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A CHILD of four years, falling in a short spell of unconsciousness, unable to control the flow of urine day or night, was absolutely cured by one does of Terebinthina 1m. The history of the case was that the child had drunk a lot of turpentine when 18 months old and had gone from bad to worse ever since. She never had another fit after dose, and gradually but quickly got over the enuresis.

A CHILD of four years, falling in a short spell of unconsciousness, unable to control the flow of urine day or night, was absolutely cured by one does of Terebinthina 1m. The history of the case was that the child had drunk a lot of turpentine when 18 months old and had gone from bad to worse ever since. She never had another fit after dose, and gradually but quickly got over the enuresis. She got nothing but a Placebo from then on. Dr. Chas. C. Bowes, U.S.A. Recorder, March 1931.

Bowes Chas C