Those air raid warnings ! late in the day, when one was just going home to dinner we did not have too much to eat ! and were hungry! One would suddenly feel a little chilly; glad to get into a coat, and eat a bit of chocolate: which put matters right till the “All Clear!” sounded, joyfully, and one could go home.

As for our drugs:-.

ARS. Terrible fears with restlessness. Driven from place to place. Knows he is going to die and cannot be alone.

ARG. NIT. In his fear, often a fantastic fear, must hurry and walk fast. Diarrhoea from fear. (GELS).

GELS. Extreme lack of courage. Fear with trembling. Fear with diarrhoea (Arg. nit), ” The trembling remedy”.

But, FEAR, abject FEAR, with extreme restlessness is ACON. Rather like Ars., but a more transient storm.

URTICA URENS O for burns: for any burns. A few drops in half a tumbler of water, to saturate a bit of rag or lint and apply, covering with wool. Takes away the pain; allays inflammation; promotes rapid healing.

HYPERICUM O, used in the same way for wounds and cuts.

And always, and everywhere, “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” We British, with our part history behind us, with our many almost miraculous deliverances, can surely afford to hold up our heads and smile; breathing cheerfulness and confidence around us. And one remembers Martin Luther in his hour of trial and deadly peril, as the childrens distant voices were raised in evening prayer, “Hark! All is well. The giants are praying for us.



Homoeopathy By Dr M L Tyler.

# 1938 Oct Vol VII No 10.

^ Tyler M L.

~ Therapeutics.

` Calc / Calc-p / Ferr-p / Ferr-ars / Ferr / Phos / Mang / Pic-ac / Mang / Kali-p / Plumb / Nux-v / Staph / Chin / Nat-m / Nit-ac / Ars / Merc / Kali-c / Chin / Nat-m / Kali-c / Mag-c / Nat-c / Hell / Lach / Graph / Med / Sulph.



Anaemia, from menorrhagia, etc., loss of fluids. haemorrhages, sweat, diarrhoea, etc. (China) Chlorosis.

The typical calc. patient looks “Calc.”; “fat, flabby, pale: anaemic, pale and waxy. Sickly; pale lips; pale ears; pale fingers; pale and yellowish.

“Calc. produces that kind of anaemia known as chlorosis. It produces most pernicious anaemia.” KENT.

(One remembers a case in hospital of pernicious anaemia. She looked Calc. (that peculiar white, rather bloated face, which has repeatedly led to the successful prescription of Calc.) and under that remedy she improved rapidly, and went out apparently well. However, a couple of years later without treatment meanwhile one heard that she relapsed and died.

Typical Calc. is chilly: sweats much: may sweat back of head and scalp at night. Is plagued with every “Kind of fear”).

Calcarea phos.

“This remedy acts by supplying new blood cells”.

Pains and cramps from anaemic conditions.

Chlorosis; complexion waxy, greenish.

“Schuessler gives this remedy alone for chlorosis”.

Old cases of cerebral anaemia, where nutrition is manifestly defective.

Pernicious anaemia; vertigo rising from sitting.

Epistaxis. Point of nose cold.

Pale face: cold sweat on face.

Leucaemia, excess of white corpuscles after exhausting diseases.

Worse from cold, motion, change of weather, from getting wet.

Unlike Calc. c. patient is usually emaciated . SCHUESSLER.

Ferrum phos.

A want of red blood in the system.

By attracting oxygen, it colours the new blood cells and enriches them, after they have been supplied by Calc. phos.

Relaxed condition of muscular tissue, and abnormal condition of blood-corpuscles.

Anaemia, blood-poverty, want of red blood.

All the pains of Ferr. phos. are aggravated by motion and relieved by cold. SCHUESSLER.

Ferrum ars.

Chlorosis. Anaemia. Pale, sickly, earthy, waxy face. Lips pale, tongue white.

Heat of face. Flushes of heat.

Aversion to and worse in open air.

Worse cold; cold room.

RESTLESS: must get up and walk about.

Worse exertion; better motion.

Restlessness; drives him out of bed (Ars.).

(?) Haemorrhages and diarrhoea.

Has the restlessness of Ars. and the relief from motion of Ferrum; many of the symptoms of one or other.


“Old school has given iron for anaemia through all tradition. When a patient became anaemic, pallid, waxy, weak, iron was the tonic. True, iron produces anaemia. In provings, and whenever Iron has been given to excess, patient becomes greenish, waxy, pallid, with tendency to haemorrhages:– copious, thin, very dark.” KENT.

Anaemia after great loss of blood.

Extreme paleness of face and lips which become red with exertion, emotion or pain.

Complaints of Ferr. come on during rest (rev. of Mang.). Palpitation, worse during rest; dyspnoea, worse during rest, even weakness worse during rest. (Comp. Puls.).

Ferr. is better moving about; slowly, gently, quietly; worse for rapid motion.

From any excitement face flushes; gets quite red during chill. Redness of face a healthy looking bloom in one who cannot walk fast or stand exertion. KENT. (Comp. Puls.).


Delicate; waxy; emaciated; anaemic.

Haemorrhagic diathesis. Much bleeding of slight wounds bright blood.

Chlorotic girls, over grown, and suddenly weak, pale, with green sickness and menstrual difficulties.

Mucous membranes pale. Bruises easily, bleeds easily. Anaemic, relaxed condition of muscles. Characteristically, Phos. is better for being rubbed: for sleep.

Fears; for others; that something will happen; of thunderstorms; alone; in the dark.

Chilly, better warmth (except head and stomach which are better for cold).

Loves ices; cold drinks; craves salt.


“Pre-eminently causes chlorosis. For chlorotic girls: for broken down constitutions: waxy, anaemic, pallid, sickly: threatening phthisis. First M.P. delayed: then scanty M.Ps”.

“No medicine will give a sicklier face”.

“Anaemia following destruction of blood corpuscles, rather than the following haemorrhages”.

“Chlorosis and pernicious anaemia make one think of Mang”.

“Has cured inveterate ulcers in the anaemic.

“Everywhere soreness to touch and from jar.

“Worse cold: cold damp (Dulc.).

“Great relief from lying down.” KENT.

Often cures “wandering rheumatism” in the anaemic.

Kali phos.

Cerebral anaemia; anaemic conditions of brain, causing undue nervousness.

Poverty of blood from constant depression of mind and nervous system.

The leucaemia from long-continued disorders.

Spinal anaemia after exhausting diseases, such as diphtheria; with pains aggravated by rest, but worse on beginning to move.

Prostration: want of nerve power; loss of mental vigour.

Brain fag from over work. SCHUESSLER.

Picric acid.

Progressive pernicious anaemia.

Restorative of a wasted and worn-out system.

Great indifference: lack of will power. Brain fag. Wants to sit still, takes no interest in what goes on around him (Phos. ac.).

Tired on least exertion. Great prostration.

Whole body feels played out.


Anaemia: chlorosis: emaciation: muscular atrophy. Anaemia and great weakness.

Face pale, greasy: (Nat. mur) ash-coloured, yellow, corpse- like. Cheeks sunken.

Worse exertion: exertion in open air.

If exertion continues, face becomes cadaveric.

Queer sensation in abdomen at night, compels stretching; must stretch in every direction.

Abdominal wall feels drawn by a string to spine.


Anaemia and chlorosis: especially where the functions of stomach, intestines and liver are affected.

In those suffering from effects of debauchery, or a sedentary life.

Nux is chilly; choleric; impatient; hurried; with hyperaesthesia mental and physical.

“an old dyspeptic, lean, hungry, withered; prematurely aged; selects his food, and digests almost none; aversion to meat; craves pungent, bitter things; tonics”.


Also in black type for anaemia.

Prescribed successfully in almost any ailment for its mentals:–.

“Great indignation about things done by others or by himself”.

Obsessed by ancient hurt pride: ailments from indignation and displeasure.

Suppressed anger; suppressed feelings.

After hammering away at a patient, without much result, one suddenly realizes failure, in life, in health, because of something that once happened; never had a chance ! and Staph. may work wonders.


Persons suffering from neuralgias due to malaria, or who have become anaemic and sickly from repeated haemorrhages, are likely to develop symptoms calling for China. China produces a gradually increasing anaemia, with great pallor and weakness.

Nerves in a fret. Worse touch.

Very sensitive to cold air: draught.

Malaria suppressed by quinine (Nat. mur.) with gradually increasing pallor, cachexia, and the patient is always catching cold.

Debilitated, pale waxy; breaks out into perspiration on least exertion.

Anaemia from loss of blood and other vital fluids; from diarrhoea, over lactation, etc.

Dropsy following loss of blood and anaemia.

Natrum muriaticum.

Anaemia after malaria and quinine.

Face shiny, pale, waxy, looks as if greased.

Emaciation, uneasiness, weariness, prostration.

Deterioration of vital fluids.

Is needs by chlorotic girls, who have greasy skin, a greenish, yellowish complexion; menstruate only once in two or three months.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.