Hygienic Observations

Homeopathic Vade mecum by E.H.Ruddock. Vade mecum means a hand book or a guide. In the introduction to this book E.H.Ruddock gave the importance to basic Hygienic and diet. According to him these two things are preserver of health….




1. Hygiene. MEDICAL HYGIENE is that branch of science which treats of the preservation of health by means which contribute to the most perfect development of the body, rendering life more vigorous, decay less rapid, and death more distant. It embraces various influences operating upon the physical condition of individuals and communities, whether in promoting their material good, or preventing their deterioration. It consists essentially in the prevention of disease by the removal of its avoidable causes, and consequently involves legislative control, that the safety of the whole may be protected against the errors of the few. In its widest sense, the term Hygiene implies rules for the perfect culture of the mind and body. If our knowledge were exact, and our means of application adequate, we should see the human being in his perfect beauty, as Providence probably intended him to be; in the harmonious proportions and complete balance of all parts, in which he came out of the hands of his Maker, in whose divine image, we are told, he was in the beginning made (Parkes).

Such a condition, if ever attainable, is, we fear far distant at present. But if not fully obtainable, it is at least our duty to aim at that millennium of sanitary philosophers when all disease is to be prevented, not cured. This Manual is our contribution towards that desirable consummation; and although our knowledge and powers are incomplete and limited, sufficient is herein pointed out to change the whole aspect of the world. While, however, we have in this volume pointed out the main causes of physical deterioration and disease, and how these may be avoided or controlled, the well-being of individuals and communities must essentially depend on personal and united efforts and self- restraint. Sanitary improvements in man’s material surroundings will not compensate for social transgressions against laws of morality; for public virtue is essential to public health, and both to national prosperity (Dr. G. Wilson).

Our Observations on Hygiene are necessarily restricted and fragmentary, but withal highly important, and their general adoption would be fraught with rich advantages. It is hoped that, as the result of the education of the masses, a solid groundwork may be laid for the promotion of the national health. The rudiments of medical hygiene may be taught and rendered attractive in schools and should not be regarded as of less moment than the languages of extinct nations, or the records of ancient history. The public press, and more especially popular medical works, may so augment the general knowledge of the cause of disease as to prevent much existing suffering and diminish unnecessary waste of human life. It is, indeed satisfactory to know that these means, as far as they have been adopted, have already largely contributed to these desirable results.

2. General Plan of Dietary.

Homoeopathy is not a system of diet, but of medical treatment. Extended observation proves that the curative action of remedies, chosen according to the homoeopathic law, is but little affected by the food or beverages ordinarily taken; hence, beyond the prohibition of certain articles which disagree with the patient, interfere with the bodily functions or impose on weak or diseased organs a task to which they are unequal, homoeopathic physicians interfere but little with their patient’s diet.

The food of the invalid, however, must be regulated according to the nature, stage and progress of the malady from which he is suffering; therefore, the diet appropriate in various acute and chronic diseases will be found prescribed in the various sections of this Vade Mecum in their appropriate places. (See also Essentials of Diet; or, Hints on Food in Health and Disease by the same Author.)

CIRCUMSTANCES REGULATING THE DIETARY.- In constructing dietaries, the following points must be kept in view- (1) Work.-Besides maintaining the body in health, food is the source of the active energy exhibited in all work or mechanical motion. It follows, therefore, that the diet must be regulated by the amount of work to be performed.

(2) Exercise.- The opportunity for taking regular exercise in the open air should be considered. Quiet and sedentary habits demand only a limited amount of generous diet, and much meat, with its surplus nitrogenous ingredients, is undesirable.

(3) Age.-Milk and farinaceous substances should form the staple food up to the ninth or tenth year. At fourteen years of age a girl requires as much nutriment as a woman. A growing young man, who does the same amount of work as an adult man, requires more food than the latter. When growth and tissue changes are at their maximum, food must be good in quality and abundant in quantity.

(4) Individual Differences.- A weakly person who eats little requires food of a better quality and nicer flavour than one of robust constitution and hearty appetite. What are termed the fancies of delicate persons, especially of children, are often natural instincts, pointing out what is beneficial to the system or the reverse.

(5) Climate.-In cold seasons and climates the food should contain an excess of fatty constituents; but in warm climates the starchy or farinaceous should preponderate. More food, too, is required in cold countries, and in cold seasons, than in hot.


The following suggestions as to the dietary arrangements of persons in health, with occasional modifications, and allowing for individual differences, will generally be found suitable.

Breakfast. Breakfast at eight a.m. This meal may consist of bread or dry toast, with a moderate quantity of fresh butter, to which a new-laid egg, boiled three minutes, may be added; or a little home-fed cold boiled bacon, chicken, game, or fish may be allowed to those who take much bodily exercise. For growing boys and girls at schools, the bread and butter, with poor tea or coffee, which is in some cases exclusively and invariably provided for the morning and evening meal, is very insufficient.

A breakfast cupful of cocoa, prepared from fresh nibs, or shells, according to the directions given in section 4, is often suitable and preferable to strong tea or coffee. For some, milk and water is more digestible.

Breakfast is an important meal, and its digestion ought never to be endangered by taking it too hurriedly, or commencing a quick walk, or other active mental or physical exercise, immediately after it. It would be an immense gain to the hard-working city man to make it a uniform habit to rise sufficiently early to allow ample time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, and sufficient time after for its digestion to have made some progress before again taxing the physical or mental powers.

Dinner. Dinner at one p.m. Wholesome fresh meat and fresh vegetables, -potatoes, cabbage broccoli spinach, peas, French beans, etc.-carefully proportioned, plainly cooked, served hot, and properly and slowly masticated. These should be varied from day to day, with occasional additions, in moderate quantities, of fruit or farinaceous puddings; and fish substituted once or twice a week for other animal food. Variety should be secured by different methods of cooking the same food, as well as by varying the food itself. A great improvement in health takes place, especially in the case of children, when this suggestion is carried out. Highly seasoned dishes, condiments, pickles, salt and dried meats, rich or heavy pastry, and cheese should be excluded from the dietary of persons who wish to be healthy, especially of those whose habits are sedentary, or who use their brains considerably. Twice cooked meat or fish is never a good article of diet. It is better to eat meat cold the second day, rather than in hash or other dished-up fashion. Weakly persons who are obliged to take much exercise may drink a small quantity of malt liquor (never exceeding half a pint) if they are benefited by it; but in the great majority of cases fermented liquors had better be avoided, and a few sips of filtered water, or a wine-glass of claret, hock, or other light still wine, diluted with an equal quantity of water, substituted. In the generality of cases, especially boys at school, persons are only rendered heavy and sleepy by the use of beer at this meal. But too much cold water at dinner lowers the temperature of the stomach, and so interrupts digestion. A glass of hot water an hour before dinner obviates the need to drink during that meal. Taking wine after dinner is a luxurious, not a healthy habit; and all that can be said of it from a hygienic point of view, is, the less taken the better. A dessert of wholesome fruit is very desirable-apples, pears, oranges, grapes, peaches, strawberries, gooseberries etc.

Tea. Tea may be taken at six or half-past, and include one or two small cups of black tea, preferably China tea, or cocoa prepared from the nibs, or shells, with bread or dry toast, butter fruit, or marmalade, as may be found most digestible or agreeable. In schools the addition of a little green stuff, as water-cress, lettuce, radishes, etc., is very desirable. If it be the last meal in the day, and the person be not plethoric, and taking a great amount of physical exercise, the meal may include some light meat, chicken, or white fish, In that case water is the best drink. Tea especially renders meat very indigestible.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."