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Homeopathy treatment for Coxalgia from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Coxalgia…

Aconite [Acon]

Coxitis, with full, hurried or intermittent pulse, great restlessness and intense thirst, the pain following the whole tract of the crural nerve; drawing, tearing pains. During first stage and often as an intercurrent remedy.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Sudden appearance of the inflammatory symptoms, with high temperature, hardly any prodromal stage. Synovitis serosa seu catarrhalis; sore pain about left hip-joint, later weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in the joint.

Arnica [Arn]

After local injury; drawing, pressive pain in left hip-joint, thigh being extended, when sitting; hip-joint as if sprained; boring, tearing pains shifting from right hip-joint to various parts, (<) at night, cannot find an easy position; swelling hard, hot and shining.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Third stage; the child is emaciated, exhausted, restless; diarrhoea (<) in the middle of the night; constant thirst for small quantities at a time; pain back of great trochanter, extending down the thigh posteriorly, then towards the knee anteriorly, embracing the patella, down the tibia to the ankle; pain somewhat relieved by flexion of the knee (Arsenicum iod.).

Aurum [Aur]

Third stage; syphilitic diathesis complicated with the effects of mercury; inflammations and caries of the bones; cramplike sensation in region of hip, and of the inner brim of the pelvis, with fine stitches in glutei muscles, which are worse by rubbing.

Belladonna [Bell]

Thigh and legs feel lame and weak, with tensive pain and pressure in the thigh, as if a tight bandage were drawn around it; weakness in the region of the head of femur, and inability to walk, owing to severe pains, as if the head of the femur had been crushed; swelling and burning heat of the skin over the affected parts, (<) evening and at night, in warm room and when rising, better in the open air and when resting; drowsiness, with inability to go to sleep; congestion to head.

Bryonia [Bry]

Tearing and darting pains in hip-joint, (<) by pressing the head of the bone inward, accompanied by rigidity, tension and stiffness of the muscles.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Second stage; chronic protracted cases, pus curdy and ropy or curdy and watery; pain in nates when touched, as from subcutaneous suppuration, less when sitting or at rest than when moving or walking; pain as from ulceration in the hip-joint; numbness in the hip and thigh; limping gait or walking on the tip of the toes, (<) at night and mornings, from cold, pressure of the clothes, (>) by warmth, loosening of garments, and drawing up the limbs; frequent desire for boiled eggs; glandular swellings; great prostration with diarrhoea.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Third stage, where it may stop the further destruction of the bone and the suppuration, and promotes new organization; nates fall asleep; stinging-itching burning on small spots; sore pain

in thighs, with aching in the sacral bones; knees pain as if sprained, sore when walking; longing for bacon (Calcarea fluor.).

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Excessive prostration; the ulcers have a livid appearance, and emit a foetid odor; ichorous, offensive, blackish discharge; third stage; hectic fever dependent upon long-lasting suppuration.

China [Chin]

Hip disease with profuse suppuration, sweat and diarrhoea; drawing pains in bones of thighs, as if periosteum had been scraped with a dull knife; limbs pain, especially joints, as if bruised, (<) in rest, (>) moving; emaciation.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Second and third stage; sharp, cramplike pain in sacrum or hip; cutting or crampy pains from hip to knees, causing him to limp; (<) from least motion or touch and after sun down; (>) from rest and heat; hipjoint feels as if femur were fastened to os innominatum with iron claws, accompanied by pains which dart periodically from sacro-lumbar muscles into thigh; periosteal rheumatism about the hip, pains (<) at night; lies upon the affected side with bent- up knees; green diarrhoea; difficult urination of dark urine.

Gettysburg-Spring-Water [Get]

(Lithia) Caries of vertebrae and hip-joint, discharges acrid and excoriating, and diarrhoea; scrofulosis (Silicea).

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Strumous patients, where suppurative process has not been arrested by Mercurius, or where suppuration seems inevitable; it hastens the formation of abscess; buttock and posterior thighs painful when sitting; swelling of the knee, pains as if bruised, caries of hip-joint.

Hydrastis-can [Hydr]

Marasmus from scrofula; pain from right hip to knee while walking, cannot stand or bear one’s weight; outer part of left knee aches while sitting, worse when walking.

Iodum [Iod]

Intermittent, sharp, tearing pains between the left hip and the head of the femur, increased by moving the joint; glandular swellings; abuse of mercury.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Third stage; crampy tearing in the hip-joint and knee; bruised pain in the hip-joint when moving and sneezing; twitchings of the muscles of the thigh; dull pain in the side of the knee when walking, and especially when extending the limb; starting and twitching of the limbs during sleep; great tendency to start, especially when touched.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Periosteal osseous inflammation with interstitial infiltration; gnawing, boring pains, (<) at night; fluctuation over the hip, with a doughy surface around; darting in the hip at every step, must limp; abscesses discharge a curdy or thin ichor.

Lachesis [Lach]

Traumatic gangrene; ulcers blue and livid, and of exceedingly offensive odor; the wound is surrounded by a number of smaller ulcers; notable offensiveness of the stools, even if of a natural consistence; general malaise after sleep; ulcers sensitive to touch; blood dark, non-coagulable; haemorrhage from small wounds.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Suppurative stage, when the wounds are very irritable and the patient complains of a burning pain; great emaciation from protracted suffering; hectic fever; the pus from the openings is ichorous, bloody, of a sour smell; violent jerking of the limbs and body, awake and asleep, and great soreness when awaking out of sleep; great fear of being left alone; worse between 4 and 8 A.M.

Mercurius [Merc]

First and second stage, worse at night, restlessness and inclination to sweat; sharp stitching flashes through the joint, acute stitches in right ilium, boring pain in glutei; burning of nates; tearing pain in hip-joint, knee and femur worse during motion; limbs feel stiff when walking; involuntary twitching of the limbs; pain in right thigh as if bruised, worse after walking, suppuration seems inevitable; cachectic children, sweating from the least exertion and pains (<) after getting warm in bed. First sleep may be easy and quiet, but in a short time the child will wake up crying and unable to go to sleep again for some time; eruptions on different parts of the body.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

First stage, emaciation not great, but the thighs are atrophied. Child scrapes tongue with teeth, as if there were a hair on tongue which he wants to remove.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Affections of the left hip-joint in sycotic patients with hydrogenoid constitutions, (<) from dampness; pains (<) at night and arouse him from sleep, they cease when he turns over in bed.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Rheumatic and arthritic pains from mercurial abuses; diseases of periosteum and necrosis of the bones of the joint; caries, putrid decomposition.

Petroleum [Petr]

Scrofulosis and rachitis; protracted ill-treated cases, with hectic fever and profuse foetid suppuration; unhealthy skin, small wounds ulcerate and spread; axillary sweat.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Fistulous ulcers, with callous edges, secreting a thin foul pus, wounds and areolae livid and blue, bleeding from the slightest irritation; hectic fever; dry, hacking cough; chronic diarrhoea; urine turbid on voiding, precipitating a white sediment on cooling (follows well after Silicea).

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Emaciation from the excessive suppuration, general debility; sensation as if the bones were scraped with a knife; the disease originating from suppressed or mismanaged scarlatina or other exanthemata, after abuse of mercury.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Sharp cutting-drawing pains in hip; leg drawn up, cannot touch the floor; heavy dragging pains from hip to knee; hip disease on right side after mercury, or in syphilitic children.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

First and second stage; pain in hip-joint on pressing upon the trochanter; pain in the knee and worse from overexercise and at night; involuntary limping; spasmodic twitching in the limbs when stepping out; swelling of the glands of the neck; crusty eruptions on face and head, worse in damp cold weather, from touch; right side mostly affected; tension and stiffness of hip- joint, but not the rigid, unyielding constriction found in Coloc.

Silica [Sil]

Suppuration and caries of the bones, even where gangrene seems inevitable; disease can be traced back to vaccination; fistulous openings discharge a thin foetid pus, together with bony fragments; pale, earthy complexion; loss of smell and taste; stoppage of nose and acrid coryza; the parts on which one lies go to sleep; glandular swellings; every little sore is apt to fester (Gettysburg water).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.