Ductless Glands Diseases

SYMPTOMS.- The bones enlarge-hands and feet become huge, and the involvement of bones of the face gives a characteristic appearance. Headache (Frontal) is usual, and somnolence and often glycosuria (early). Pressure symptoms affecting the base of the brain may occur. Later there is apt to be decrease of the internal secretion (hypo-pituitarism), and this (however caused), leads to deposit of fat, subnormal temperature, slow pulse, and a very high tolerance for sugars. Mental symptoms are not uncommon; goitre may be seen. It should be observed that the secretion of the posterior part of the gland passes into the cerebro-spinal fluid, so that any cause interfering with the movement of this may cause pituitary symptoms.

TREATMENT.- Gland extracts have proved a failure.

If any deep acting remedy is indicated, that will be the most hopeful line of treatment. Phosphorus should be tried if no clear symptoms of other drugs are found.

192.- Primary Spleno-Megaly-(Bantis Disease.)

This is a primary disease of the spleen, leading to enlargement, anaemia, haemorrhage, and later to enlarged liver, jaundice and ascites (fluid in abdomen). The cause is doubtful; malaria or syphilis may predispose to it.

SYMPTOMS.- It is a very chronic disease. The enlarged spleen is the first symptom to appear. Little or no pain is present; no glands are enlarged. Anaemia follows; red corpuscles may sink below half of the normal, and white corpuscles are diminished. There are no cell changes in the blood. Bleeding (especially vomiting of blood) sets in and later the liver enlarges and jaundice and ascites appear.

TREATMENT.- Carduus Marianus in tincture, and Ceanothus should be given a good trial, unless any drug is clearly indicated. Phosphorus is likely to help and Crot. is the haemorrhagic stage. Removal of the spleen has been successfully performed, and unless medicinal treatment is remedial, it should not be too long delayed. (There are other causes of spleen enlargement, but they are nearly all cases so severe as to demand early professional treatment.

193.- Addison’s Disease.

Above the kidneys lie the adrenal glands. When they are destroyed or diseased (generally by tuberculosis) Addison’s disease occurs. It is rare.

SYMPTOMS.- Great debility, feeble heart action, pigmentation of skin, and vomiting. The secretion of the gland helps to maintain the tone of arteries, so in its absence, low tension occurs. Loss of appetite and diarrhoea are usual as well as vomiting. The pigmentation is peculiar, giving rise to dark patches on face, hand, or elsewhere. The disease is seldom very prolonged, and recovery is rare.

TREATMENT.- Adrenalin should be tried, but seldom helps much. Tuberc. Bovin. should be given, and Arsen., Argentum-Nit., Natr.- Mur. seriously studied for symptoms. In non-tubercular cases, intestinal toxaemia should be considered, as a cause, and vaccine tried.

194.- Status Lymphaticus.

The thymus gland is a gland of childhood and should disappear after puberty. Its function is obscure, though related to development of the sexual glands, when it persists or is enlarged, the Status Lymphatics is present. In it patients are liable to sudden death (there is especially danger from anaesthetics), susceptibility to acute infection is increased, and there is a psychical instability with tendency to drug habits.

Children with increased thymus are fat, with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. The enlarged thymus may cause a shadow under X- rays. Later the symptoms are soft, delicate skin, slender general growth (of feminine type in boys), poor hair development of sex glands.

TREATMENT.- Sugar and starch should be cut down in diet; green vegetables and fruit are important. X-ray may be tried. Medicinally Calcarea carb. in young children and Phosphorus and Tuberculinum- Bovista later would seem the best indicated, but each case should be studied for its own symptoms.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."