nursing.

IGNATIA AMARA. Colic of breast-fed infant whose mothers are suffering from grief.

MERCURIUS. Stools slimy – even bloody; with straining, and followed (?) by chilliness. Profuse perspiration which does not relieve. Salivation; with intense thirst. Mouth offensive. Tongue large, flabby, shows imprints of teeth. Worse at night; from warmth of bed.

PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. Diarrhoea, stools profuse and offensive. Worse morning, and in teething babies. Prolapse rectum with soft stool. Rumbling.

SULPHUR. Morning diarrhoea, drives her out of bed. Great hurry. Stool acrid. Anus red. Can’t get rid of odour of stool.


ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM. Diarrhoea; white or yellow, watery; without pain or marked debility. Copious and frequent urination. Urine so thick that flow is interrupted; as if mixed with flour; containing stringy, jelly-like masses, or cheesy masses. Pain in back and kidneys. Pressure bladder; emaciation during pregnancy. Milky urine; bloody clots; decomposes rapidly. Weak and indifferent; drowsy. Deterioration of health from nursing (CHINA). Scanty milk, with debility and great apathy.

APIS MELLIFICA. Pain in kidney regions. Morbid irritability of urinary organs. Frequent, painful, scanty, blood urine. Retention of urine. Strangury. Eyelids and lips swollen and oedematous. Oedema. Dropsy. Thirstless dropsy. The pains of Apis burn, and sting, and rend, and something break. Cannot cough, lest something burst or tear. Worse heat; warm room. Worse hot bath. Sadness and weeping without cause. Joyless; indifferent; suspicious; jealous. Foolish talk. Childish behaviour.

PLUMBUM METALLICUM. Slowness of perception. Slow in answering. Sallow, pale face. Sweetish taste. Frequent vomiting of food. Violent colic. Violent pain umbilical region. Navel seems to draw to spine. Sensation in abdomen at night, causes her to stretch violently for hours. Feels a lack of room for foetus in uterus. Threatened abortion. Constipation with urging and terrible pain. Anus feels drawn up, and painfully contracted.

Difficulty in passing water. Retention. Urine albuminous; dark; scanty; drop by drop. Excessive hyperaesthesia. Convulsions; lightning-like pains; extremely acute pains. Pains or loss of power with hyperaesthesia. Anaemia. Emaciation. Hysterical state; inclination to deceive; to feign sickness; to exaggerate her sufferings.

TEREBINTHINA. Violent burning, drawing pains in kidneys. Dysuria; strangury, with great loss of blood. Urine scanty, smoky, bloody, albuminous, or profuse and black. Smell of violets. Congestion and inflammation of kidneys, bladder, lungs, intestines, uterus. Tongue smooth, glossy, red. Purpura haemorrhagica; fresh bruises in great numbers from day to day. Distention of abdomen, with much flatus.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.