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Meningitis Basilar

Homeopathy treatment for Meningitis Basilar from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Meningitis Basilar…

AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]

Great irritability (Helleb): child cannot hold up his head; pupils dilated and insensible to light; eyes insensible to the approach of objects; feature expressive of great anguish; mouth very dry or very moist; pulse very feeble; lies stretched out in a semi-comatose condition.

Agaricus [Agar]

INTELLECTION DIMINISHED ALMOST TO IMBECILITY : violent and rapid rolling of head; increased bodily mobility with twitching of muscles; spasms of eyes and eyelids; spots here and there which itch and burn.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Repercussion of some acute eruption (Sulphur, Chronic ). FIRST stage of the disease; child bores it head backward into the pillow and rolls it from side to side; every little while the child from sleep with a shrill, piercing cry, due to pain; child is sleepy, but cannot sleep;great restlessness at night; squinting; grating of teeth; trembling of limbs, one-half of body twitching, other half paralyzed; gives no evidence of sight when light is thrust towards eyes; no evidence of hearing; when water is put into its mouth no effort of swallowing is made; irregular pulse; dry, blistered tongue, exquisite soreness of abdomen; olive- green, slimy, profuse stools, full of bright-red lumps, like chopped beets, with colic and tenesmus; small stools smelling brassy; copious sweat of head of musk-like odor;urine scanty, milky-looking or profuse; occasional red streaks or crimson spots on face and different parts of body (Helleb. follows well this cerebral depression and exudation).

Apocynum-can [Apoc]

STAGE OF EXUDATION; Large head, bulging of frontal bone; fontanelles wide open; squinting or blindness, one side paralyzed, NO CEPHALIC CRY AS IN APIS, as it is indicated in more advanced cases; urine suppressed; coma with stupid drowsiness, constant involuntary motion of one leg and arm.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

(In alternation with Calcareaphos., according to Grauvogl.) Last stage; convulsions with great restlessness between that of tacks, or every successive spasm is announced by a very marked degree of restlessness.

Arnica [Arn]

Hydrocephalus in consequence of a trauma, as long as there is still some reaction; coma with screaming out during unconsciousness; heat and redness of face with deathly coldness of extremities; boring head in pillow during sleep; after exudation amblyopia, deafness, involuntary defaecation and urination. MENINGEAL IRRITATION MAY NOT SHOW ITSELF UNTIL SEVERAL WEEKS AFTER THE INJURY.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Great depression of the vital forces, manifested by great prostration; emaciation; pallor; thirst; sometimes the child strikes its head with its fists, as temporary relief.

Artemisia-vulgaris [Art-v]

When the LEFT SIDE IS PARALYZED THE RIGHT IS IN A STATE OF CLONIC SPASM; the child lies in a sleepy or dreamy state, and yet will drink large draughts of water without being entirely aroused; surface of body cold, involuntary stools, greenish and thin; sharp shooting pains through head, which is bent backward and sideward;staring at the ceiling with immovable eyes and dilate pupils; face pale, looks oldish;chewing motions of gums, grinding teeth, froth at the mouth.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

May prevent it in psoric children who do not grow, but pine away, with swelling of glandular structures.

Belladonna [Bell]

High fever, with dry burning heat of the whole body, severe burning thirst, beating of carotids, stormy beating of heart; full strong, quick pulse; sleeplessness, or sleep full of anxious dreams, and fright when awaking; deliria; vertigo when rising up, with nausea and vomiting, passing off when lying down; bright shining eyes, visions, pupils contracted or dilated, blindness; severe headache, a if the head would burst, with pain at every motion and surring of ears; almost constant moaning; convulsions; the child lies in a drowsy or semi-comatose state, is constantly starting and jumping, bores its head backward into the pillow, and tries to bend its body backward. During dentition; after exposure to a dry, cold north wind; is more suited to the simple meningitis, not tubercular; Apis follows well.

Bryonia [Bry]

After Bell, in simple meningitis, as soon as symptoms of exudation appear, with almost constant motion of thee jaws, as if the child were chewing something; SENSORIAL DEPRESSION, BUT NO PERVERSION OF SENSES; partial loss of consciousness; sudden change of disposition; hasty, impetuous drinking and swallowing; lips dry and parched; violent lancinating pains shoot thorough head from one side to the other; face dark-red; stools very dry and hard, or constipation, the least motion causes nausea and faint feeling; cries when taken up or moved; suppressed or painful urination with much straining.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Acts particularly well after Sulph. in the EARLY STAGE OF ACUTE HYDROCEPHALUS, but it may even do good when symptoms of effusion are present. Fat babies with large stomach sensitive to pressure, bowels rather loose; head sweats profusely during sleep, especially occiput, feet damp and cold; slow and troublesome dentition.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

POSTERIOR FONTANELLE WIDE OPEN; bones of skull thin and friable; screaming and grasping the head with the hands; head totters; squinting as if from pressure; eyeballs distended and protruding;ears and tip of nose cold; face pale, sallow, yellowish; stupid look. takes no interest in anything, always worse about sun down, great desire for salt meat and potatoes.

Camphora [Camph]

Great coldness of skin, yet child cannot bear to be covered;dizzy heaviness in head which sinks backward; oppressive headache from within outward; eyes deeply sunken, pale face; tongue cold, flabby, trembling; picking of nose.

Cantharis [Canth]

During dentition sudden loss of consciousness, with red face; lies in a stupor, with cold surface and occasional jerks, whining, (<) from motion, (>) lying quiet, involuntary spasmodic movements of eyes;grinding teeth, dry lips, without thirst, atony of bladder from long retention of urine; weakness and trembling of limbs; cold sweat on hands and feet. Suits better non- tubercular cases, when urinary symptoms prevail.

Cicuta [Cic]

Head heavy; boring of occiput into the pillow; jerking of limbs; eyes closed; on lifting lids eyes stare upward; child rolls head from side to side; has fever and hot head; sudden convulsions with froth at mouth, eyes rolled up, dilated pupils, screaming, great agitation; convulsive motions of head, trunk and limbs; grasps at one’s clothing in a frightened manner; pulse rapid.

Cina [Cina]

Picking at bedclothes (Hyosc)tongue clear, but frequent vomiting; milky-looking urine (Apis); WANTS TO BE IN MOTION ALL THE TIME, to be rocked or carried about; pitiful crying when awake; child wakes up before midnight with fear or fright, jumps up, see sights, screams and trembles; restless during sleep; uneasy and distressed and still does not want to be touched, and strikes at all around him; often from worms, but may be the prodromal stage of a meningitis.

Cuprum-acet [Cupr-acet]

METASTASIS DURING AN ATTACK OF CATARRHAL OR EXANTHEMIC FEVER; STAGE OF EXUDATION; deliria, with loud screaming, precede the sopor; convulsions begin at the periphery and extend upward; great stiffness of the neck, with remarkable paleness of the skin; pressure in praecordial region and sunken-in abdomen; great irregularity of the pulse, sinking sometimes deep below the normal state; trismus; cramps;grinding of the teeth; inability to hold the head up; bloodshot eyes; insatiable thirst, cold hands and feet and great heat in head, lockjaw (Stream);TONGUE IS DARTED FORTH AND BACK WITH GREAT RAPIDITY, like a snake’s; afraid of and shrinking away from any one who approaches him; afraid of falling, clinging tightly to the nurse; won’t stay in bed, but in the lap; conscious, knows people; during difficult dentition.

Digitalis [Dig]

Throbbing headache in forehead; violent delirium; DECIDED ERRORS IN VISION; at a later stage mental confusion and amaurosis, pupils dilated, fail to respond to light; buzzing in ears; one half of face convulsed; scanty, albuminous urine; pulse slow, even slower than the beating of heart, sometimes intermittent and small;slow, deep, heavy breathing; general prostration with coldness of body, which is covered with cold sweat;general convulsions, coma.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Catarrhal and dental fever, with predominant nervous symptoms; vertigo and blurred vision;cannot hold the head erect; dull, stupefying headache; pulse slow, soft and full, or weak; no thirst. During warm weather with southerly wind.

Glonoinum [Glon]

CEREBRAL EXALTATION (Apis, depression); head feels larger, can hardly keep the head erect; confusion; faintness; black spots before eyes; wants to keep head perfectly quiet; CRI CEREBRAL; SPASMODIC vomiting; alternately flushed and pale face; convulsions; heavy sleep, difficult to awaken.

Helleborus [Hell]

TORPOR PREVAILS (Apis shows some irritation yet.);almost constant moaning;easily angered, striking about, unwilling to have anybody near him, and getting the more angry, the more kindly he is treated; child often moves his trembling hand to head.; constant relapsing of head on raising the trunk; constant rolling of head, day and night; tongue dry and red; shooting pains in head, evincing them by sudden screams; child bores head into pillow; head hot and forehead wrinkled; automatic motion of one foot and one arm, head jerked to one side; eyeballs drawn upward, cornea hardly visible;face flushed up and then pales again; frequent rubbing of nose; nostrils dry and dirty; chewing motion of gums; greedily swallows cold water; in its nervous state wants food and then rejects it when offered;bowels constipated, or dark, scanty, jelly like stools; URINE DARK, SCANTY, LOADED WITH ALBUMEN, or no secretion of it, At a later stage, unconsciousness; eyes do not react to light, child seems to have no wants any more, asks for nothing, yet drinks greedily when water is offered. HYDROCEPHALUS ARISING INSIDIOUSLY, THE SEQUEL OF SOME OTHER DISEASE.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.