Psora Miasm

Great hunger before headaches. Headaches from repelled eruptions or suppression of any skin eruptions, hunger before or during headache.


Hair dry, lustreless, tangles easily, breaks and splits.

Hair of head as if parched and dry. (H)

Hair becomes white in spots.

Aversion to uncovering head, dry eruptions on scalp; hair dry, dead like, full of dry, scaly bran-like dandruff which can be shaken out like a shower of bran; hair falls out generally worse after acute fevers or acute diseases.

Hair falls out after abdominal and chest diseases hair falls out after abdominal and chest or after parturition.

Hair falls generally.

Hair of head frequently falls out; most in front, on crown, and top of head; bald spots or beginning baldness of certain spots.(H)

Eruptions in hair of true psora usually dry.

Severe itching of scalp with dryness.

Under the skin are formed painful. Lumps which come and pass away like bumps and round tumors. (H) A cold pressure on top of head. (H)

Hair comes grey too early.


Dry scaly dandruff on scalp with much itching. Dry crusty eruptions. (Scalp full of dandruff with or without itching. H).

Small papular eruptions on scalp.

Dry eczematous eruptions. These eruptions are worse in open air; worse evenings and heat of bed. Better scratching but burning and itching follows. These eruptions do not suppurate but dry down and become dead scales. (R)

Scalp is dry. (Rarely perspiring. R)

Head normal size and colour.

Scalp eruption of true psora are usually dry scales, and crusts of psora dry; if moist, discharge is scanty and either of pure serum or bloody serum. Pimples inflame and are very sensitive and often painful but they do not suppurate.

Heat of head.

Cannot comb hair until it is wet or moistened as it is so dry.

Cannot bear much heat on head.

Scalp always looks unclean.

Eruption on head, tinea capitis, malignant tinea with crusts of greater or less thickness with sensitive stitches when one of the places becomes moist when it becomes moist a violent itching and the whole crown of the head painfully sensitive to the open air; with it hard swellings of the glands of the neck. (H)

The hair of the head as if parched.

Feeling of contraction in the skin of the scalp and the face.(H)


The eyeball is seldom affected very profoundly.

Psoric eye troubles are always accompanied by itching and burning. (B)

Aversion to light Photophobia but much more marked in TUBERCULOSIS. and SYPHILIS.

Eyes are most sensitive to daylight; they are pained by it and close involuntarily. (H)

The psoric eye has a great intolerance to daylight or sunlight.

Eyelids, especially in the morning are as if closed; he cannot open them (for minutes, years even hours); the eyelids are heavy as if paralysed or convulsive closed. (H)

Psoric pains better heat worse as morning approaches, and as the sun rises towards the meridian.

Spots before the eyes; this is characteristic of psora. (R)

Before the eyes there are floating as it were flies, or black points or dark streaks or networks; especially when looking into sun (H)

Conjunctival troubles, often purely psoric, especially when there is an ardent desire to rub the eyes, much itching in canthi, constant not better by rubbing.

The canthi are full of pus-like mucus (eye-gum). (H)

Inflammation of eyes of various kinds. (H)

Great dryness, itching and burning of the eyes to be found frequently under psora.

Edges of eyelids full of dry mucus. (H)

On the edges of the eyelids inflammation of single Meibomian glands. or of several of them. (H)

He cannot look long at anything, else everything flickers before him; objects seem to move. (H)

Usually the inflammatory troubles involving the eyes are accompanied with much itching and burning of the lids with a great desire to rub them.

Fiery zig-zag appearance around the objects, or dark spots followed with streaks of light, unsteadiness of vision or the vision is blurred. Letters run together in reading.

The pains and neuralgias are usually worse in the morning or throughout the day and are better by heat.

Pressive pain in the eyes, especially late in the evening, he must shut them. (H)

Sensation of cold in the eyes. (H)

Yellowness around the eyes and of the whites of the eyes. (H)

Dim, opaque spots on cornea. (H)

Dropsy of the eye. (H)

Obscuration of the crystalline lens cataract. (H)

Squinting. (H)

Far sightedness, he sees far in the distance, but cannot clearly distinguish small objects held close. Short sightedness, he can see even small objects by holding them close to the eye, but the more distant the object is in the more indistinct it appears; and at a great distance he does not see it. (H)

False vision; he sees objects double or manifold, or only the one half of them. (H)

The eyes seem to loom through veil or mist; the sight becomes dim at certain times. (H)

Night blindness; he sees well in day time but in the twilight he cannot see at all. (H)

Blindness by day, he can only see well during the twilight. (H) Amaurosis; uninterrupted dimness of vision increased finally even to blindness. (H)


Usually of a reflex origin or of a nervous character.

Running from the ear of thin, unusually ill-smelling pus. (H)

Porches of the ear look dirty, dry and scaly.

Auditory canal always dry and scaly, dry, bran-like scales constantly forming and falling off into the canal.

Oversensitiveness to sounds or noises.

The hearing is excessively irritable and sensitive; she cannot bear to hear a bell ring without trembling; he is thrown into convulsions by the beating of a drum, etc.; many sounds cause pains in the ear. (H)

There are stitches in the ear outwardly. (H)

Crawling sensation and itching in the ear. (H)

Dryness in the ear; dry scabs within, without any ear-wax. (H)

Pulsation in ear. (H)

Various sounds and noises in ear. (H)

Deafness of various degrees, even up to total deafness with or without noises in ears; occasionally worse according to the weather. (H)

Swelling of the parotid glands. (H)


Greatly increased sensitivity of smell. Unusually affected by odours of any kind which will even awake them from sleep. Troubled with odours of cooking, smell of flowers, perfumes, paints, plants, as they induce nausea, vomiting, headaches, loathing of food, faintness, sickness of stomach, vertigo, loss of appetite, etc., etc.

Epistaxis more or less profusely, more or less frequently. (H)

The nostrils as it were stuffed up. (H)

Sensation of dryness in the nose, troublesome even when the air passes freely. (H)

Polypi of the nose, usually with loss of power of smelling; these may extend also through the nasal passages into the fauces.(H)

Sense of smell weak, lost. (H)

Hay fever is an expression of SYPHILIS and LATENT SYCOSIS, very often with a PSORIC taint.

The psoric cold begins with sneezing, redness, heat, sensitiveness to touch when blown for some time; discharge thin, watery and acrid.

Painful boils, pimples and vesicles-in septum: often extremely painful and sensitive and seldom break or discharge much pus. The septum looks dirty of sooty looking.

In Rhinitis it is often dry, hot and burning.

In lupus of the nose the three miasm are usually present.


There may be no appearance of psora or it may be marked. Face pale, sallow, earthy, sometimes eyes sunken with blue rings.

Hot flushes at climateric.

Red lips.

Skin dry, rough and pimply, unwashed and unclean appearance.

Vesicles about the mouth, small, white, transparent and accompanied with much itching.

Swelling and burning of lips.

Erysipelas of face, psoric and sycotic.

In psoric fevers face becomes very red, hot and shiny.

Paleness of face during first sleep with blue rings around eyes.


Frequent redness of face and heat. (H)

Yellowish yellow colour of face. (H)

Swallow yellowish complexion. (H)


Thrush and stomatitis.

Sordes about the mouth. (R)

Swelling and burning about the lips rather than fissures. (R)


Sour, sweet, bitter or “a bad taste”.

Bitter taste (mostly in the morning, H) with yellow coated tongue.

After eating sweet things, taste sour, or patient may have a sweet, sour or bitter taste.

Intolerable sweet taste in mouth, almost constantly. (H)

Much perverseness of taste, bread tastes bitter, water has an abnormal taste, etc.

Tasting of food recently eaten or eructations, tasting of food or of grease, fats and oils.

Some are very sensitive to taste.

Burnt taste ONLY psoric, Insipid, slimy taste. (H)

Any miasm may have a partial or complete loss of taste.


Taste should be neutral and any perversion of falsification has miasmatic basis.

Foul taste of Nux-vom worse morning.

Bitter taste of Bryonia worse morning.

Nat mur and Phos have a bloody taste.

Aloes has a bitter taste yet cures inky taste.

Elaps cor has bloody taste before coughing.

Mercury has a metallic taste.

Hepar and Tuberculinum and Pyrogen have taste of pus before coughing.


Desires sweets, acids and sour things. In fevers, craves butter milk, acid things, pickles, cabbage and indigestible things.

Cravings for unusual things in pregnant state which go after child is born; they are sometimes conveyed to the child.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.