How can you treat Diarrhoea with Schüssler’s Tissue Salts? Learn the complete Biochemic treatment of Diarrhoea. …

Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]

      Diarrhoea from a relaxed state of the villi, or absorbents of the intestines not taking up the usual amount of moisture. Stools of undigested food, brought on by a chill beginning with fever. Prolapsus recti. “Pain non-intermittent. Diarrhoea copious, watery, sudden, painful, often accompanied by vomiting.” (Guilbert.) Diarrhoea in children, stools watery, mucous, green and frequent; child rolls its head and groans; face pinched, eyes half opened; urine scanty, pulse and respiration quickened, starting in sleep. Stool undigested; the skin is hot and dry, and there is thirst. Dentition. The child flushes on light exercise.

Kali mur [Kali-m]

      Diarrhoea after fatty food, pastry, etc. Evacuations light colored, pale yellow, ochre or clay-colored stools. Diarrhoea in typhoid fever; stools like pale yellow ochre. White or slimy stools, with the characteristic white coating of the tongue. Stools bloody or slimy.

Kali phos [Kali-p]

      Foul diarrhoea, often accompanied by other diseases, to heal the conditions causing putrid evacuations. Diarrhoea of strong odor, occasioned by fright and other similar causes. Diarrhoea with depression and exhaustion of the nerves, with or without pain. Evacuations like rice water. Prolapsus recti. Tympanites. Stools putrid, like rice, water, bloody, carrion-like odor. Noisy, offensive flatus. Profuse, painless and imperative stool while eating, followed by unsatisfied urging. Rectum burns and feels sore; prolapsed.

Natrum mur [Nat-m]

      Diarrhoea with watery, slimy, frothy stools. Transparent, glairy slime, excessive use of salt. “Natrum mur. is chiefly used for chronic diarrhoea of children. The emaciation of the neck, the greasy appearance of the face, and the peculiar desires and aversions furnish the leading indications.” (Bell & Laird.) Slimy coating of tongue with minute bubbles of saliva on tip.

Natrum phos [Nat-p]

      Itching, sore and raw anus. Stools white or green from deficient bile. Diarrhoea caused by excess of acidity; stools sour smelling, green, with yellow, creamy coating of tongue. Vomiting of sour fluid, curdy masses. Summer diarrhoea connected with a lack of digestive power, in which the stools are either clay- colored or habitually greenish. Colic is frequently present. Also, where there is habitual constipation with occasional attacks of diarrhoea, in young children. “Jelly-like masses of mucus, painful straining, coagulated casein, scanty and frequent.” (Guilbert.) Diarrhoea from bad habits in feeding.

Natrum sulph [Nat-s]

      Diarrhoea; stools watery; dark, bilious, or of green bile. The stool is not painful except for some colic and rumbling before it. Worse from eating. “This is one of the most frequently indicated remedies in cases of chronic diarrhoea, where the loose, gushing morning stool is the leading symptom. The flatulent symptoms are very characteristic, but not necessarily present. Aggravation in damp weather. Green diarrhoea in scarlatina. Wart-like eruptions on arms and between thighs. Chronic hereditary looseness of bowels in old women.” (Bell & Laird.) Chronic diarrhoea coming on some time after rising and moving about.

Kali sulph [Kali-s]

      Diarrhoea yellow, slimy or watery, purulent stools. Yellow coating of tongue, especially at root. Symptoms of cholera, cramps, etc. Black, thin, offensive stools.

Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]

      Diarrhoea purulent, mixed with blood, with clay-colored tongue. In typhus; from maple sugar and change of weather.

Calcarea phos [Calc-p]

      Diarrhoea in teething children, as an intercurrent or alternate remedy. Intercurrently in consumption of the bowels. One of our most valuable remedies for the diarrhoea of scrofulous and rachitic children. Green, slimy, undigested diarrhoea. Stool is hot, watery, profuse, offensive, noisy and sputtering.

Magnesia phos [Mag-p]

      Stools watery, expelled with force, with griping pains in the bowels, flatulent colic relieved by drawing up limbs, or hot applications. Vomiting and cramp in calves of legs. Pain at intervals.

Silicea [Sil]

      Infantile diarrhoea, cadaverous-smelling, after vaccination, with much sour perspiration on head, and hard, hot, distended abdomen.

DIARRHOEA CASES [Diarrhoea Cases]

      Chronic diarrhoea in old maid, aet. 75, of years’ standing, cured by Ferrum phos. (W.P.W).

Morning diarrhoea on rising; sudden urging, gushing, accompanied with flatulence. The stool splatters all over the vessel. Natrum sulph. cm. cured. (C. Lippe).

An old man was attacked by a severe vomiting and diarrhoea, accompanied by exceedingly painful cramp in the calves. Evacuations had the appearance of rice- water. I undertook the treatment about six hours after the beginning of the attack, and one dose of Kali phos. effected a cure. The speedy cure of this case of choleraic diarrhoea would justify the belief that Kali phos. is a specific against cholera. (Schussler).

Dr. Goullon relates a case of chronic diarrhoea of two years’ standing. Stools of mushy consistence, coated tongue, cured with Calcarea sulph.- Allg. Hom. Zeit.

Among the first cases in which I tried these remedies was a negro child, about two months old. The following are about the symptoms presented: Painful diarrhoea, constant rolling of the head, eyes turned up, tongue brownish-yellow, no desire to nurse for some time. The mother said it had been sick for a week, and she had been giving it different things; but as it got worse, she called me. I told her I was afraid there was little chance for its recovery, but I would do what I could for it. Prescribed Magnesia phos. and Calcarea phos. in alternation, every fifteen minutes. This was about nine or ten o’clock A.M. I returned about three o’clock P.M. to see if it were still alive, and to my astonishment found it better. It had ceased rolling its head, eyes were natural, and nursed once or twice, and was sleeping. Ordered the medicine to be continued at longer intervals. The next morning it was considerably better. At this visit I found the tongue covered with a thick white coating, and the mouth sore. I now prescribed Kali mur., the remedy for this condition, in place of the Calcarea phos., to be alternated with the Magnesia phos. every hour. The next day the tongue was clear, and after leaving a few more powders, to be continued for a day or two longer, the case was dismissed. (E.H.H).

Dr. T. F. Allen cured a case of chronic diarrhoea in an old lady, with morning aggravation on beginning to move, with Natrum sulph. 7x. (N. A. J. H).

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.