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Erythema from exposure to suns rays. Ulcerative pain in skin when touched. Burns before blisters form, and after. Swelling, heat, redness of parts. Erysipelatous, vesicular conditions. A far more deep-acting remedy: even to destruction of tissues. Characteristic: scanty, burning urine, passed drop by drop.

Glonoinum Glonoine (Nitro-glycerine).

Bad effects from being exposed inordinately to suns rays:.

“for over-heating in the sun, or sunstroke.”.

“Sudden local congestions, especially to head and chest.

Bursting headache, rising up from the neck.

Great throbbing: sense of expansion, as if head would burst.

Cannot bear the least jar.” NASH.

Undulating sensation in head:.

Waves of heat, upwards.

Head feels larger.

Congestions; blood tends upwards.

Vessels (Jugular, temporal) pulsate.

Temporal arteries raised, felt like whipcord.

Throbbing: constriction neck, as if blood could not return from head.

Whole head felt crowded with blood.

All arteries in head felt as distinct as though they had been dissected out.

Skull too small: brain attempting to burst it.

Even nausea, followed by unconsciousness.

“Bell. and Glon. both have the fullness, pain and throbbing, but that of Glon. is more intense and sudden in onset; and subsides more rapidly when relieved.

Bell. is better bending head back: Glon. worse.” NASH.

Glon. has waves of pain: of blood, upwards.

Glon. has more disturbance of hearts action: Bell more intense burning of skin.

Both have very red faces. (Med.).

Melilotus Sweet Clover.

Fearful headaches.

Confusion of thought.

Violent congestion to head.

Violent throbbing headache, relieved by nose-bleed.

Most intense redness of face with throbbing carotids.


Also (with Glon.), sudden onset.

Red, flushed face: throbbing carotids: perhaps delirium, spasms, jerks and twitchings.

Eyes staring, red, bloodshot: pupils first contracted, then greatly dilated.

Skin very red and hot: “When you put your hand on a Bell. subject, you want to suddenly withdraw it; the heat is so intense.” KENT.

Rush of blood to head: pulsation of cerebral arteries; throbbing in head.

Inflammation of base of brain and medulla from exposure to sun.

Bell. absolutely covers the text-book description of sunstroke- even at its worst; i.e. restlessness; vertigo; breathlessness; nausea and vomiting; with frequent micturition (“even if only a few drops have accumulated”). Temperature high.

Incontinence of urine and faeces.

Stertor. Pulse rapid.

Face congested: cyanosed: and (of course) convulsions.

Early cases are best remembered! Ages ago a cottage boy who had been reading in a broiling sun had, at 5.30 p.m. a burning head, a severe frontal headache and a Temp. of 103.8. In a funny little first Case Book one finds it recorded that he got Bell. cm. and (in those days of inexperience) Acon. cm.; frequent sips. At 10.30 next morning, Temp. was 98; skin moist and cool; no headache.


Where there is much FEAR, restlessness, and anxiety.

“Sunstroke, especially from sleeping in the suns rays.”.

Head excessively hot (Bell.): with burning, as though brain were moved by boiling water. . Boiling and seething sensation.

High fever. Vertigo.

Face very red (Bell., Stram., Melilotus): feels as if it has grown much larger. (Nat. carb.). Tingling sensations exceedingly characteristic.

One of the remedies of apoplexy: of heat apoplexy.

Acon. is one of the remedies of sudden, violently acute, painful conditions.

Amyl nitrate.

Heat and throbbing in head. Intense fullness in head.

Intense surging of blood to face and head (Glon.) as if blood would start through the skin.

Cant endure warmth: must throw off coverings and open doors and windows.

Difficult of breathing is a very prominent symptom.

(One will never forget a personal experience with Amyl nitrate, bought for an epileptic patient. When the little glass was broken, and the contents sniffed at, the instant sensation was as if the brain would burst: there was a rush to open the window, and to take deep breaths. Soon over-luckily!) Glonoine, potentized, is useful to avert cerebral haemorrhage: in crude form it might be disastrous.


Sunstroke, with restlessness and depression of spirits.

Contraction, tightness in head, with coldness all over.

Throbbing (head) with beats like a hammer; head hot, face red, limbs cool. (Comp. Arn.).

Rush of blood to head.

“The more violently the patient suffers the sooner he is cold, and when he is cold he must uncover, even in a cold room.”.

“Then with a flash of heat, wants the covers on, and hot bottles.” KENT.

Veratrum viride.

Sudden cerebral congestion: sunstroke.

Prostration: accelerated pulse.

Head full and heavy.

Intense cerebral congestion: as if head would burst open.

Congestive apoplexy: intense headache; stupid: ringing in ears; bloodshot eyes; thick speech: slow, full pulse, hard as iron.

? nausea and vomiting. ? convulsions.

Worse warm drinks.

Face, cold, bluish covered with cold sweat.

Or, face flushed.

Characteristic: tongue (? white or yellow) with a red streak down the centre.


“Constrictions, contractions, congestions: the blood is always in the wrong place.”.

Vertigo from congestion: face red, bloated.

Irregularities of respiration: if he holds his breath, it seems as if his heart would fly to pieces. Increased pulsations also over body when holding breath.

Violent headaches; intense heat of head;.

As if top of head would be pressed in, relieved by pressing hard on the pain.

Sounds go through the head.

Threatened apoplexy when congestion is so violent; face flushed and purple, or very red; pulsation felt in brain and all over. Choking as from a tight collar. (Comp. Lach.).

The great characteristic, constriction about heat, as if held in a vice, a wire cage; screwed tighter and tighter.


From heat of sun in summer.

Weakness and trembling, of any part, or the whole body.

Headache begins in cervical spine: with bursting sensation in forehead and eyeballs. Worse from heat of sun.

Sensation of a band around head above eyes.

Great heaviness of eyelids.


Lachesis has also a reputation for sunstroke, or effects of sunstroke.

“Paralysis depending on an apoplectic condition of brain, after extremes of heat or cold.”.

Face: dark red, bluish; bloated; as in apoplexy.

Great characteristic: worse from SLEEP.

Sleeps into an aggravation.

Dreads to go to sleep, because she wakes with such a headache.

Rush of blood to head: weight and pressure on vertex.

Great sensitiveness to touch, especially throat and abdomen.


Face very red: blood rushes to face.

Congestion to head: beating of carotids.

Rushes of blood to head, with furious, loquacious delirium.

After sunstroke tormenting heat in head: pain nape of neck: very sensitive to noise, to contradiction.

NASH gives a Stramonium mental case, in a woman of 30, who had been over-heated in the sun, during an excursion. She was “lost, lost, lost, eternally lost,” and begged minister, doctor, everybody to pray with and for her. Talked day and night about it. She would not sleep a wink, or let anybody else sleep. Said her head was as big as a bushel. Glonoine, Lachesis, Natrum carb., etc., prescribed on the CAUSE as the basis of the prescription, were useless. But Stramonium covered her symptoms, and in 24 hours every vestige of that mania was gone. She had narrowly escaped the “Urtica Asylum”.


Arnica may be needed. Apoplexy; loss of consciousness.

Here the great characteristic, in any sickness, is, intense soreness and bruised feeling of body.


Must move, to get a new place, not yet sore.

Heat of upper part of body; coldness of lower.

Face and head alone hot: body cool. (Camph.).

Carbo veg.

Ailments from getting over-heated.

Obtuseness: vertigo: heaviness of head.

Pale greenish face, cold, with cold sweat.

Vital force nearly exhausted. Complete collapse.

Blood stagnates in capillaries: surface cold and blue. Air hunger.

Natrum carb.

Chronic effects of sunstroke.

Headache from slightest mental exertion: from the sun, even working under gas light.

Inability to think. Feels stupid: comprehension slow, difficult.

Head feels too large, as if it would burst. (Acon.).

Great debility from heat of summer.

Aversion to, and worse from milk.

Natrum mur.

Sunstroke. Heat in head, with red face, nausea and vomiting.

Rush of blood to head: headache as if head would burst. (Glon. etc.).

Heaviness occiput; draws eyes together.

Blinding of eyes: fiery zig-zags characteristic.

Worse sun: worse seaside: worse summer.


Ailments from heat of sun.

Excessive vertigo. Headache with throbbing in brain.

Even apoplexy; unconscious: face purplish, bloated: violent beating of heart. Pulse collapsed.

Puls. is worse sitting; lying: better walking in open air. Puls. is apt to be tearful.

N.B. A red, or orange lining to hat, and coat along spine, is said to protect from sunstroke. One remembers well the case of an officer who, in India, had had many attacks of sunstroke. Free from these, when he got his red linings. But his brother officers, thinking it imaginative, secretly removed them, whereupon, imagining himself safe in the intense sunshine, he got his worst “stroke”.



Great remedy for burns – by fire – by heat – by acids – by sun.

In skin of face, arms, shoulders and chest, extremely distressing burning heat with formication, numbness and violent itching.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.