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Psora Miasm

Signs and Symptoms of Psora Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…

Have a SYCO-PSORIC Variola + base. The malignancies of psora are prone to develop at the age of 40.

In Ichthyosis (fish skin) we find all the chronic miasms and where we find them all present, we usually bind an incurable skin disease especially if hereditary.

In Ichthyosis we see the dryness of PSORA, in the squamae of SYPHILIS and often the moles & warty eruption of sycosis. All miasms are present in erysipelas – carcinoma- epithelioma- lupus.

In nerves or congenital marking of the skin we have all the miasms as in elephantiasis.


Mental activity, quick, active. Prostrated easily from mental exertion or impressions; heat or whole body after mental impressions or exertions, anxious, filled with forebodings; fear of death or of illness, or that their case is hopeless, incurable; mental depression, despondency; timidity with a sense of fatigue; vanishing of thoughts while reading or writing; cannot control thoughts; at times seems deprived of thoughts; sadness, anxiety and dread of labour; great inward uneasiness and anxiousness; repeated attacks of fearfulness during the day with or without pain, oppression and anxiety on waking in the morning, In restless, mental spells the must move about.

Patient is better for perspiration. The mental anxiety of psora often makes its appearance around full moon or at the approach of menses in women. Weeping often palliates. Dread of labour, of being alone, of the dark; sudden transition from cheerfulness to sadness, or to peevishness, without any apparent cause. Melancholy violent beatings of the heart, anxiety and extreme nervousness often follow the awakening of psoric patients from sleep.

Pulsation in different parts of the body and a feeling of constriction about different parts. This kind of mental or moral disease originates from psora. A certain feeling of insanity induces those patients to kill themselves although they have no anxiety, no anxious thoughts and seem to enjoy their full understanding. Nothing can save them except the cure of psora.

Easily frightened, often by trivial things-fear often begins with trembling and shaking of body followed by great weakness and muscular prostration, and copious perspiration often.

They have chills or chilly sensations, fainting spells, headaches, nausea, vomiting and a host of symptoms follow attacks of fever, even to convulsions, epilepsy and spasms.

They become dizzy and faint in a crowd, or when they meet strangers, or when any unusual ordeal is to take place, they have headaches, faint spells, nausea, vomiting or they are suddenly taken with diarrhoea. They are easily bewildered, inclined to be irritable, cross, or sensitive to many impression, such as odours of flowers, smell of cooking foods, atmospheric changes, bad news, joy; or they are very easily disturbed mentally.

They easily fly into a passion yet in a moment again they weep and are penitent. In anger they tremble with rage when over they are greatly prostrated and often sick for a time. The true psoric patient is bright, active, quick in movement. Usually exalted although when he has the dumps everybody knows it-he’s a constant annoyance to his friends.

They are often in trouble; often found complaining; fault finding. Unsatisfied, never well, and yet often quite able to locate their troubles. A chronic complainer – a chronic grumbler, never satisfied with his conditions in life; they are abused, neglected and yet at the same time one is doing all one can for them.

Anxious when ill, apprehensive, despondent, melancholy, sad, changeable in their moods, Moodiness, where they are very changeable is quite pathognomonic of psora.

Time goes too fast or too slow.

Absent minded in a general way.

Psora is full of fear; he fears everything. He fears darkness, he fears to be alone, fears an ordinary ailment, and thinks that something serious would come of it.

Fears what will happen in the future. Psora is restless, in thought, feeling and will and this leads to restlessness in action. There is an all round restlessness- he is never satisfied with the existing state of things. He thinks he is not rich enough and tries to acquire more riches. He is never satisfied with his married wife and therefore seeks gratification in other women- and thus he acquires gonorrhoea and syphilis.

There is no calmness, no peacefulness of mind; no quietude. It however follows that this restless state of mind has a keenness of intelligence, because restlessness of mind means sensitivity, and sensitivity is power of understanding things easily. But this power of understanding or keenness of Psora is of no use to the world because it is perverse. (B)

In delusions or mania there is no end to his words; words are multiplied and he has no trouble in finding them. His thoughts run so fast and words are so multiplied that he does not know what to do with them.

He may be so depressed he cannot speak but when he is able to speak he is never at a loss of words, in fact they come to him in mental troubles faster than he can speak them.

Mental delusions of all kinds.

Delirium and action is often disgusting and they have more foolish fancies than they would have in true delirium.

Patients are better by psoric attacks of all kinds, by diarrhoeas, copious urination or perspiration.

Sudden anxiety with strong palpitations of the heart. With people suffering from gastric or liver troubles, the liver becomes inactive, often due to overeating, when patient becomes much depressed, irritable, disclined to work, with sudden loss of energy and no desire to do anything. This condition may be temporarily improved by a cathartic.

The epilepsy of PSORA or the true insanity of PSORA is usually of a TUBERCULAR nature, that is latent SYPHILIS and PSORA.

Malignant cases have all the miasms present.

The mental symptoms arising from moral insanity usually arise from a mixed miasm our country.


Vertigo- in walking, moving, looking up quickly or rising from sitting or lying position.

Whirling vertigo with nausea in bilious subjects.

Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness when things appear too larger or too small; vertigo with eructations, with rush of blood to the head, or face, with headaches, prosopalgia followed with temporary blindness; vertigo as if intoxicated; especially is this true in the morning dullness of intellect and confusion, with nausea, vomiting of mucus only : vertigo when stooping and with lightness of head as if swimming, sensations as if floating in the air: sensations as if the head were larger than the body, as if turning in a circle; vertigo with digestive disturbances of all kinds, with nausea, vomiting, disturbances of the portal system and constipation; vertigo on reading or writing with confusion of mind or with specks or stars before the eyes; or sensations of a veil before the eyes; vertigo on closing the eyes on falling asleep; vertigo with sensation of falling or as if in a boat; vertigo on riding in a boat or at sea, with nausea and vomiting or when riding in a street car or in a carriage.

Psoric patients cannot be disturbed much, they prefer to remain quiet when sick unless the mind is affected.

The brain becomes anaemic easily, therefore they are subject to kinds of vertigo. Vertigo with flashes of heat, and with perspiration, which often ameliorates; vertigo in a warm room or when the air is not good.

Vertigo when stooping, when walking, with roaring in the ears and confusion of the senses, heaviness of the head and weakness of the lower extremities and palpitation of the heart. Vertigo on turning over in bed or closing the eyes.


Morning headaches, constantly returning, persistent, usually frontal. Usually worse as morning approaches. These headaches grow worse as the sun ascends and decreases as it descends. Sharp, severe paroxysmal. Usually frontal, temporal, or tempoparietal, sometimes on vertex.

Headaches with bilious attacks, nausea and vomiting coming once or twice a month. Headaches better quiet rest or sleep.

Headaches better hot applications, quiet, rest, sleep.

Temporal or frontal.

Headache with red face, throbbing, better rest, quiet and sleep and better hot applications. (R)

A TUBERCULAR or SYPHILITIC headache will often last for days and is very sever, often unendurable, sometimes with sensation of bands, about the head. Many are due to effusion. Patient often has a weak feeling about the head – cannot hold it up, and some times they are so severe as to produce unconsciousness, rolling or boring of the head into the pillow, ocular paralysis, moaning, with feverishness and restlessness, or patient is stupid, dull or listless, even semi-conscious. Rush of blood to head, or face with roaring in ears, with determination of blood to chest, hot hands and feet, have to bathe them in cold water. See Phos and Opium. Sometimes headaches are worse heat. This shows the amelioration to be found in the SYPHILITIC miasm by cold.

In the SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR headaches of children, they strike, knock or pound their heads with their hands or against some object.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.