Fever Intermittent

Podophyllum [Podo]

Periodicity marked; morning paroxysms, about 7 A.M. Gastric and bilious symptoms, with backache, for days before paroxysm. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, but with great loquacity during chill and far into heat, with complete forgetfulness afterwards of all that passed, not relieved by heat of stove, but by covering up warmly in bed. HEAT WITH THIRST begins during chill; violent headache with excessive thirst; falls asleep at climax of heat and sleeps during most PROFUSE SWEAT, which relieves headache, APYREXIA: no appetite, even smell of food causes loathing; foul breath, profuse salivation; constipation, diarrhoea; prolapsus of rectum, of uterus.

Polyporus-off [Bol]

(Boletus laricis).–Sporadic or endemic fevers at any season except fall. ALMOST CONTINUED FEVER, though it never runs very high; great languor and aching in all joints. CREEPING CHILLS along spine, between shoulder-blades, up the back to nape, intermingled with hot flushes; unusual chilliness in open air, with icy coldness of nose. HEAT WITH THIRST, face hot and flushed, with prickly sensation; hands, palms, feet hot and dry. SWEAT profuse after midnight in old chronic cases, otherwise light. APYREXIA : hepatic pains with jaundice, great lassitude, constipation and headache; food passes undigested.

Psorinum [Psor]

Periodicity of intermittents not marked. Cough returns every winter; attacks of other ailments return every day or every other day at the same hour. Where there is a want of vitality after severe attacks and the failure of treatment, it will clear up the case, even where Sulph. failed to give us the hunt. CHILL WITH THIRST, no upper arms and thighs, internal shivering with creeping chills and icy-cold feet; drinking causes cough. Evening HEAT, with delirium, great thirst, followed by PROFUSE sweat, (<) when walking, with consequent debility. APYREXIA: psoric symptoms; great sensitiveness to atmospheric changes; body and excretions have a filthy smell.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

NO TWO PAROXYSMS ALIKE, long chill, little heat, no thirst, stages apt to run into each other. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST at 4 P.M., vomiting of mucus when the chill comes on, dyspnoea; chilliness in spots flitting about; creeping chills over the back, over arms, with heat in face, the air of the room feels hot; cold hands and feet; they seem numb. HEAT WITH THIRST; anxious heat, as if dashed with hot water; intolerable burning heat in bed, wants to be uncovered; moans and groans, licks the lips, but does not drink. With objective and subjective heat there may be thirst; with only a sensation of heat, no thirst. SWEAT UNILATERAL, (<) at night and in the morning, ceases on waking. APYREXIA : gastric and bilious state, spleen enlarged and sensitive; constant chilliness during apyrexia; diarrhoea of glairy, watery stools; very well one hour, very miserable the next.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

All types, but evening paroxysm predominant. HOURS BEFORE CHILL DRY, TEASING, FATIGUING COUGH, continuing during the chill; gaping and profuse lachrymation before and during chill. Arm and leg of only one side (right) first feel the cold. SHAKING CHILL, even in a warm room or by a hot stove, with thirst and salivation, (>) by covering up and by sleep; chills mixed and irregular, severe, as if ice-water were dashed over him, or blood running cold through the vessels. Coldness when he moves, (<) by eating or drinking, when going from open air into a warm room. HEAT, as if dashed with hot water or as if hot water were running through the vessels. Urticaria over entire body, itching violently. Restless, constantly drinks little and often; shuddering on moving or uncovering. SWEAT profuse, odorless and not exhausting. Morning sweats on debilitating. Urticaria with violent itching, which passes off with the sweat; sweat over whole body, except face, or vice versa; sleep during sweat, which does not relieve all pains. APYREXIA: hydroa on upper lip; constant restlessness; rheumatic diathesis from getting wet after being heated; great sensitiveness to open air.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

PERIODICITY WELL MARKED, paroxysm returns at same hour with great regularity, but stages irregular, incomplete; quotidian tertian, quartan. CHILL without thirst and often without subsequent heat; violent chill over back as if dashed with cold water, (>) by warm stove, running from below upward; dry, spasmodic cough, with pain in ribs and tearing in all limbs and bones; thirst begins as chill leaves. HEAT WITH SLIGHTEST THIRST FOR WARM DRINKS, before heat begins, little after; SWEAT during heat, profuse about head and face, rest of body cool, sleep during sweat. APYREXIA : constant chilliness, bloated abdomen, sour eructations, debility.

Sambucus [Samb]

Irregular afternoon and evening fevers. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, creeping over body, though face is warm; hands and feet icy-cold, rest of body warm; spasmodic, deep, dry cough before and during chill. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, with dread of uncovering, dry heat while he sleeps. PROFUSE SWEAT breaks out on the face, without thirst, while awake and extends all over body; on going to sleep the dry heat returns. APYREXIA : profuse, not weakening sweat continues, but may become debilitating by its frequency.

Sepia [Sep]

CLEARS UP MALARIOUS DIATHESIS IN CHRONIC CASES. Intermittent returning often during the day at indefinite periods. May show first general heat with sweat on face, violent thirst and bitter taste, then chill with general coldness even in the face, with inclination to vomit, pressure in forehead extending to temple, or CHILLINESS with thirst, (<) from motion, though in warm room, beginning in fingers and toes, in chest and between shoulder-blades, on back; icy-cold and damp feet all day, with deadness of the limbs. FLUSHES OF HEAT, as if hot water were poured over him, (>) from least exercise, heat ascends with vertigo, unable to collect his senses. SWEAT profuse in the morning after awaking, (<) from least mental or physical exertion; cold night-sweat from above downward to calves of leg. APYREXIA : bulimy or anorexia.

Spigelia [Spig]

PERIODICITY MARKED; morning quotidian at same hour; CHILLS creeping from different parts of body, especially from chest, least motion brings on a chill. HEAT IN FLUSHES, gradually spreading over whole body; thirst for beer, not for water. SWEAT putrid-smelling, cold all over body. APYREXIA: desire for stimulants in debilitated, nervous subjects.

Stannum [Stann]

CHILL only in head, running down back, preceded by heat with perspiration; slight chilliness with violent chattering of teeth; if a child it will rest on abdomen; feeling of weakness in chest after expectorating or talking, greenish sputa with a sweetish, rarely salty, taste, (<) mornings, lying on side or using voice; pains gradually increase and then gradually decrease; debility and prostration.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Ravenous hunger for days before intermittent, quotidian or tertian sets in. Predominating CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, without subsequent heat, (<) in a warm room; transient chills running down the back or ascending from neck over head and face. HEAT WITH THIRST at night, especially of hands and feet, must be uncovered; warm night-sweats on abdomen, feet, genitals; cold sweat on forehead and feet. APYREXIA : extreme hunger, even when stomach is filled with food, scorbutic symptoms, diarrhoea, bloated abdomen.

Stramonium [Stram]

Quotidian double quotidian, fever without chill at noon and midnight. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, running down the back as from cold water, extending over body, with red face, hot head and twitching of limbs, and excessive sensitiveness to uncovering; skin icy-cold, covered with cold sweat, hands and feet livid. HEAT WITH THIRST; dry, glowing heat over body with redness of head and face, with sweat at same time; heat of head and face, then coldness of whole body, then general heat with anguish, sleeps during heat, covers up closely; vertigo, delirium, epileptiform convulsions, SWEAT WITH THIRST, on forehead and face, rest of body red, hot and dry; oily sweat, cold sweats. During sweat good appetite, diarrhoea, bloated abdomen, colic.

Sulphur [Sulph]

CHRONIC MALARIAL CACHEXIA, with venous congestion, no reaction, stupid, constantly sinking. Sulphur possesses the power of eradicating the morbific principle which keeps up the ague. Periodical neuralgia, not affected by extremes of temperature. Quotidian, double quotidian, tertian at any time of day. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, internal, with headache in the evening; chill and shivering over the whole body, not followed by heat and thirst, creeping up from sacrum to back, icy coldness of genitals, (>) by heat of stove. HEAT WITH THIRST, flushes of heat in face,

burning heat of palms and soles, (>) by putting them out of bed, ending in moisture and faintness; alternate heat with chilliness. SWEAT profuse at night all over and restless sleep; sweat on slightest motion or manual labour; morning sweat, setting in after waking; sour sweat. APYREXIA: great prostration after every paroxysm, with thirst for beer, burning heat on vertex, early morning diarrhoea.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.