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Causticum [Caust]

Profuse leucorrhoea, flows like menses and has same odor; only at night or (<) then; with scanty menses; ropy, clear discharge; weakening; acrid, causing itching and biting, with soreness in vulva and between legs; acridity during and after urinating, which bites like salt in pudenda; menses too early and too abundant, after its cessation a little blood is passed from time to time for many days, which smell badly.

Ceanothus [Cean]

Yellow leucorrhoea with under short ribs on left side; too copious menses; spleen affections.

Cedron [Cedr]

Leucorrhoea regularly every month, five or six days previous to menses, with pain in uterus and swelling of vulva; LEUCORRHOEA INSTEAD OF MENSES.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Burning in the vagina, as if excoriated; yellow, corrosive leucorrhoea; acrid watery leucorrhoea dinner; pressure towards the uterus, like labor-pains, with frequent desire to urinate; nervous irritability and hysterical spasms.

China Cinchona [Chin]

Great debility, attended with a certain amount of irritability; leucorrhoea instead of or preceding the menses, with pressing pains in the groin; discharge of clots, or of bloody, foul- smelling, purulent matter, with contractions in the inner parts; a melancholy feeling about the heart and a desire to take a deep breath. Painless induration in the neck of the uterus.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

ENDOCERVICITIS IN NERVOUS, NEURASTHENIC AND HYPERAESTHETIC women; marked sensitiveness of pelvic organs, cervical and vaginal leucorrhoea with sensation of weight in uterus; uterine inertia; prolapsus uteri from deficient innervation neuralgia; pain on vertex, over and in eyes.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Leucorrhoea like serum, mixed with a purulent, ichorous fluid; DISCHARGE LIKE THE WASHING OF MEAT, bloody, gushing out on bending or squatting down, with frequent urging during urination; constant leucorrhoea, though menses become more and more scanty, till they finally disappear; tearing pains in limbs, especially after eating or drinking anything cold; general sense of prostration, as if it were impossible to make any exertion; feels too weak to talk aloud; pains in back, as if menses would come on.

Coffea [Coff]

Profuse discharge of mucus and sometimes of blood from genital organs, WITH AND EXCITEMENT OF THE PARTS; hyperaesthesia of parts, she cannot bear to have them touched, (<) while urinating.

Conium [Con]

One of our best remedies in indurations, especially of scrofulous nature or from injuries; leucorrhoea of white, acrid mucus, causing a burning or smarting sensation; violent itching of vulva, followed by pressing down of the uterus; prolapsus uteri, complicated with induration, ulceration and profuse leucorrhoea; rigidity of the os uteri; stinging pains in the neck of the uterus, with induration and scirrhosities; acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea; intermitting urination, constipation; brownish blood of menses; bloody mucus instead of the leucorrhoea; leucorrhoea, with weakness and lameness in the small of the back previous to the discharge, with subsequent lassitude. LEUCORRHOEA DURING PREGNANCY.

Crocus [Croc]

Leucorrhoea with paroxysms of acute stitches from pudenda to right thigh, as if a knife were suddenly thrust into those parts every now and then, gradually penetrating the parts and increasing the pain.

Copaiva-balsam [Cop]

Leucorrhoea arising from gonorrhoea; yellow purulent gonorrhoea; haematuria.

Cubeba [Cub]

Leucorrhoea profuse, yellow, greenish, very acrid and of a very offensive odor; erythema at the inner surface of the thighs and pruritus of the vulva, with an intense desire for coition; small burning pimples, ulcers like aphthae and condylomata upon the vulva; fissured and bleeding excrescences upon the os tincae; womb swollen and painful, as if from a tumor; menses too soon, often preceded and followed by leucorrhoea, or in small quantity, and consisting mostly of leucorrhoea.

Curare [Cur]

Scanty, thick, purulent, foul-smelling leucorrhoea in clots; ulceration in the uteri, smarting in the vulva and thighs, shooting and digging pains in the womb.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Leucorrhoea in blonde, leucophlegmatic subjects, with retarded or scanty menstruation; chlorosis and anaemia, fits of fainting and constant chilliness of the whole body.

Daphne-mezereum [Mez]

Leucorrhoea resembling albumen, malignant, chronic; discharge of mucus from the vagina; menses too early and protracted; prolapsus ani; constipation.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

As this remedy is especially adapted to all catarrhal ailment in the damp, cold weather, it may also find a place in acute catarrh of the sexual organs from such a cause.

Erigeron-canad [Erig]

Profuse uterine and vaginal leucorrhoea, with spasmodic pains and irritation of bladder and rectum, usually scanty menses; chronic uterine leucorrhoea; urination painful or suppressed.

Eucalyptus [Eucal]

Profuse, catarrhal, yellow discharge from enlarged, swollen, cervical papillae; corroding, irritating leucorrhoea, urethral irritation and sensitiveness, urethral carunculae; acute catarrh of all mucous surface.

Eupatorium-purp [Eup-pur]

Uterine leucorrhoea caused by exhaustion of uterus and chronic metritis, quite abundant, leaving no stain upon linen; EXTERNAL GENERAL ORGANS FEEL, AS IF THEY WERE WET, only a delusion; urinary complication.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Leucorrhoea like watery milk, smarting and corroding when first appearing, not afterwards; dragging pains in loins, pelvis and thighs. Leucorrhoea mild and milky, or acrid and sharp, with soreness; mucous discharge in place of menses; WATERY MENSES IN. WOMEN WHO FLUSH EASILY, with dyspnoea and beating of heart, weary and tired with desire to lie down; pruritus vulva; painful or insensible during coitus. Hysteria and chlorosis.

Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i]

Leucorrhoea like boiled starch; discharge stringy during defaecation, itching and soreness of vulva and vagina; parts much swollen; retroversion of uterus.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Sensation of heaviness in the uterine region, with increase of the white leucorrhoeal discharge; nervousness, especially adapted to nervous, excitable, hysterical females, to ailments from masturbation, with great depression of spirits and excessive languor; feeling of fulness in the hypogastrium, and aching

across the sacrum.

Graphites [Graph]

INDURATION AND CONGESTION OF CERVIX; wart-shaped excrescences on cervix; great weight and lancinating pains in lower part of abdomen and uterus; very profuse leucorrhoea, often excoriating, of very thin, white mucus with weakness of back; occurring in gushes day and night; abdomen distended; menses rash on labia, (<) early in the morning when rising from bed.

Guaco [Gua]

(Dr. Fornias.) Copious, corrosive, PUTRID leucorrhoea, very debilitating, sensation as if FIRE WERE RUNNING OUT OF HER PARTS and that the inside of thighs were tanned and her linen stained yellow; terrible itching and smarting, at night.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Leucorrhoea with much relaxation of the vaginal walls, profuse flour albus, constituting a drain on the system as serve as a bleeding; passive haemorrhages. Suits blondes with leucophlegmatic temperament, who sleep late in the morning, are depressed in mind, irritable and languid after waking and who at each menstrual period into a state resembling stupor.

Helonias [Helon]

Feeble with prolapsus or other displacements; abundant watery leucorrhoea, cervix ulcerated or raw from erosion; OLD CHRONIC CASES WITHOUT CONGESTION; leucorrhoea of bad odor, every little exertion tends to produce a flow of blood; sensation of soreness and weight in the womb; feels heavy drowsy and sluggish, deep, undefined mental and physical depression from atony and anaemia; melancholia; glands affected; anaemia with albuminuria; intense pruritus, heat and swelling, with exfoliation of epidermis.

Hepar [Hep]

Leucorrhoea, with smarting of genital organs, PRURITUS DURING MENSES; uterine ulcers, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese; edge of ulcers sensitive often a pulsating sensation in ulcer, much itching or little pimples around ulcer.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Tenacious, viscid, thick, yellow leucorrhoea, either vaginal or uterine the DISCHARGE HANGING FROM OS IN LONG, VISCID STRING; profuse debilitating albuminous leucorrhoea, accompanied with great sexual nisus and severe pruritus immediately after menstruation; leucorrhoea complicated with hepatic derangement and constipation; tenacious discharge with prostration at the epigastrium and violent, continued palpitation of heart; engorgement; pruritus vulvae, haemorrhoids.

Iodum [Iod]

Corroding leucorrhoea; she is easily exhausted and put out of breath, especially on ascending; corrosive discharge in thin, delicate women, between menses, who suffer from chronic congestion of inflammation of uterus and ovaries (right side); induration of womb; carcinoma of cervix.

Kali-ars [Kali-ar]

Copious, thin, brown, horribly offensive, acrid leucorrhoea; flying pains in uterus; great weakness; walking cause perspiration; melancholy and jealousy.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Yellow, tough ropy discharge can be drawn out in long strings (Hydrast.); yellow, stiff leucorrhoea with severe pains and weakness across small of back, and dull heavy pain in epigastrium; accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus about sexual organs; soreness and rawness in vagina; prolapsus uteri during hot weather; itching at vulva; weakness of digestion; habitual constipation; subinvolution of uterus; especially adapted to fat, light-haired women.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.