Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Yellowish discharge with itching and burning in vulva; acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea; mucous leucorrhoea; pain in small of back as if it would break; sharp, cutting pains across lumbar region, extending in to extremities; MENSES HAVE A PUNGENT ODOR AND VERY ACRID, excoriating thighs, with great backache and stitching pains in abdomen; feels better when warmly covered up; dry, hacking cough; obstinate sweating, with fever and chilliness; chronic metritis. Anaemia in fat, flabby old women.
Kali-ferrocyanat [Kali-fcy]
Leucorrhoea-like pus, yellowish, creamlike, profuse, not irritating;sensitiveness of lower part of abdomen to pressure; uterus very tender to touch of finger; retarded menses.
Kali-iod [Kali-i]
Leucorrhoea thin, acrid, corrosive with itching of vulva and biting in pudendum; discharge milky-white or like the washings of meat; yellow or green leucorrhoea of a putrid smell; discharge of mucus from yellow vagina; from least cold, violent acrid coryza; diarrhoea with pain in sacrum; scrofula secondary syphilis, chronic rheumatism; all symptoms (<) by rest, (>) by motion.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Leucorrhoea like inclined to be intermittent, DISCHARGE NEARLY CEASES, WHEN WITHOUT CAUSE, IT REAPPEARS AS BEAD AS EVER; discharge bland or acrid; before and after menses, especially when standing, hardly any when siting or lying down; discharge of blood and mucus in the morning when getting up; acrid, yellowish-white leucorrhoea, with great itching at vulva; milky leucorrhoea, acrid leucorrhoea, leaving yellow spots on linen and stiffening it like starch, flesh-colored discharge, having a foul smell; YELLOW, OFFENSIVE AND ACRID DISCHARGE with itching, biting smarting and burning in pudendum, between labia and thighs; stitches in vagina from above downward, causing her to start; frequent urging to urinate preceded by a white discharge from vagina, which colors her clothes yellow; ineffectual urging to urinate and when accomplished is accompanied by chilliness and milky leucorrhoea, great debility, every little exertion throws her into a profuse sweat; white PAINLESS LEUCORRHOEA, sMELLING LIKE FRESH GREEN CORN, flowing like the menses, with pain in back and flushes of heat in face; especially adapted to a cachectic state during and after climaxis or to blonde, overgrown girls of a sad irritable disposition.
Lac-caninum [Lac-c]
Leucorrhoea ALL DAY, BUT AT NIGHT, (<) standing or walking; discharge whitish and watery; (<) about menstrual period; pains in small of back; yellow and not excoriating discharge lasting many days in succession.
Lachesis [Lach]
Copious, smarting, slimy, STIFFENING LEUCORRHOEA, STAINING THE LINEN GREENISH, with tendency to faint or to an hysterical attack JUST BEFORE MENSES SET IN; leucorrhoea with redness and swelling of external parts; smarting at vulva; leucorrhoea with irregular and insufficient menses, during climaxis; cannot bear any pressure, not even her clothing, upon uterine region; great prostration especially after lifting or exercising; chilliness at night, flushes of heat in daytime; feels unhappy on awaking in the morning; uterine congestion with prolapsus uteri; abrasion of the os, cervix very sensitive to touch, bleeds easily; soreness of whole abdomen.
Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]
Abundant, excoriating leucorrhoea, thin, brownish, bright yellow staining linen brown, excoriating the whole perineum; leucorrhoea with severe bearing down in uterine region, (<) AFTERNOON TILL MIDNIGHT, THEN (>) TILL NEXT AFTERNOON, when same symptoms return, (>) by sitting or lying down or by pressing with hands upon vulva, tenderness in hypogastric region; profuse, acrid leucorrhoea after cessation of menstrual flow. Displacements of all kinds, especially flexions and prolapsus from the lax, weak conditions of all tissues; SCANTY, THICK, DARK AND OFFENSIVE MENSES FLOW ONLY WHEN SHE IS MOVING ABOUT; cardiac complications; great depression of spirits; sensation of hurry, with inability to do anything.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Profuse leucorrhoea in starts and at intervals, precede by sharp cutting in hypogastrium; milky blood-red or rose-colored discharge, (<) just before the full of the; corroding leucorrhoea with cutting pain across abdomen from right to left and jerking of lower extremities, discharge of flatus from vagina; fermentation in abdomen.
Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]
Leucorrhoea after menses, thin and scanty, with pinching around umbilicus; acrid mucous discharge. preceded by colic, in the morning walking or sitting; itching of pudendum; delaying menses; (<)at night, while at rest, compelling to get up and walk about.
Magnesia-mur [mag-m]
Hysterical, abdominal and uterine cramps, extending into thighs and followed by leucorrhoea; sleeplessness, frequent fainting fits, starting from stomach; AFTER EVERY CONSTIPATED STOOL PROFUSE DISCHARGE OF THICK MUCUS; leucorrhoea in the morning, after urinating, from severe exercise; leucorrhoea, two weeks after menses, lasting a few days; mucus discharge at intervals, followed by escape of blood; profuse discharge of watery thick mucus from vagina; pain as from a bruise in the small of back and both hips; whole body feels painful, as if bruised.
Magnesia-sulph [Mag-s]
Burning leucorrhoea, especially during motion; profuse, thick leucorrhoea, like the menses, with bruised pain in small of back and thighs.
Mercurius-sol [Merc]
Leucorrhoea most troublesome at night, with itching, burning smarting and soreness; strong odor of urine, scorbutic gums, enlarged tonsils; leucorrhoea of a purulent character, with superficial ulceration of the external and internal parts, with heat, tenderness and pain; thick, white sediment in the urine as if flour had been stirred in the urine and allowed to settle; pimples or tubercles on the labia; prolapsus vaginae; purulent, corrosive green leucorrhoea; discharge of flocks, pus and mucus from the vagina of the size of hazelnuts (Mercurius iod., yellow, especially with children).
Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]
Primary phagedenic syphilitic ulcers, with profuse and bad suppuration; pale-yellow leucorrhoea of a disgustingly sweetish smell; aching pain, succeeded by pressing or touching the os uteri during an embrace, scanty red urine, which is passed with difficulty.
Mezereum [Mez]
Terrible irritation of vagina; chronic corroding leucorrhoea, like white of eggs; blennorrhoea urethra with violent itching and burning when urinating, uterine ulcers with smarting, pricking, burning sensation albuminous discharge, sometimes tinged with blood from vagina, menses too frequent and too profuse or too scanty, with leucorrhoea and prosopalgia.
Millefolium [Mill]
Leucorrhoea of children from atony of vaginal mucous membrane.
Murex-purp [Murx]
Watery, greenish, or thick bloody leucorrhoea, ONLY IN DAYTIME; bloody leucorrhoea during stool, greenish excoriating discharge; great lassitude; weak gone feeling in stomach soreness in cervix; as if something were pressing on a sore spot in cervix; lancinating pains in cervix, shooting upward into thorax; feeling of heaviness and enlargement in labia and vagina; VIOLENT SEXUAL EXCITEMENT, produced by the least contact of the parts; pain in loin and hips; especially when lying in bed (Sepia, reverse); profuse menses with soreness of uterus; mental depression (>) when leucorrhoea is (<) and vice versa.
Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]
Leucorrhoea with backache, sore anus from piles or fissures; cannot bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals; pricking pain in vagina; ulcers on genitals, with putrid discharge.
Natrum-carb [Nat-c]
Thick, heavy, yellowish discharge, sometimes offensive, precede by colic and cutting pain in bowels, passing off with copious urination; DISCHARGE OF MUCUS FROM VAGINA AFTER AN EMBRACE, and thus preventing conception; pressing in hypogastrium towards the genital organs, as if everything would issue from abdomen; aversion to men and society; irresistible sleepiness; weakness of digestion; great debility from least exertion.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Profuse, thick, white, transparent leucorrhoea; acrid discharge with itching and smarting of vulva and contractive pain in abdomen; yellowish or greenish discharge, especially when walking in the morning; leucorrhoea with headache, colic ands mucous diarrhoea; bearing down pressure, as if prolapsus would occur; cutting pain in urethra after urinating; itching of vulva; pimples on pudendum and falling off of the hair; aversion to sexual intercourse; irritable mood after sexual intercourse.
Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]
Leucorrhoea at termination of menses, accompanied with great heaviness; sticking pain in vagina and vulva, while sitting, afternoons, acrid, corrosive mucous discharge from vagina; back feels bruised; shortness of breath when walking; nosebleed during menstruation.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Syphilitic ulceration, with tendency to rapid destruction of tissue, grayish or greenish in color, irregular in shape, with very offensive discharge; leucorrhoea after menses, flesh- colored, green and foetid, the spots on the linen surrounded by black borders; pruritus in the evening, sometimes when walking; stitches in the vagina, shooting upward, brown urine with strong foetid odor; epistaxis at night; cold aggravates the pruritus and the leucorrhoea; leucorrhoea, consisting of mucus which can be drawn out (Kali bichromicum, Hydrast.); violent pressure as if everything were coming out of the vulva, with pain in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs; swelling of inguinal glands; mercurio-syphilitic inflammations, condylomata.