Method of Potentizing Remedies


Mr. X., aged 40, had had a fall from his carriage, which had probably caused a concussion of the spinal cord for he was no longer able to ride in a carriage, but only in tramways (street cars),. which jolt at little, it at all. During eighteen months he was treated without success by three allopathic physicians, two of whom are professors in a medical college, one a hospital surgeon and another a hospital physician.

These three physicians had very probably prescribed for him Arnica in ponderable doses, but without result. After those eighteen months of lack of success, Mr. X. having come to consult me, I placed upon is tongue six or seven globules of Arnica, in the 200th potency. During the five days following Mr. X felt a slight aggravation of his lumbar sufferings, after which a complete and final; cure of his traumatic pains took place.


A lady, aged about 30 years, had the cornea of those eye excoriated by the nail of child was suckling. /the next year another nursling had again scratched with its nail the cornea of the same eye. For five years this lady felt pain in that eye, and suffered from photophobia, which prevented her working in the evening by the light of a lamp. She had been declared incurable by two physicians, one of whom was connected in a medical school; but she was completely and permanently cured of her traumatic pains by from six to seven globules of Arnica 200th which I placed upon her tongue, after having felt a slight aggravation of her pain for give days.

As physicians often have the opportunity of observing similar chronic traumatic pains after a contusion or fall, they will frequently be able to test the rapid action of Arsenic a 200th in such cases, and nose physicians will be thenceforth more inclined to convince themselves by experiments that, in other chronic disease, in which other remedies are indicated. they lose their lime when they administer the third or sixth dilution, instead of the 200th dilution of the indicated remedy.

In some acute cases the 200th dilution may cure in less than twelve, twenty-four of forty-eighteen hour. In proof of this assertion I cite the four following facts, which may be z(the fourth especially) tested experimentally by all practitioners.


A woman, 50 years of age after an attack of pneumonia, had an attack of acute mania, which was so violent the several persons would hardly keep her in bed, and prevent her throwing herself headlong or of the window. I prescribed for her, to be taken every hour, Bellad. 12th during twenty -four hours, then Strand, 12th during twenty-four hours, be without success. Then I put upon her tongue six or seven globules of Bellad, 200th, which completely dissipated the acute mania in two pr three hours.


A child, 12 years of age, in Paris, suffered from typhoid fever of so ataxic a form that Professor Trousseau,. who had been consulted in the case, said to the parents I shall not return, for I consider your child as good as dead. then Jean Paul Tessier, called to treat this so-called dying child, administered in a single dose a few globules of Arsenic 200th, and on the next day the ataxic form of typhoid fever has disappeared and had been replaced by the ordinary form of this disease, from which the patient recovered on the twenty-first day, without sequelae.


It is a well-known fact that an attack of pulmonary phthisis often presents several periods of tubercular aggravation, or attacks of suppuration, localized in one or another part of the lungs. But putting upon the tongue of the patient a few globules of Phosphor. 200th or 13,000 dilution, at the beginning of each aggravation, I have almost always aborted these attacks in from twelve to twenty-four hours, and if the phthisical person has not became too much worn out and emaciated, he is cured of his disease five times out of ten, but on condition that he shall follow the adipogenous regimen, which will enable him to increase in eight from 100 to 600 grams per day-a result which I have verified in my practice.

At the beginning of these tuberculous Attacks formerly prescribed phosphor. 3rd, but it was necessary to re(pet the remedy several dime s day and for several days in succession, and this third dilution cured much less thoroughly and promptly than the 200th or 12,000th dilution.

One of the ablest homoeopathic physicians,. I have never known, Charles Dulac, wrote to me on the first of June, 1876: very often a grave affection, which I believed had been cured by the 30th dilution, appeared at the end of one or two years. Then the 200th or the 600th dilution cured it permanent

It is often possible to verify the preceding observation demonstrating that the high the dilution the more lasting is tree cure. I will here complete Charles Dulac’s thought by affirming that in some cases the 200th and the 600th are not high enough to produce a permanent cure. To obtain later it is necessary to make use of 1000th, 2000th, 6000th and 16,000th dilutions. for instance, with Nux vomica 200th, which had been sent to me by Charles Dulac, I cured a young lady of her sick- headache which reappeared every morning, but then the cure lasted only two or three weeks. I then administered Nux vomica 10,000th (relaxed by the late Dr. L. L. Lembert), which produced a cure lasting six, eight and twelve months, In other cases I have seen better and more through cures following the use of dilutions higher than the 200th and 600th.

But with these facts, to which I might add many others, did not the long digression which precedes the account of them suffice to establish the efficaciousness and sometimes the superiority of the very high potencies, one cold utilize for that demonstration a very simple means which I have used for some time with success.

Propose to the skeptics that they shall take daily a single globule of the remedy in the 3000th, 5000th, 10,000th or 16,000th dilution, for several day in succession. Perhaps they will feel no effect the first or second day, but often there will feel on the following days disagreeable painful, persistent pathogenetic symptoms, which will despite their skepticism, and above all will take away from them all desire to try similar experiments again. Certain persons will feel no result whatever from the first or second remedy, nut a third or fourth one will produce in them very convincing effects. Then if the skeptics severely tried by those globules taken daily, accuse you of having put toxic substances into these globules give them a three hundred drop vial and containing in one hundred drops one of those globules. With this solutions, let them, in your presence, make fifteen or thirty successive dilutions, and swallow the one hundred drops of the 30th dilution made by themselves once a day for several days in succession. it is probable that they will experience from these remedies more and more convincing effects- indeed the proofs may be to convincing.

In order to have in these experiments personal certainly, use only remedies proved by yourself and such globules as you will have yourself medicated.

Besides, each day and for several days in succession place one globule upon the tongue of the experimenter. If the latter, I repeat it, feels no effect from the first or second remedy, is it probable that the following ones will make up for that lack of success.

A few boastful skeptics will say that they could take twenty globules at the dose without feeling any effects therefrom. Tell them that they shall take these globules in twenty drops, one per day, and this experiment will probably prevent their being so boastful in the future.

It is very probable that a few persons will be found who cannot be affected by these remedies in high dilutions administered for several successive days. That should not cause any astonishment, since there are exceptional individuals who, naturally or as the result of acquired habit, are unaffected by doses of any given poison that might cause the death of several persons. For instance, certain mountaineers in Styria (Austria) can eat, without harm to themselves, as high as thirty-five centigrams of arsenic. An opium eater at Brousse was able to et forty centigrams of bichloride of mercury without personal injury. Dr. Pouqueville knew a Turk who had so accustomed himself to corrosive sublimate that he was called Suleymannyayen (corrosive sublimate eater).


I ADVISE those physicians who might desire to add, as I had done to the ordinary treatment of diver divers to treatment of drunkenness and other passions, to apply this psychical treatment not only to their private patients, but also, and especially, to though who shall visit a fee dispenser established exclusively two that end. These consultants are to return to the dispensary every three weeks, to report to the physician the effects of the remedy.

This psychical treatment in the dispense presents five advantages not possessed by the practice of that treatment among laying patients.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.