Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Hysteria; leucorrhoea of women who always awaken with a very dry tongue; vicarious leucorrhoea in place of the menses; discharge of slime at the day of the menses, the latter delayed; blood from vagina thick and dark, and at the right time of catamenia; leucorrhoea with prolapsus vagina et uteri; globus hystericus; fainting, with palpitation of the heart, followed by sleep; physometra.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Foetid leucorrhoea, staining the linen yellow; sensation of heaviness and weight in the neck of the uterus; internal swelling on one side of the vagina, with burning-stinging pains; prolapsus of the uterus and vagina, especially from straining by lifting with hardness and swelling of the of tincae; varices on labia; constipation; frequent urination, with scalding and brickdust sediment; dry and hacking cough, with oppression of hypochondria; dulness of mind.
Palladium [Pall]
Transparent, jelly-like discharge, (<) before and after menses; heaviness and weight in pelvis; pain and weakness as if uterus were sinking down; FORGETS EVERY PAIN IN SOCIETY, BUT IS WORSE NEXT DAY; attaches great weight to other people’s opinion; like to be flattered; pain in back and hips, with coldness of extremities; sharp knifelike pains in uterus, (<) after stool, after sleep.
Petroleum [Petr]
Profuse leucorrhoea every day for several days, with lascivious dreams; burning in the genital organs, with some discharge of blood; leucorrhoea like albumen; premature menses; passes only as little at a time; urine with different-colored sediments and shining pellicle on surface.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Smarting-blistering leucorrhoea; annoying sense of weakness across abdomen; consequence of masturbating; amenorrhoea with chlorosis; delaying and scanty menses; stitches through the pelvis from the vagina to the uterus; milky or slimy leucorrhoea during a morning walk; viscid leucorrhoea in place of the menses, suitable to tall and slender persons with phthisical habits;sensation of heat passing up the back; vertigo on rising in the morning; constipation.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Leucorrhoea after the menses. profuse yellowish leucorrhoea, with itching some days after the menses; onanism and many of its evil consequences; great sense of weakness with a remarkable state has to rise frequently at night to pass large quantities of colorless urine; uterine ulcer; has a copious, putrid, bloody discharge, with itching or corroding pain, os entirely free from pain; irritable uterus; it is distended with gas; nervous debility with cold, clammy sweats or profuse perspiration.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Uterine leucorrhoea proceeding from the glandular portion of cervix; thick, tenacious, irritating discharge; painful menstruation accompanying erosions or ulceration of cervix.
Platina [Plat]
Leucorrhoea in WOMEN SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION, owing to the glutinous nature of the excrements; faeces adhere to rectum and anus like soft clay; ALBUMINOUS LEUCORRHOEA ONLY IN DAYTIME, without pain or any sensation, after micturition or after rising up; leucorrhoea before or after menses; leucorrhoea with pinching pain in abdomen, pressing down in groins or pudendum, alternately; voluptuous tingling in genital organs, with oppressive anxiety and palpitation of heart; cramp and stitches in indurated womb; vulva painfully sensitive during an embrace; hysteria with great oppression of spirit and melancholia; profuse and too frequent menses (Pulsatilla, reverse); suitable to women with dark hair and rigid fibre.
Podophyllum [Podo]
Discharge of thick, transparent mucus, attended with constipation and bearing-down pains in genital organs; prolapsus uteri et ani; discharge reddish, dirty, fluid, like rusty sputa of pneumonia (; congestion of portal system; retarded menstruation; prolapsus of uterus and vagina, as after parturition or from overlifting.
Psorinum [Psor]
Large lumps, UNBEARABLE IN ODOR; violent pains in sacrum and right loin; sycosis; mammary cancer, etc.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
PAINLESS LEUCORRHOEA, discharge of thick, white mucus, milky, (<) on lying down; burning thin acrid milky mucous; thick and white leucorrhoea before and during menses, with cutting pains in abdomen and cramps in bowels; milky leucorrhoea with swelling of labia, particularly after menses, masturbation causes leucorrhoea and hysterical symptoms with great sexual excitement; leucorrhoea in young girls about puberty or when menses were suppressed by fright exposure to cold and dampness; leucorrhoea with chilliness, sadness and peevishness, (<) evening, (>) fresh air; menses bloody, thick, black or thin, watery, flowing by fits and starts.
Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]
Discharge mild at first, but soon become acrid and corrosive; muscular pain about lower margin of shoulder-blade in SEDENTARY WOMEN, (<) BY LONG-CONTINUED NEEDLEWORK OR WRITING.
Sabina [Sabin]
Leucorrhoea with amenorrhoea jellylike, yellowish, ichorous and foetid; painful discharge of fresh-colored foetid blood every fortnight; offensive-smelling, milky leucorrhoea, causing an itching of pudendum; copious, starchlike, with drawing pains in small of back through to pelvis; leucorrhoea during pregnancy and confinement, with intense itching and soreness of thighs;severe
stitching pain in vagina from before backward; increased sexual desire; indescribable uneasiness and restless in lumbar vertebrae and drawing from behind the fundus uteri through pubis and genitals; like labor-pains.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Corporeal endometritis with polypi or granular formation, followed by profuse haemorrhage with a foetid, corroding, brownish leucorrhoea, ulceration of os uteri; leucorrhoea after climaxis, continuing after menses ceased entirely; distention of abdomen in the evening and flatulent discharge per vagina, coming from os uteri; irritability cannot bear to hear persons walk across the floor; hot flashes over whole body, ending in a weak, faint feeling.
Sanicula [Sanic]
Leucorrhoea smelling like fish brine; pain in back,(<) by pressing against something hard; tired, weak feeling in the morning after rising, (<) till noon, (>) in the evening hands and feet cold and clammy; foul footsweat; putrid uterine leucorrhoea, coming on in gushes.
Sarracenia-purp [Sarr]
Watery or milky leucorrhoea when walking; delaying scanty and acrid menses, with burning of the inner sides of the thighs; pains and suffering commencing at the conclusion of the flow of urine.