Ischias sciatica coxalgia

Lachesis [Lach]

PAINS IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING LOCALITY, now in head, now in teeth, now in sciatic nerve, attended with nervousness, palpitation of heart; flushes of heat, constipation. Intolerable itching and burning pains running from hip to foot; pain in (right) sciatic nerve by increasing motion; suppressed tetters on legs return profusely; when lying quietly in bed.

Ledum [Led]

The PAIN RUNS FROM THE FOOT UPWARD; pinching-drawing pain in either hip-joint, descending along the posterior surface of thigh; pressure in posterior region of the thigh, with sensation of contraction of muscles; THE AFFECTED LIMB IS COOLER THAN THE REMAINDER OF THE BODY; pains worse when getting warm in bed, when touching the parts; LEFT SIDE more affected with weakness and heaviness of the parts;pains followed by swelling of feet and limbs; extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet; itching of dorsal surface of feet and on the ankles at night; DEFICIENCY OF VITAL HEAT.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

CHRONIC CASES; burning and stinging pains, with complete intermission; stiffness and weakness in the affected limb; worse by rest and slightly alleviated by motion, but (>) by keeping moving; painful muscular twitchings; constipation; abdomen bloated,.with incarcerated flatulence; urine high-colored, turbid red sandy sediment; pain (<) by pressure upon affected part by sitting or lying upon it, and intolerable when standing, cannot straighten out limb, pains returning every fourth day periodically.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

Inability to lie in bed at night, must stand all the time, paroxysms in violent lightening-like shocks, (<) on right side.

Menyanthes [Meny]

Stitching contractive pain in the region of the hip-joint; cramp-like drawing in the anterior portion of thigh when sitting; when sitting, THE THIGHS AND LEGS ARE SPASMODICALLY JERKED UPWARD( Sticta); pain relieved by motion and pressure, worse evening, during rest and when lying down; after abuse of quinine.

Mercurius [Merc]

Lancinations in hip-joint and in knee, particularly at night and during motion; drawing and heaviness in lower limbs;chilliness and dread of cold air.

Mezereum [Mez]

Darting in hip-joints down to knee; drawing pain along the whole thigh, leaving a painful weakness, hindering walking feels as if the flesh were torn from the bones; sensation of internal heat, surface being cold; worse from touch, motion, evening and night; better in open air and after daybreak.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Tensive pain in right hip-joint and knee, of a remittent character; PAINFUL CONTRACTION of hamstrings; limb emaciated; limb painful to touch; pains renewed or increased in a recumbent posture, even in a daytime, worse towards noon, relieved by heat.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Ischiatic pains in some motions, always when getting up from sitting or when turning in bed; can hardly find a position in which the pain in the hips and lions is tolerable; relief from changing position does not last long.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Pain across the buttocks below spine; hip as if sprained, with limping; restlessness, heaviness and trembling of limbs, especially mornings.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Drawing-tearing pains from below upward, relieved by hot water, with stiffness and contradiction of the limb; great pain along the affected limb down into the foot; sensation of paralysis, with coldness of parts affected; can lie best on painless side (Bryonia, reverse); worse early in morning and during stool; constipation.

Palladium [Pall]

Ischias right side, pain from toes to hip or from trochanter to hollow of knee; dull aching pains.(<) evenings, towards night, from cold or motion, (>) by warmth and rest.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Neuralgia pains on the outer side of thigh; pressing, shooting, drawing aching, worse from motion, pressure at night and after sleeping; great lassitude and desire to lie down; chronic cases of syphilitic origin.

Plumbum [Plb]

CHRONIC SCIATICA WITH MUSCULAR ATROPHY; continuous, constrictive or lacerating pains, (<) at night, by heat, motion or light pressure; (>) by massage; hectic fever, dry cough, great exhaustion.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Pain descends ANTERIOR CRURAL NERVE, increasing in intensity as it goes down; (<) by straightening limbs.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Drawing pain, worse towards evening and at night, compelling patient to move the limb constantly; LEFT-SIDED ISCHIAS, cannot rest, although motion aggravates; no thirst, weeps constantly; the worse the pain, the more severe the chills; anorexia.

Ranunculus [Ran-b]

Sciatica ESPECIALLY IN WOMEN, pains worse by moving about, yet not relieved by lying down; pains worse in rainy, stormy weather; stitching-burning pains, radiating from the dorsal region of the spine.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

During advanced course of the affection, especially when caused by exposure to wet, or straining in lifting; stinging, burning, tearing pain, with a sensation of coldness and numbness, formication and paralytic stiffness of the limb, increasing during rest and when beginning to move, relieved only for a short time by motion; frequent paroxysms of cramps in calves; worse in open air, better from dry heat.

Ruta [Ruta]

The pain is deeply seated as if in the MARROW OF THE BONE itself, or as if the bone were broken; the patient is obliged to walk about constantly during the paroxysms, as the pain increased as soon as he sits lies down; constant complaining about his sufferings, which are of a burning or corrosive character, worse in damp or cold weather, or from cold applications, ischias arising from INJURIES AND CONTUSIONS.

Salicylic-acid [Sal-ac]

Drawing-shooting pains from behind forward and downward to the knees and toes; burning at the toes as if the feet were in an ant-hill; trouble in ascending, worse at night.

Silicea [Sil]

Pains shoot through extremity at the moment when the foot is raised as when ascending; twitching of limbs day and night; limbs go to sleep easily.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Aching pain around hip-joint when walking or sitting; pulsating in hip-joints as from beginning suppuration; legs painfully weak, especially the knees, crural neuralgia, stinging-stitching pains during movement.

Stillingia [Still]

LEFT-SIDED SYPHILITIC SCIATICA; aching pains in the feet, on the insteps, in the hips, legs, left lumbar region;pains in toes and external malleoli; aching pains in back, shooting down the thighs and legs; periostitis and nodes of tibia.

Stramonium [Stram]

MORBUS COXARIUS; left side more-affected; spasmodic rigidity of lower limbs.

Sulphur [Sulph]

NEURALGIA CRURALIS; subacute sciatica from some dyscrasia in organism;pain in small of back, stitching-drawing on rising from a seat; tensive pain in hip-joint, especially left one; drawing down the limb, accompanied by a bruised sensation; heavy feeling of affected limb and numbness as if paralyzed, (<) when walking; increase of pain at night from the warmth of bed; more or less rigidity of the knees, swelling of feet in chronic cases.

Tellurium [Tell]

Sciatica, left with sensitiveness of the spinal column, pains radiating from sacrum to the right nerve, after going to bed, from pressing at stool, coughing, laughing by lying on affected side.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

Extremely violent pain with nervous irritability; pains like ELECTRIC FLASHES and tingling pains, especially at night or towards 3 A. M. must up and let legs hang out of bed, must walk about.

Viscum-alb [Visc]

SEVERE CASES; metastasis of pain from nape of neck to buttock and outside of the thigh; fearful tearing, shooting, throbbing pains in left side of sacrum, extending to thigh; sensation as if the flesh of the thigh were torn away hot pincers; great sensitiveness of thigh, slightest touch causing pain; pains periodic from sacrum into the pelvis, worse in bed, with tearing- shooting pains from above downward in both thighs as well as in the upper extremities, with sleeplessness and general prostration.

Xanthoxylum [Xan]

Severe pains follow the course of the crural nerve (Gnaph., posterior sciatica); gently electric shocks pass through body; numbness all through left side of body.

Zincum [Zinc]

Violent, long-lasting pain about the last lumbar vertebrae; burning along the whole spine; patient cannot sit at all, must walk about, feet are fidgety; sensation of stagnation in the blood of the legs; rheumatic sciatica, worse from being overheated and from exertion; hysterical hyperaesthesia ( Zinc val.).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.