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Method of Potentizing Remedies

The method of dilution and succusion for producing homeopathic medicine in centecimal scale of potencies….

The process of dilution more frequently employed is the following, recommended by Hahnemann: To prepare, for instance, the first thirty dilutions of the mother tincture of Nux vomica you take thirty vials numbered I, 2, 3, 4, etc., up to thirty, and containing ninety-nine drops of distilled water or alcohol. To prepare the second dilution you put one drop of the first dilution into the second vial, to which you give the same number of shakes. You continue to prepare in that way each dilution by dropping into each vial one drop of the dilution previously made. Therefore, to prepare the first thirty dilutions of the remedy, there are needed thirty times five grams of distilled water or alcohol; in other words, one hundred and fifty gums of liquid.

To prepare the first thirty dilutions of an insoluble remedy you take five centigrams of the drugs, which are triturated with five grams of sugar of milk; in that way the first centesimal trituration is obtained. To prepare the second trituration, five centigrams of the first and trituration, five centigrams of the first are trituration with give grams of sugar of milk. The same process is continued up to the third or fourth trituration. the remedies having become soluble can then be prepared by successive dilutions up to the 30th.The thirty successive dilutions of the remedy constitute thirty different degrees of the radiant state of that remedy. The radiant state of that remedy. This radiant state has been brought about by separating more and more its constituent particles or molecules from each other. To do this; dilutions and successions (two factors in all dilutions) have been used. these two factors have the same value, since they accomplish the same end; that is to say the more widely separate the constituent molecules of any given remedy.

The first thirty dilutions of a remedy have been prepared by employing these two factors. On the one hand, thirty times one hundred drops of liquid; on the other, thirty successions given to each of the thirty vials; thirty equal quantities of liquid, multiplied by thirty successions., give nine hundred as the product.

To a certain extend on factor may take the place of the other, provided one obtains the same product, nine hundred, to bring about the 30th dilution. When the latter is prepared in this manner it has the same strength as when it is prepared by thirty successive dilutions was indicated by a Hahnemann, who, by one of those intuitions that come to men of genius, had guessed the conditions necessary to bring remedies into the radiant state. After having explained the first process of dynamization with vials, he explains in Section 270 of the Organon, in a note to this paragraph, the other process in the following manner: I have dissolved one grain of Nat. carb. in one-half ounce of water misted with a little alcohol, and for one-half hour shook without stopping he vital two-thirds full, which contained the liquid., I afterward found that this liquid excelled the 30th dilution in strength.

In doing this Hahnemann may have given the vial one succession every two seconds for thirty minutes; in other words, a total of 900 succussions. Now., 900, multiplied by the first quantity of liquid contained in the thirty vials and multiplied by the thirty succussions given to each of these vials; for thirty multiplied by thirty equals 900, mad Hahnemann discovered by experiment that the 30th dilution, prepared in either way, has the same strength.

Confirming to the experimental teaching of Hahnemann to separate more and more the constituent molecules of each remedy and bring the latter to a more radiant state, Jenichen substitutes a given number of dilutions. For instance, to raise Arsenic from the 800th to the 2600th dilution he gives the sane vial 51,000 successions, or about twenty eight for each intermediate dynamization.

It has been affirmed, without proof, that Jenichen taking a vial of the fourth centesimal dilution, gave it 1000, or 6000, or 16,000 shakes to make his 1000, 6000, or 16,000th dilution. It matters little, provided that by means of thousands of succussions he has separated the constituent molecule o each remedy so as to bring it into a more and more radiant state and develop its curative powers. Hence it is very justly state the name of potency has been given to the very high dilutions, ranging from 100th to the 40,000th, and that of dynamization to all infinitesimal doses, since this term is more expressive than that of dilution and attenuation. All of this is in conformity with the teaching of Hahnemann, who says:

The Homoeopathic remedy in each division or dilution acquits a new degree of potency y means of the successions which it receives, a means unknown before my day for developing the virtues inherent in medicinal substances, and which is so energetic that latterly experience has compelled me to reduce to two the number of succussions, of which I formerly prescribed ten for each dilution.-Organon aphorism 280.

The farther a dilution is carried by giving each time two succussions, the more of rapidity and penetration does the medicinal action of the preparation does the medicinal action of the preparation seem to acquire over the vital force of the patient. It is strength is diminished but very little in that way, even when the dilution is carried very far and when., instead of stopping at the 30th, which is most always sufficient, it is carried up to the 60th, the 150th, the 300th and beyond, Only the duration of the action seems thus to diminish more and more. – Organon 287.

In the latter paragraph from the Organon, edition of 1833, Hahnemann emits two contradictory opinions in affirming the highs the dilution of the remedy is carried, 1st) the more its strength increase, (2nd) that its strength diminishes a little. Later on he confined his practice to the first opinion experience having led him to give up the ordinary use of dilutions about the 30th and up to the 300th, because e had found the action of these high dilutions too powerful. This what Dr, Gross, his disciple tells us in 1846. Hahnemann having but seldom used the high dilutions, had but little opportunity to not that, contrarily to his statement above quoted, the action of the high statement above quoted, the action of the high dilutions is much more prolonged than that of the lower dilutions as has been demonstrated by comparative experiments.

But as it would take too much time and be too expensive to prepare these thousands of dilution buy Hahnemann’s first process, Hahnemann’s second process, that of succession, has been employed instead. By this Process, used with exceptional vigor, as related by Dr. Perry in the Journal of the Welsh Homoeopathic Medical Society, 1851, vol. 2, p. 778, Jenichen prepared the high dilutions of 156 remedies, as list of which was published in said Journal.

By means of a third process, utilizing simultaneously dilutions and succussions, a homoeopathic pharmacist of lyons, the late Dr. L. L. Lembert, prepared the high dilutions of 141 remedies were raised up to the 10,000th dilution. Lembert’s high dilutions have seemed to me quite as efficacious as Jenichen’s

I advise those physicians who would like to prepare for themselves very high dilutions of remedies, in order to be personally sure of their authenticity, to use Lembert’s process, which I am about to describe.

This former professor of chemistry prepared with thirty vials the first thirty centesimal dilutions of the remedies according to Hahnemann’s process; then with the thirty dilutions he prepared the high dilutions to the 10,000th in the manner which I will now detail. Lembert had had manufactured for the preparation of the high dilutions of each remedy a small cylindrical vial of white glass, having the following form and dimensions:

Height of vial,……………….. 5 centimeters

Height of the neck of the vial,….. 1 centimeter.

Diameter of the vial,…………… 15 millimeters.

Diameter of the neck of the vial,…. 12 millimeters.

Diameter of the opening of the neck of the

vial 1 centimeter.

Lateral orifice placed one centimeter above the bottom of the vial and having a diameter of 6 millimeters

Into the bottom of this vial, and below the lateral opening, he poured forty drops of the 30th centesimal dilution, contained in the bottom of the vial-falling without interruption into the medicated water of the vial-produced incessant:

1st, dilution of this water; and succession of this water.

when the water in the vial passed the level of the lateral opening it ran out of the vial.

In order to determine the quantity of water which ran out of the vial in that way, Lembert placed at the distance of twenty centimeters below it a large jar graduated from bottom to top in the following manner:

Knowing that 100 drops, or give grams of water are necessary to prepare each centesimal dilution., Lembert had calculated that in order to produce twenty dilutions, ranging from the 30th to the 50th, 100 grams of water were necessary. He had therefore poured 100 grams of water in the aforesaid and whitener number fifty upon the outside of the jar at the upper level of the 100 grams of water poured into the jar.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.