Itching and burning of skin as if scorched.

“One of the best remedies for burns of the first degree, used locally and given internally.”.

“An application of the tincture even on the most sensitive parts of the face, or eyelids, gives instant relief.”.

(Ten drops to the tablespoonful of water applied to superficial burns, takes the pain away at once. – ED.).


Erythema from exposure to suns rays.

Ulcerative pain in skin when touched.

Burns before blisters form, and after.

Swelling, heat, redness of parts.

Erysipelatous, vesicular conditions.

A far more deep-acting remedy: even to destruction of tissues.

Characteristic: scanty, burning urine, passed drop by drop.


Burning of skin: with restlessness.

Skin dry and scaly.

Arsenicum burns like fire: and its burnings are relieved by heat.

Rhus tox.

Skin: stiff, thick, dry, hot, itching, burning.

Worse warmth: painful to cold air.

Tension and swelling of face: violent burning in swollen face.

Epidermis peeled from cheeks, leaving parts red and hot.

Severe attacks that have gone to vesication.


Intense redness of skin, with eruption of little blisters and unbearable itching.

Violent burning in face.

Heat, head; red cheeks; forehead cold.

Natrum carb.

Burning heat and redness of face: cheeks swollen.

Sequelae to exposure to heat of sun.

Great debility caused by heat of summer.


Burns and scalds.

Skin, hot and dry.

Face bloated, hot, swollen and very red. (Melilotus.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.